Author Topic: Vox problem  (Read 214 times)

Offline wrag

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Vox problem
« on: June 20, 2006, 10:12:10 AM »
Having a Vox problem.  Usually happens shortly after I come online into AH.

I try to talk but little comes through.  Very choppy.  Bits n pieces make it to others.  Tried setting Vox to myself.  Sounds terrible!

After awhile ( usually between 10 and 15 minutes) Vox usually starts coming through fine.

Got Sound set to 3/4.  May have to try 1/2.

This SEEMED to start with release of 2.08.

Getting more UDP lost messages as well.
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.

Offline Schatzi

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Re: Vox problem
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2006, 02:58:58 AM »
Originally posted by wrag
Getting more UDP lost messages as well.

Thats the explanation for the vox cutouts... gets lost in the cables somewhere.

Hows the netstats looking? Maybe pingplot when it happens. Does a relog help?

PS: Sound accel should always be at 3/4.
21 is only half the truth.