In your scenerio, under what I've described above, the buildings would stay down, the damage model would stay unchanged. As for the A20 pilot, he'd get minus perks becase he augered, even though he's about to re-up. As for the first osty, I see what you're getting at. Since suicide attacks are not realistic with GVs (and ship guns for that matter), I would have to say not to apply the negative perk formula to those type units. That may be what HiTech is referring to; if not, I disagree with HiTech.
As for the A20 re-upping and killing the 2nd osty the same way (under my suggestion).....well, I'll have to say kudos to him for taking it BIG in the shorts twice just to prevent the capture of the field. The loss of perks would hopefully generate the deterrent HiTech is looking for. That's a good example of high risk, high reward. That's why I think it should be a thought out formula instead of a straight negative.
Bottom line, the A20 would loose signifcant perks for augering after a kill, while the osties get the few perks they do even though they were killed (just as they currently would in the MA). I feel by adjusting the perk system instead of the damage models, it's less information for the server to track (lag) and less re-programming (coding) for the software folks to generate.