Yea just like what skycaptn said. The turrets don't have to be special. If there remote, y not just make it to where u hit key 3 switch to the top turret, and u see like a GV circle with a crosshair on it. Its so simple. It just like the usually B17, B24 turrets, just not in a class bubble, instead just pops up a screen that looks like video camera with the cross hairs. If your confused let me try this. Imagine you are gunning in a B-17 like the top turret. When you press your botton to hop into that gunner posistion you see 2 .50cals, a crosshair, and glass all around you. Will take the current turrets we have, cover the class all black, hide the .50cals, and add a tv screen with a cross hair on it, and you have your remote turret. That simple.