Just a few little tid-bits:
1) the 303rd had 3 miraculous survival stories: 1 tail gunner was hurled from his plane when his position was shot off. He fell 20,000 feet WITHOUT a parachute, fell through a glass roof on a train station, and was caught up in some netting, and SURVIVED!!!
A waste-gunner was hurled from his plane when the whole aircraft exploded. He too didnt have a parachute, but miraculously, as he was falling a chute fell onto his arms! He had only to strap it to his chest, and he parachuted to safety.
A nose-gunner fell from his plane when the cone was shattered. He was entirely unconcious, but he woke up floating to the ground with no memory of pulling his chute-cord.
2) The 303rd BG biatch slapped the luftwaffe, when reichsmarschal Goering's OWN NEPHEW flew 49 missions with the 303rd BG BOMBING GERMANY!!! HAH! Take that luftwaffe!