Just curious -- which handgun do you prefer, semi automatic pistol or revolver?
Of course the answer may be both, depending on the circumstances. So it's okay to break down into categories as you wish.
For example, for home defense I like the simplicity and reliability of a double action revolver, specifically a .357/.38.
For just plain fun target shooting, I like a .22 semiauto pistol.
For protection in big game territory, I'd want a .44 magnum single action revolver.
For backup in combat (foreign or domestic), I'd want a .45 semiauto pistol.
If I were stranded on a desert island or anywhere and could have just one handgun, I'd go with the .357/38 double action revolver.
To me, the biggest problem with semiautos is fully loaded magazine reliability over time. Several sources advise freshening magazines at least once a month. The whole idea of relying on a compressed spring over time is not encouraging.
What are your choices?