Author Topic: Cant hit the side of a barn  (Read 1910 times)

Offline Saxman

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Cant hit the side of a barn
« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2006, 01:04:21 PM »
Everyone has their own preference, but I think the Browning .50 cal is about the best weapon to learn the basics of gunnery, as it's as close to point-and-click shooting as the game gets. Excellent ballistics, range, accuracy and good hitting power. Once you can land hits with the Ma Deuce it's a little easier to work on the tougher to aim cannon. It's also a weapon that can really help you learn the importance of convergence.

The Browning is on most of the American fighters (excluding the F4U-1C which carries for Hispano 20mm). P-38 is probably a little easier to aim since they're all clustered in the nose, although I like the spread and coverage of the wing guns (which convergence is VERY important).
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.

Offline Patches1

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« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2006, 02:27:14 PM »
My convergence setting is 225 for 50 calibers while flying an F4U at any altitude, or speed.

Gunnery dictates who won, or lost, the fight....SA sets up gunnery.

If you fly to your opponents' six...he cannot get a gun solution upon you...unless you allow him to do so. Hug your opponents' six...get close...very close...and when he fills your!

Don't get overexcited and let loose a hail of ineffectual patient...if you are upon your opponents' six...he can't kill you because you are dictating the fight.
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Offline Tarmac

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Cant hit the side of a barn
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2006, 03:00:43 PM »
Another good tip for setting up gunnery... always pull up into your target.  If you're firing while pushing down on the stick, kicking rudder, or rolling the shot is very difficult.  

As you close on the target from a dead-six (or 5-7 oclock) position, keep him just above the gunsight glass.  Roll your plane so that the vertical lines of your gunsight are pointed right at him.  Then gently ease the stick back and "walk" your gunsight through him.  When you see your gunsight about to line up with his plane, fire and keep that light back pressure on the stick.  You'll give him a good burst and down he'll go.  As you get better, your killing burst will get shorter and shorter, until eventually you can use this method and fire only a few cannon rounds without a single bullet missing the target - and still get the kill.  

NEVER jerk the stick around when trying to shoot.  smooth = accurate.  Actually, you should never jerk the stick at all while flying, but that's another lesson.  :)

Basically, you have to position the plane before you can take a shot.  A lot of people are thinking "shoot shoot shoot" and not doing the necessary preparation that makes for a good shot.

Offline MotorOil1

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Cant hit the side of a barn
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2006, 05:31:40 PM »
Ya, don't feel too bad.  I have nights I can't hit a thing and then other nights I can't miss.  I just jump into a bomber or gv for a while and then go back.  

Be sure to set your convergence on every plane you are flying.  It will make the times you do score a hit more lethal.  I've also changed the gunsite as I find the default isn't the best for me.
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Offline FBplmmr

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Cant hit the side of a barn
« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2006, 06:56:04 PM »
i think you are one of the many that killed me last night in game:furious

of course everytime someone looked at me last night I lost a wing!:cry

if your using a logitech joystick recalibrate the rudder every time you start the game (i have to, its a pain.. Im never buying a logitech stick again)

like the experienced guys are saying get in close(it will be easier as you get more 'sperience) and adjust your convergence accordingly

nothing is more satisfying than closing to within 200 d and sawing off an adversaries wing!:aok  
good luck and take it easy on me ..Im old and I drink too much!

Offline MOIL

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Cant hit the side of a barn
« Reply #20 on: August 26, 2006, 11:46:00 PM »
Oh don't feel bad RyanCS, I've been playin' this game for 5 yrs and still can't hit the side of a barn:eek:

It's still a lot of fun tho:aok

Offline Innominate

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Cant hit the side of a barn
« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2006, 11:53:09 PM »
There is no "trick" to hitting other planes.

Try and fly planes which have .50 mg's, they have a high ROF so it's easier to figure out the correct lead to land hits.  The simplest answer is to learn to get CLOSE.  Under 200 yards it's much easier to hit.  Don't expect to hit someone past 400 yards unless you have a very easy steady low-deflection shot, or they're flying perfectly straight and level.

Practice. Practice some more, and then keep doing it.

Offline Simaril

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Cant hit the side of a barn
« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2006, 06:29:30 AM »
Originally posted by Innominate

.  The simplest answer is to learn to get CLOSE.  Under 200 yards it's much easier to hit.  Don't expect to hit someone past 400 yards unless you have a very easy steady low-deflection shot, or they're flying perfectly straight and level.

Practice. Practice some more, and then keep doing it.

One thing about getting really aware that small jumps and warps are common in close, especially if either your connect or your target's isnt great. (The game has "smoothing code" that tries to fill in when connections miss a beat; in close the software's mistakes look a lot bigger.)

If you run into this, make your firing range a little farther out.
Maturity is knowing that I've been an idiot in the past.
Wisdom is realizing I will be an idiot in the future.
Common sense is trying to not be an idiot right now

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Offline Schutt

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Cant hit the side of a barn
« Reply #23 on: August 27, 2006, 07:44:16 AM »
I certainly do not agree with all said above... only flying for a little over 2 years now and i still have trouble hitting the enemy... but its getting better.

Make sure your graphics settings, resolution, texture and AA matches your computers performance. If you get choppy graphics it will make hitting hard, better to have it fluent at low quality than beautiful and choppy. I have a not to bad computer, still if i put AA on or move one of the details slider out of the right halve i get a lot of trouble. Try having the object & ground details sliders one third from the right (definetly on the performance side low distance/small).

I recommend setting the convergence of all guns of one type to one point, and that point being something between 300 and 150. When you have 6 or 8 guns of the same type you can try to spread them in a distance of 50 yards. If you are really into zooming,bomber attacks or ground attack try 350 but youll have a hard time getting kills in close in combat.

Force yourself to fire only if the target is at 200 distance when its maneuvering or max. 400 if its a big plane and steady. With some planes you need to get in closer but the planes with good guns and firepower you can get kills from 200. Do NOT fire if the plane is further out.

I would definetly fly a good plane with some engine power and good guns. Stick to one plane or at least one gun type. A powerful plane can get you some speed and altitude back fast after a fight, also its easy to get some altitude after takeing off.

Good planes for beginners in my book have either 6 cal .50 mgs or 2 or 4 canons, preferrable hispanos. 4 Canons of any type work too. You should fire to kill, while some mg hits that damage or weaken the target are a nice success they are not good enogh AND they show the enemy that he is in a bad place and needs to be more careful. If you get to ping him, you might not get another ping but if you shoot him down you dont need another one.

If you start off in a bad plane you struggle with getting in positions where you have much less energy than you opponent, come in slower and lower and if you get a chance to shoot and hit it aint enough to kill the other guy. In my eyes much better to start with Spit8, Spit9, HurricaneIIc, N1K, P51D, 190A5, Typhoon, Ki84,C205.

You can learn how to get kills in these AND in any of them you have an definite advantage in certain areas agains most other planes. You still need to see which plane you are fighting and choose to fight a way where you have the advantage, but you can learn how to use the advantage. Once you get there using your advantage you will see some success.

When you fly a hard to fly early way plane you have either no advantage or always the turn radius as your advantage and simply must fly better than the opponent in every way. It sure teaches you your mistakes but it will seldom show you what move could proove successful since it is still a far way till it works. Of course, if you are sensitive you can sense a diffrence between getting shot down right away, getting shot down after the merge and getting shot down after nearly having a guns solution.

It is correct that when you grab an (no specific ueber plane mentioned) and try to shoot down all enemys head on / "stright zoom cherry pickin" / vulching you get some kills while not learning anything, but when you choose a real bad plane where all you can do is high level in close dog fighting the frustration factor is pretty big.

Try to be at least equal altitude and speed than your enemy, or slightly more. Also level out before the battle and get some speed. The worst thing to do is to climb into a fight, then you are slow. When you meet the enemy you must have some speed to be able to maneuver left/right/up. If you are slow you can barely go left or right and only down, not up. That makes you an easier target and you are on the defence straight away.

A good advice which i have, if anyone manages to read that HBWOT untill down here is try to get into combat and fly home without getting shot down. Do not try to get any kills, try to engage, disengage and fly home without getting anyone latched onto your six. Be happy to land 0 kills but LAND after being in 10 minutes of dogfight and 20 mins overall flying.

cu schutt

Offline BugsBunny

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Cant hit the side of a barn
« Reply #24 on: August 28, 2006, 09:57:11 AM »
lol, funny.  If you get closer than D200 on my six, you will die.  However, I consistandly die from 600 or 800 out.  Splain that to me please, lol.

Offline WilldCrd

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Cant hit the side of a barn
« Reply #25 on: August 28, 2006, 10:03:41 AM »
Originally posted by BugsBunny
lol, funny.  If you get closer than D200 on my six, you will die.  However, I consistandly die from 600 or 800 out.  Splain that to me please, lol.

the way some ppl setup their convergence if i had to hazard a guess.

i remember in the past upping with a few squaddies and we had set all our guns to around d600 convergence. IIRC it was for jabbo runs and there were a couple of us that would pick off cons at d600-d800 and 1 guy...meshotu i think it was could pick a con apart at d800 on a regular basis.
i even saw him get a kill at d1.0 ! it was a lucky shot but he did it.  it also helped that the con thought he was in the clear and was flying straight and level too :confused:
Crap now I gotta redo my cool sig.....crap!!! I cant remeber how to do it all !!!!!

Offline FX1

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Cant hit the side of a barn
« Reply #26 on: August 28, 2006, 10:52:28 AM »
D200 is what i look for anything further is starting to be a crap shoot. 50's are great at D400 but a straight on 6 shot i think is much harder than a snapshot at 400. I think my gunnery is really really good but i have been with this game for two years.

Also dont let this ezmode plane get to your head. Fly what you have fun in but change it up a little each week. I fly the spit 16 3/4 of my time in the air. To keep my skills at tip top shape i do runs in everything and da with many different plane sets.

I take lots of chances and cannons are better for my tactics. Sometimes i only have one shot and i like to make it count. Also if lets say that i have a f4u high and he dives on me. His first pass is going to be really fast i will let him have the shot to sucker him in. If that was a nikki our another cannon ride i would not let him have a shot at all.

Offline Saxman

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Cant hit the side of a barn
« Reply #27 on: August 28, 2006, 11:28:18 AM »
Y'know, most of my Spit kills come from high-speed diving passes. ;)
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.

Offline 999000

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Cant hit the side of a barn
« Reply #28 on: August 28, 2006, 09:49:22 PM »
Ryan Sir, Its not "B52G or something" Its Sir B52G while we "play" at this game B52 is a true war hero....The MAN logged some 700 plus flights in B52s durring the Vietnam War was a gunnery instructor and live to tell about it!.  
It should also be noted he is one very very fine Gentlemen who I am proud to know. Next Time salute him for shooting you down...and then salute him again for his service to this great country.

Offline SAS_KID

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Cant hit the side of a barn
« Reply #29 on: August 29, 2006, 02:32:34 AM »
Originally posted by RyanCS
Again thanks for all the great replies...

The reason why originally posted this is I was totally humiliated 1 or 2 nights ago. I was made mince meat out of this particular player ( I think his call sign was B52G or something, whoever he was he was good) about 5 x in a row... when I finally got on his 6 and D400...I was manuevering with him for 5 minutes, taking shots, I even landed a couple and he was smoking... I started drooling thinking, wow im going to take this good player down! I could taste it...I mean I was basking in my own greatness!

Then he went vertical hammerheaded over and killed me litterally with one shot , poof , I didnt even spin out of control...I literally exploded in mid air...Next thing I knew I was sitting in the tower, about ready to cry... B52 whoever you are, your evil - jk...

B52 is a score ***** j/k :D . Also, learn ACM's and get to know what they look like. I meen if you knew he was guna hammerhead ya why did you follow him up? Also, getting excit:D ed to get a kill can cause you to shake and push random buttons:lol  you will be spraying to try to get the kill and get target locked and then you get picked by a cherry farmer. Also, wait till the plane fills your windscreen then you possibly can't.:cool:

Note: I have the worse aim of anyone here.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2006, 02:35:23 AM by SAS_KID »
Quote from: hitech on Today at 09:27:26 AM
What utter and compete BS, quite frankly I should kick you off this bbs for this post.

The real truth is you do not like the answer.
