Author Topic: MA returned  (Read 3031 times)

Offline Karnak

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MA returned
« Reply #30 on: September 15, 2006, 02:14:59 PM »
Originally posted by rabbidrabbit
Wouldn't 41-43 in one arena and 43-45 in the other cover it pretty well?

At some point you are splitting hairs.

Not really, no.

If you get the mid-late '43 rides like the Spit VIII, P-51B and Mossie VI in the '39-'43 arena then the early war birds suffer and suffer badly.

If you put those same aircraft in the '43 to '45 arena they suffer in turn.

Essentially what you described is insufficiently granular.
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Offline ridley1

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« Reply #31 on: September 15, 2006, 04:13:46 PM »
In Mid war, have all early war planes enabled.

In late war...have ALL planes enabled. So basically it's the old MA

Doesn't that sort of sort out everyones problems?

Then let's give it 2 weeks (there's that term again), to see how the populations level out across the arenas, and then see if there's something to b**** about then

Offline 33Vortex

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« Reply #32 on: September 15, 2006, 04:30:45 PM »
For me as a non-active AH player, this is very exciting and I can't wait to get back into the game. This is one change I've been waiting for, just hope the arenas are fairly even populated.

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Offline chris3

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« Reply #33 on: September 15, 2006, 05:08:06 PM »
bring it back please.

Offline zorstorer

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« Reply #34 on: September 15, 2006, 06:52:22 PM »
Originally posted by Saxman
People seem to be under the mistaken impression that the only ones who want the old MA back are ElGay and Spixteen dweebs.

At least someone else is saying this :)

Used to enjoy fighting the lgays and spit16's in a hurri mk1, sadly no more :(

Offline RTGorkle

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« Reply #35 on: September 15, 2006, 08:29:19 PM »
How'd you like to log into an arena for your usual evening session and find that instead of the usual 90 people in there, you've got 40? Numbers for each country are 10,13,20. Makes it hard for myself and my team-mates to have fun. Then the ENY kicks in and you can only fly a B5N or a C47. Cannot even grab a manned ack or shorebattery. So then you head over to mid war to find 9,10,4. Or how about a pony run in the late war arena - 9,11,8.

I fear that this will become my new AH environment.

"Thanks to your patronage Aces High has grown to the point where a single Main Arena is no longer a sufficient solution" - Myself, and about 90 other overseas customers who fly the same time I do are pretty sure that it WAS sufficient. Aces High is not fun any more.

Offline skysnipr

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« Reply #36 on: September 15, 2006, 08:30:04 PM »
Well, it seems that we effectively have the old main arena back, the late war arena now has all planes enabled, not just late war/mid war planes. So now you can go perk farming with your Hurri Mk 1, or just duke it out in whatever plane you feel like. We still have the early war and the mid war arenas too, so the people who love to fly P-40B's and still have a chance of winning can fight with planes of equal ability(or maybe just a bit better, the B stinks:D ).

I think I'm starting to like this now, I took a Spit 8 out for a spin in the late war arena and landed 4 kills, the highest amount of kills I have ever landed in a fighter.:)

Offline Sweet2th

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« Reply #37 on: September 15, 2006, 08:33:55 PM »
what would make the 3 arena's work is if there was only 2 countries in each arena instead of 3, having 3 throws off the ENY.

Offline bkbandit

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« Reply #38 on: September 16, 2006, 06:45:27 AM »
well, the first couple of days i had good fights in my p40e(dammit they need to add f4u) agaisnt 109s and spits.  BUt it gets stale quick, 5 bishops 3 knights and 18 rooks, u have a better shot in h2h. During this period u see nothin but hurricans:lol i guess nobody feels safe without cannons. BUt the plane sets are freaking weak, they need to add planes and they need to add them now. This isnt new, i couldve done an h2h room in the same format, there wouldnt be no difference since there under 8 guys a room anyway. THey should just leave there early mid and late war rooms and bring back the m/a and leave them all on and see what happens. Add more fighter gvs, the wish list has become a waste of time, even the low budget games have a full plane set, what the hell is the problem. Give it a chance give it a chance, fine but at least announce, in 1 week panther tank is coming, september 29 sherman b25 and ki43 p40n will be done. Cool new rooms but it will become stale just like the m/a was soon with out new toys. There so many things aces high could add, they could become the primer combat sim, but they can reorganize the arena all they want, doesnt make it new, whichs the difference, i see some of the old junk i havent seen in a while, give me a break.

Offline rabbidrabbit

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« Reply #39 on: September 16, 2006, 11:40:57 AM »

The problems lies with them spending so many resources on CT which is an entirely different product.

I'll give them credit for taking on such an ambitious new product but its costing them a lot of growth of the core product.  I actually like some aspects of the new arenas.  What I don't get was that they did it out of the blue without any consideration to the effects it would have on the community.  Again, to their credit, they backed it back out to what they probably should have done the first time.

Offline bkbandit

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« Reply #40 on: September 16, 2006, 01:48:12 PM »
costing them alot of growth? there main product isnt growing at all.yes i agree that us as the players should have been told of a change like this. But theres a faction that worships aces high and thinks they can do no wrong, this is bull. "this is htc's game, they do what they want" yea they can do what they want and play the game them selves. This isnt the only online game in the world, when the big home consoles(ps3 xbox360 nintendo wii) get up and runing there going to be big, almost all of the top titles have online play, where does this leave aces high? How long have they been working on ToD, i know i have been hearing about it for atleast a year, has it been "coming" out for longer then that? The dam plane set isnt even done, PTO, there no betty, there no b29(every ww2 game has this) no sherman no jap tanks no f4u1a no f6f-3....and i noe im missing some. Lets say we do the south african theater? Huge holes in the roster. Theyll put all this time into Tod and now there pressed to finish the plane set. And nobody noes if it is even any good, with all the time they spend on it it should blow my mind, but i have seen things bomb out before. "Oh u can leave and somebody will come in and replace u" yea a 2 week trail noob, and then when u cant get a good fight u complain, and after time u move on to a different game.

Offline Sweet2th

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« Reply #41 on: September 16, 2006, 02:55:28 PM »
Originally posted by bkbandit
costing them alot of growth? there main product isnt growing at all.yes i agree that us as the players should have been told of a change like this. But theres a faction that worships aces high and thinks they can do no wrong, this is bull. "this is htc's game, they do what they want" yea they can do what they want and play the game them selves. This isnt the only online game in the world, when the big home consoles(ps3 xbox360 nintendo wii) get up and runing there going to be big, almost all of the top titles have online play, where does this leave aces high? How long have they been working on ToD, i know i have been hearing about it for atleast a year, has it been "coming" out for longer then that? The dam plane set isnt even done, PTO, there no betty, there no b29(every ww2 game has this) no sherman no jap tanks no f4u1a no f6f-3....and i noe im missing some. Lets say we do the south african theater? Huge holes in the roster. Theyll put all this time into Tod and now there pressed to finish the plane set. And nobody noes if it is even any good, with all the time they spend on it it should blow my mind, but i have seen things bomb out before. "Oh u can leave and somebody will come in and replace u" yea a 2 week trail noob, and then when u cant get a good fight u complain, and after time u move on to a different game.

The Xbox and Ps3 games also charge a online fee on top of the broadband fee's.

And the 2 weeks trial Cadets will know nothing of the old Main Arena, which by the way needed the change it got.

Offline FrodeMk3

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« Reply #42 on: September 16, 2006, 03:11:41 PM »
Alotta people are flamed about this, no suprise. Splitting the arena's in to 3 parts dynamically changed the gameplay. And, to top it off, there are probably 400-700 different opinions online daily, as to what good gameplay is. I don't really think that this is because of people posting complaints on the boards, because It was only a few accounts(That's right, to HTC you are an account)that were being derogatory. What has happened is, that the split has hidden something else going on.

     If you all look through the threads, HTC has put out a call for alpha testers for ToD. Camoflaged it really nicely, too. I'd bet that when CT gets going, They'll almost be forced to go back to the old MA, Because I'm sure he doesn't have unlimited servers. Wait and see.

Offline Sweet2th

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« Reply #43 on: September 16, 2006, 05:52:55 PM »
Frode, put the crack/ or Meth pipe down and back away.

Offline Lye-El

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« Reply #44 on: September 16, 2006, 06:04:37 PM »
Originally posted by FrodeMk3
I'd bet that when CT gets going, They'll almost be forced to go back to the old MA, Because I'm sure he doesn't have unlimited servers. Wait and see.

God, I hope not! Unless you're the mega squad, vultching, Horde type. Then you might think it was just peachy.

i dont got enough perkies as it is and i like upen my lancs to kill 1 dang t 34 or wirble its fun droping 42 bombs