well, the first couple of days i had good fights in my p40e(dammit they need to add f4u) agaisnt 109s and spits. BUt it gets stale quick, 5 bishops 3 knights and 18 rooks, u have a better shot in h2h. During this period u see nothin but hurricans:lol i guess nobody feels safe without cannons. BUt the plane sets are freaking weak, they need to add planes and they need to add them now. This isnt new, i couldve done an h2h room in the same format, there wouldnt be no difference since there under 8 guys a room anyway. THey should just leave there early mid and late war rooms and bring back the m/a and leave them all on and see what happens. Add more fighter gvs, the wish list has become a waste of time, even the low budget games have a full plane set, what the hell is the problem. Give it a chance give it a chance, fine but at least announce, in 1 week panther tank is coming, september 29 sherman b25 and ki43 p40n will be done. Cool new rooms but it will become stale just like the m/a was soon with out new toys. There so many things aces high could add, they could become the primer combat sim, but they can reorganize the arena all they want, doesnt make it new, whichs the difference, i see some of the old junk i havent seen in a while, give me a break.