The information in your opening post is incorrect and is available on several web pages. I assumed you had just copy and pasted it, apologies if that is a wrong assumption.
The proto-type Yak-3 began with the Yak-1M with VK105PF2. This comes directly from Stepanetz who was directly responsible for flight at the Yak design bureau.
The Yak-1 was modified (fuselage and cockpit ) through various sub types. In '43 they began testing on what was designated as a 'Yak-1
M'. It was much lighter and went through several engine changes. In the beginning of '44, after extensive testing and adjustments, it entered production as the Yak-3.
The were no Yak-3s in service for Kursk (see the OOB in the link I gave above). The only explanation for the repeated error that Yak-3s saw service at Kursk is the confusion that may originate with the Yak-1M designation.
The Yak-9 was a development from the Yak-7 line. The Yak-7 was originally an 'up sized 2 seat trainer'. The Yak-3 developed from the Yak-1. AH needs a -1 variant and a -9 (D or M) variant.
The current -9U we have in AH is the best choice for a late war Yak and is sufficient to fill the gaps left by the lack of a Yak-3. In many ways its better then the Yak-3 (higher FTH and longer range and not as 'fragile' etc...). I would like to see a Yak-3 at some point but we could use a few other Yaks in the meantime.
Pyro could easily re-gun the AH 9T with 2cm ShVak and call it a -9M. The -9M could stand in for a -9D. In fact, when I suggested it sometime ago he was in agreement and I suspect that once he re-does the Yaks the -9M will be introduced.
hereSo the Yaks I would like to see are a Yak-1 variant, Yak-7, Yak-9M, then Yak-3

Hell, give Straffo a -9UT as well...

Hope that clears it up...