Author Topic: serious question for democrats....  (Read 1066 times)

Offline parker00

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Re: serious question for democrats....
« Reply #45 on: July 30, 2006, 10:12:45 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
I got to know... why do they do it?   I have been told that blaming guns for all the socialist welfare programs of the liberal democrats is the reason... that the underclass becomeing more violent and the failure of welfare are too heavy to admit to failure on without a scapegoat so... guns are blamed..

guns causing the failure of all the liberals socialist welfare programs seems too pat to me...

It seems that most democrats in power have a genuine hate for the individual right to be armed. an emotional thing that trancends political excuse making.

I just never understood it. I have talked to rank and file democrats that were "men" who feared and hated guns but most either like em or have no real opinion other than we should be allowed to own and carry em... most say they would buy one and hide it if they were banned... weird.

Why do the democrats in power allways gloat and plead and make such fools of themselves over the second? Why is it so important that they will shoot themselves in the foot (so to speak) over the issue time after time?

It is an issue that marginalizes their party to tens of millions. If they came out with a more second amendment friendly policy and voting record... they could pick up tens of millions of votes.

It would seem to me that the democrats would lose very few votes by embracing the second and voting in congress accordingly and... gain a bunch

It seems everytime a democrat.. especially one running for national office... is asked about gun control he pretends to be for strong gun rights and then votes for strong anti second amendment bills.... if it were just pandering and he had no agenda... why not just vote for strong second rights like he claimed he was for?

I am serious.. why do they fall on their sword so happily on this issue?


I agree Lazs, these stupid democrates don't understand we need these guns to take the rights back that were taken from the republicans.

Offline lazs2

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serious question for democrats....
« Reply #46 on: July 30, 2006, 10:18:51 AM »
parker... you have actually hit on it.   Most people no matter what side of the spectrum distrust government and politicians and.... their ability to protect us from criminals and tyranny that they want to keep their independence (even declared it once) and right to keep and bear arms.

I believe that the democrat politicians are not in touch with their voters on this issue and that they know it.... still... they persist.   They may be in tune with some big city canadian or high density crime ridden U.S. city metrosexuals but... for the most part... their core voters think they are wrong.

So..  why do they do it?

Is the money from the anti gun groups like foreign born anti firearms rights billionare sorros the reason?  I know the republicans are happy to take the NRA's money but at least the stance is popular.


Offline parker00

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serious question for democrats....
« Reply #47 on: July 30, 2006, 10:41:12 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
parker... you have actually hit on it.   Most people no matter what side of the spectrum distrust government and politicians and.... their ability to protect us from criminals and tyranny that they want to keep their independence (even declared it once) and right to keep and bear arms.

I believe that the democrat politicians are not in touch with their voters on this issue and that they know it.... still... they persist.   They may be in tune with some big city canadian or high density crime ridden U.S. city metrosexuals but... for the most part... their core voters think they are wrong.

So..  why do they do it?

Is the money from the anti gun groups like foreign born anti firearms rights billionare sorros the reason?  I know the republicans are happy to take the NRA's money but at least the stance is popular.


Look both sides talk about issues that are not on the voters mind. I mean with all the crap going on in this country and world, the congress takes the time to vote on banning flag burning. I know it's a disgrace and I would never do it but don't you think we have more pressing issues right now? Even gay marriage, our soldiers are dieing in other counries right now and they are worried about the evil gays. How about a true investigation of what happened on 9/11, how about real investigations into the oil companies, how about talking about skyrocketing crime rates, unemployment and outragous government spending? From reactions I see from many people it will be a cold day in hell before they allow thier guns to be taken but most of them don't see problems with the wire taps, sneek and peek warrents, etc. They will have all of our other freedoms before they take that one so maybe we should try to stop them before they get to the firearms.

Offline lazs2

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serious question for democrats....
« Reply #48 on: July 31, 2006, 08:39:02 AM »
parker... not following you.. the firearms rights thing is huge and it has been going on for many decades.... since the first gun bans in the 30's.

It is not something that most people don't care about... it is something that more than half feel strongly about so far as having their rights and that a small percentage are stridently anti gun rights and that the rest either don't care of don't care all that much..

in any case.. a politician taking a strong anti gun stance is going against the wishes of the people in his party... He may get the money from the special interest group backing him but he is taking a big chance that someone will expose him and he will lose votes big time.

The voting records of democrats are open to look at on the firearms issues.... Americans may not be all that aware of politics but.... with such a long history of anti gun voting.... I can't think of an American who doesn't know that the democrats are the anti gun rights party.

So why do they do it?   It can't be that much money from sorros and co...

Sure... a lot of democrat politicians are women.. and socialists but... really.... Why vote against gun rights?
