Author Topic: Never mind Campaign Promises - we need sponsorship of politicians  (Read 175 times)

Offline Sparks

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Every time I watch an election campaign - whether it be here in the UK, in the US or wherever I wonder to myself why does everyone get so fired up about this promise and that pledge etc. - its all complete tosh.
Forget the tax cuts and vouchers - decisions will be made on the money - who pays most to get it spent the way they want.

Surely it must be obvious that once the hoohaa is over with and our new governments take their seats then the wonderful promises soon disappear and all the party funding favours and promises of seats on boards of directors get called in. That's when you see who you voted for - was it Shell or Esso ??, Smith Kline Beecham or Glaxo ?? BAT or Ford???

Wake up everyone what we need is sponsorship on an open level - at least you know who is going to pull the strings cause sure as hell it ain't you and me Joe Public.

So why not let it be on an open forum -
"....this party political broadcast on behalf of the Democrats was brought to you by Pepsi - live life to the Max and vote Democrat..."

<Sparks looks away from PC to see news showing previous UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, Kenneth Clarke, cigar in mouth being asked to comment on something on behalf of British American Tobacco of which he is now on board of directors>

Come on - lets get it in the open - I say sponsorship in Politics - what say you all ??
