Author Topic: Hezbollah was using UN post as 'shield'  (Read 2245 times)

Offline Gunslinger

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Hezbollah was using UN post as 'shield'
« Reply #45 on: July 28, 2006, 01:20:44 PM »
Originally posted by Sparks
I have a go at this one first ...  Wrong. The US government did nothing to stop the activities of Noraid supllying funds and munitions to the IRA - people who most certainly did murder civilians.
Show me where in any of my text anywhere do I say Hezbollah are victims or where I show support Hezbollah. THIS is the problem - you cannot separate a Lebanese citizen and Hezbollah terrorist - to you anyone in arab dress who lives in the Lebanon is a terrorist or terrorist sympathiser. You cannot accept the thought that there is a civilian population who has no link to Hezbollah who are dying here.

Just because there are two sides in a war doesn't make one right and one wrong.  Hezbollah have a hard line Islamic vision which wants the destruction of Israel and it's supporters and will use any tactics - that is wrong. Israel is prepared to kill innocent civilians and destroy the lives of thousands of families in it's war against Hezbollah - that is wrong.

In terms of the Lebanese government getting control of southern Lebanon - just how were they going to mange that ? A new government recently elected after the general populace forced the withdrawal of the Syrian army; no resource to speak of; no outside supporters.  And there's another point - the Lebanese people forced the removal of the Syrian occupying army and the return to democracy and the reward they get is the bombing of their homes.

Separate the people from the terrorists damnit !

I did not realize the IRA was operating in Mexico.  I'll have to look it up but I'm pretty sure they stuck to norther Ireland.  Otherwise it does not have any bearing on the scenerio as it was presented.  

As far as I'm concerned about lebanese familys caught in the crossfire.  Those that want to get out of the way I hope they do.  THre is a war going on down there caused by those that hide amongst them.  If I saw a terrorst launch a rocket from my kids school yard using them as a shield in an on going conflict it would them that i'd blame for the death and destruction that would follow.  Hezballah are despicable cowards that fight amongst a civilan populace.  There's even reports of Hezbollah not letting civilians leave to get out of harms way.  The Hexbollah are the ones responsible for this conflict at this time.  They are the ones that have the blood of the innocent on their hands.  THEY sparked this latest flare up and its THEM that continues to put people in harms way.

Offline Thrawn

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Hezbollah was using UN post as 'shield'
« Reply #46 on: July 28, 2006, 02:04:04 PM »
I find it hard to believe that people don't understand that this is exactly what Hezbollah wants...lots of civilians dead, homes destroyed, civil infrastructure destroyed.  It's a recruiting drive.

This is why I think Israel is acting stupidly, because...they...are...doing. ..exactly...what...Hezbollah. ..wants.

Offline Maverick

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Hezbollah was using UN post as 'shield'
« Reply #47 on: July 28, 2006, 02:24:19 PM »

Assuming for a moment you are right, and frankly I tend to agree with you except I don't think hezbollah is that smart on their own. Their handlers came up with the strategy and sent them on their way with it.

Again going with the assumption, If Isreal does not respond they get additional and or continued attacks from hezbollah into their area. Hezbollah make lots of points and recruiting goes up as they can claim to actually strike at Isreal and they are unable to fight back. Hezbollah maintains or increases their strength with no casualties to themselves.

Second scenario, Isreal fights back and hezbollah makes points because they can claim they are "fighting the good fight" and no one else is. Revuiting goes up but maybe not so much as folks realize that while hezbollah IS fighting, they are also dying, alot. While the "martyr" imbeciles wouldn't be dissuaded the more rational might be and in any event the ones that got dead can't attack Isreal again.

No matter which way you go you can claim that hezbollah can add man--- scuze me, coward power to their ranks. At least in one of the ways they pay for the actions against Isreal.

Is there a real cut and dry way to make hezbollah pay all by themselves? Nope as they are funded in part, allowed to operate and at the very least tacitly supported by lebanon. Given that hezballah has a significant minority in the parliament lebanon can't help but be partially to blame for what they do, particularly inside their own borders.
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Offline lazs2

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Hezbollah was using UN post as 'shield'
« Reply #48 on: July 28, 2006, 02:25:22 PM »
nope sparks... your example will not fly... if the minutemen were shooting rockets from civilian houses in Texas say....

All that mexico would have to do is tell us... hell.. not even that.. they would know that we would root out the minutemen and fight em as hard as any mexican government could... their would be a statement from every U.S. official source available that we did not condone the actions of the minutemen and we would work closely with the mexicans to fix the problem along with...

Official appology and promise for reparations and public trials of the criminals.

If we did not do that then....

The mexicans would have every right to shoot rockets at American civilians hiding minutemen or even... the U.S. infrastructure supporting them.


Offline Momus--

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Hezbollah was using UN post as 'shield'
« Reply #49 on: July 28, 2006, 02:31:27 PM »
Originally posted by Gunslinger
SO how would you fight a "Proportionate war" if such a thing exists?  One bomb for every rocket?  That seems rather absurd considering.  The thing that seems to piss off europeans and some lefties alike is that Israel is not afraid to step on some toes.  While the EU is trying at great lengths to appease Iran and other arabs Israel is continuing to fight them in their own back yard.  But it seems most europeans never met an enemy of Israel that they didn't like.  

Once again you're showing your complete separation from reality. Hezbolla didn't kill any Israeli civilians in this latest round until Israel escalated the conflict by bombing civilian infrastructure targets. Meanwhile, how can you sit there labelling other nations as appeasers when your own president walks hand in hand with the Saudi Crown prince in front of the worlds press?

As far as alienating Christian lebbonese?  Who cares, most of them recognized hezbollah as a legitimate entity before all of this even started.

And if Israel wants Hezbollah reigned in it needs the cooperation of the Christians, particularly as it is becoming clear that the military campaign in its current form is not going to succeed in eliminating them alone.

You can try and drag this into an argument about Iraq but it's not.

It is relevant because it proves that you don't have a clue about what you're discussing. You bang on about the threat of what you term "Islamofacism" as if it is some monolithic global threat; yet you can't answer the question as to why you've just spent $300+ billion invading and occupying the state in the region whose leader was the nemesis of both Sunni and Shia radicalism in Iraq. A country that is now dominated by the same Shia who support Hezbollah and the regime in Tehran.

you have If you don't understand Islamofascism or refuse to see the writing on the walls you are beyond hope.

I understand that it doesn't exist in the terms you think it does. Hamas and Hezbollah are primarily local movements that formed in repsonse to outside events, those being the previous Israeli invasion of Lebanon and the ongoing occupation of the West Bank. They are inward looking and parochial, not expansionist and apocalyptic. Neither really consists of a hardcore numbered in more than a few thousands. Take away the perceived injustices with which they rally popular support and their powerbase would melt away.  Many Israelis know this; but they are caught in a trap of their own making since to accept such a thing challenges a basic tenet of zionism, which is the divine title they believe themselves to have over the land now largely inhabited by another ethnic group.

That Israel and its supporters are spinning this as an episode in some loosely defined global struggle just marks how desperate they are to attract outside support for a long standing fight that they are at least in part responsible for picking.  Its nonsense. Its just a rerun of old strife that Israel should have settled by now by itself.

Originally posted by Thrawn
I find it hard to believe that people don't understand that this is exactly what Hezbollah wants...lots of civilians dead, homes destroyed, civil infrastructure destroyed. It's a recruiting drive.

Exactly. And it's more than that. I think Hezbollah always expected Israel to come for them eventually; in a years time, maybe more, once the political groundwork had been laid. Notice the recent and totally baseless suggestion by Fox News that Saddam's WMD may possibly now be in the Hands of Hezbollah? That's the kind of thing I mean. I think the Lebanese Shia have quite cleverly forced Israel to show their hand before they were ready knowing very well that if Israel does not finsih Hezbollah this time around, which now seems unlikely,  they will be prevented from launching a more comprehensive and effective attack in the near future.

Offline Gunslinger

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Hezbollah was using UN post as 'shield'
« Reply #50 on: July 28, 2006, 02:33:53 PM »
Originally posted by Thrawn
I find it hard to believe that people don't understand that this is exactly what Hezbollah wants...lots of civilians dead, homes destroyed, civil infrastructure destroyed.  It's a recruiting drive.

This is why I think Israel is acting stupidly, because...they...are...doing. ..exactly...what...Hezbollah. ..wants.

Thrawn do you have an alternative?

They could go to the UN, but then again there's been a UN presence there for the last 20+ years and what has it done.  Even the UN guys on the ground are saying "yup, they are firing on Israel"

They could use diplomacy.  Again been there done that and it hasn't worked.  Lebanon got rid of syria last year and still hasn't gained control of their country because of hezbollah presence there.  No matter how many rockets get launched into Israel its considered business as usual.

A limited response to me shows timidness.  It shows they are unable to commit to kill their enemys.  

Using the previous analogy, I KNOW I would be putting my family in harms way if the minutemen where a terrorist organization and they where living in my neighborhood.  I empathise with those that are put in that situation, rat on their countrymen or protect their families but that's the way the dice seem to roll.

Offline Donzo

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Hezbollah was using UN post as 'shield'
« Reply #51 on: July 28, 2006, 02:36:14 PM »
Originally posted by Sparks
So Elfie - the fact that Israel's people are under attack gives them the right  to do "whatever it takes" - your statement seems to imply this.
So if Mosad discovered a Hezbollah cell in NY and decided that the best way to deal with it was to blow the building up, and if  it killed 10 or 15 innocent New Yorkers with it that would be ok ??

I'm thinking that they would get in touch with our gov to help in taking care of the problem.

Originally posted by Sparks
What the IDF is doing is lowering themselves to the level of the terrorist and in doing so alienating a population that was perhaps the most cosmopolitan and democratic in the Middle East.

And what exactly would you have them do in this situation?  
They have issued warnings to get out.  Their strikes are a lot more accurate as compared to those of the rockets that are being shot at them (by people who have issued no warnings).

So tell me, what should they do?  Talk about it?  What exactly was it that they did to warrant rockets being indiscriminately fired on their population?

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Hezbollah was using UN post as 'shield'
« Reply #52 on: July 28, 2006, 02:36:24 PM »
I did not realize the IRA was operating in Mexico. I'll have to look it up but I'm pretty sure they stuck to norther Ireland. Otherwise it does not have any bearing on the scenerio as it was presented.
Mexico ? What on earth are you on about ? You said the US did not support organisations who targeted civilians. That statement was wrong.

If I saw a terrorst launch a rocket from my kids school yard using them as a shield in an on going conflict it would them that i'd blame for the death and destruction that would follow
If your house was a smouldering wreck and your wife dead I somehow doubt that - I think you may suddenly start thinking the guy firing the rocket may have had a point.

So to go back to my Mexico scenario - lazs if all this gallant action by the US wasn't speedy enough for the Mexican government and they started the bombardment before you considered you had enough time to act that would still be ok ?? "We asked the US government to act and they did not respond the way we wished - we had no choice".

Offline Gunslinger

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Hezbollah was using UN post as 'shield'
« Reply #53 on: July 28, 2006, 02:38:03 PM »
A good read for those of you saying this conflict is not proportionate

What other country, when attacked in an unprovoked aggression across a recognized international frontier, is then put on a countdown clock by the world, given a limited time window in which to fight back, regardless of whether it has restored its own security?

What other country sustains 1,500 indiscriminate rocket attacks into its cities — every one designed to kill, maim and terrorize civilians — and is then vilified by the world when it tries to destroy the enemy’s infrastructure and strongholds with precision-guided munitions that sometimes have the unintended but unavoidable consequence of collateral civilian death and suffering?

To hear the world pass judgment on the Israel-Hezbollah war as it unfolds is to live in an Orwellian moral universe. With a few significant exceptions (the leadership of the United States, Britain, Australia, Canada and a very few others), the world — governments, the media, U.N. bureaucrats — has completely lost its moral bearings.

ironicly the piece was written by a guy with the last name of Krauthammer ;)
« Last Edit: July 28, 2006, 02:44:58 PM by Gunslinger »

Offline lazs2

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Hezbollah was using UN post as 'shield'
« Reply #54 on: July 28, 2006, 02:44:58 PM »
sparks... first of all... it would not happen because everyone knows we do not condone such action... just as everyone knows that lebenon does the wildest possible scenario...  mexico might send an airstrike and hit a house that rockets were coming from in the U.S. and...

That would be fine with me.... If we did not make entrieties or if the U.S. based rocket attacks continued.... then mexico would have no recourse but to believe that we condoned  the attacks.

And, of course.. they would not only be correct but justified to escalate the conflict.


Offline Gunslinger

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Hezbollah was using UN post as 'shield'
« Reply #55 on: July 28, 2006, 02:51:48 PM »
Originally posted by Sparks
Mexico ? What on earth are you on about ? You said the US did not support organisations who targeted civilians. That statement was wrong.

 If your house was a smouldering wreck and your wife dead I somehow doubt that - I think you may suddenly start thinking the guy firing the rocket may have had a point.

So to go back to my Mexico scenario - lazs if all this gallant action by the US wasn't speedy enough for the Mexican government and they started the bombardment before you considered you had enough time to act that would still be ok ?? "We asked the US government to act and they did not respond the way we wished - we had no choice".


If some guy is in a school yard firing an AK he's putting in danger anyone and everyone in that yard.  It would be HIM that was responsible.  Now if the IDF was to drop a bomb on a target with no known military action prior to that then yes there's something legitimatly wrong there but that's not the case here and you know it.

Again if we are talking about a scenerio involving mexico not the IRA than my post stands.  I'm not here to discuss past actions involving the IRA or NORAID, the story is over 20 years old and YES the US DOJ got involved and investigated them.  

Again if Americans where launching rockets and sniping civilians on the Mexican border Mexico would not need to launch military action as those terrorists would be brought to justice reguardless of how many Americans sympothysed with them.  That was the scenerio presented in this thread and that's what I am commenting on because it is in applicable representation of what is actually happening.

Offline Maverick

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Hezbollah was using UN post as 'shield'
« Reply #56 on: July 28, 2006, 02:56:51 PM »
Originally posted by Thrawn
Absolutely.  It's saddly ironic that the reason the observers where there was to facilitate such an investigation by being neutral observers of such crimes.  Now they are being pulled out, and prosecuting for war crimes I imagine will be that much more difficult.  

"UN removes unarmed observers from border
Last Updated Fri, 28 Jul 2006 11:07:53 EDT
CBC News

The United Nations will remove 50 unarmed observers from posts along the border between Israel and Lebanon to ensure their safety, a UN official said Friday."

The situation becomes confusing for me when the observers become the victims in the sense of whether or not to pull them out.  Does their presence deter more than it promotes an environment where war crimes are commited more often?  It's so self-referential.

Thrawn I would imagine after seeing and reporting hezbollah firing from the UN positions as well as other acts there would be more than enough evidence for the war crimes purposes. Uh can you tell me what they have done about it? Did they even write a nasty letter to hezbollah soundly tongue lashing them for this?

I'd say they did more FOR hezbollah than anything else by being available as an international hostage and human shield source.
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Offline Gunslinger

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Hezbollah was using UN post as 'shield'
« Reply #57 on: July 28, 2006, 03:01:47 PM »
Originally posted by Maverick
Thrawn I would imagine after seeing and reporting hezbollah firing from the UN positions as well as other acts there would be more than enough evidence for the war crimes purposes. Uh can you tell me what they have done about it? Did they even write a nasty letter to hezbollah soundly tongue lashing them for this?

I'd say they did more FOR hezbollah than anything else by being available as an international hostage and human shield source.

From retired Canadian Major General Lewis Mackenzie


"What he was telling us was Hezbollah soldiers were all over his position and the IDF were targeting them. And that’s a favorite trick by people who don’t have representation in the UN. They use the UN as shields knowing that they can’t be punished for it."

My question would be what the hell where they doing there in the first place.  It doesn't seem like they where either A. doing much good or B. where needed still.

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Hezbollah was using UN post as 'shield'
« Reply #58 on: July 28, 2006, 03:05:40 PM »

They were there as tools, broken tools. Why send troops to a hostile area without weapons of a means of self defense? Freaking stupid.
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Hezbollah was using UN post as 'shield'
« Reply #59 on: July 28, 2006, 03:06:57 PM »
Originally posted by Gunslinger
ironicly the piece was written by a guy with the last name of Krauthammer ;)

why is it ironic that a jewish guy by the name of Krauthammer wrote this article? he writes articles for the Jewish World Review all the time.

btw: nice choice for an unbiased souce:lol

see for yourself