Author Topic: New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates  (Read 35935 times)

Offline Masherbrum

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #930 on: September 23, 2006, 12:54:28 AM »
Originally posted by Simaril

Look, this exchange has not gone the way I intended. I do NOT have anything against the BOPs or big squads in general -- and I dont ever remember slamming them to anyone.

And, if I came across as anti-BoP, my apologies. As my wife has often rightly told me, I'm not good at knowing when to shut up.

I'm flying knight because I find I generally like flying on the low side. Since the arena switch, I've been frustrated at times that sides may be 40:13:5, and no one will be willing to switch. If I give up and leave, it jsut makes it worse for everyone else.

Honestly, I wish more of the high side fliers would have the good manners and sportsmanship to come over and make the game fun for us, too. That wish focused on BoP in this thread, but it isnt ABOUT BoP at its core.

Just remember the rest of us, thats all I ask.


47 RONIN have switched to Bishop twice since the new arenas were put into effect.   Bish can pretty much go suck an egg at this point as well.    

Problem with the whole 90+ member squad is EVERY SINGLE ONE OF IT'S MEMBERS ARE SELFISH.  

Originally posted by thndregg
I've always had it figured that a squad's purpose here was to stick with, defend, and help *A* "country", much the same in principle to that roll bestowed upon any REAL country's military. I've always been in ONE "country" for my meager two years of playing this.

Now that gameplay is the one-and-only, single-most-important, highly-revered prime directive, and true country affiliation has been rendered nonexsistant, why am I here? Just for gameplay and fun for myself and the squad, that's it, nothing more, eh? No long term commitment to a "country"? Just a commitment to the least numbers on any side. Sounds pretty shallow to me.

You need to get a life.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2006, 01:10:19 AM by Masherbrum »
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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #931 on: September 23, 2006, 01:09:54 AM »
this is what i don't get about large squads, not pointing out any squad inpraticular.  you have a big squad, why not move to a country with low numbers and have some glory.  be part of the community, not a burden. be part of the solution, not the problem.  of course you can just sit there behind numbers and tell us how good you are, biatch and moan about perk bonus, and how much you matter; but as always actions speak louder than words.....right?  

yep the most important thing in AH is winning the war and the virtual chess piece you fly for.  gameplay and competitiveness always takes a back seat in some eyes.....nothing you can do to change this, but no reason to respect it either.
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Offline Masherbrum

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #932 on: September 23, 2006, 01:17:02 AM »
Originally posted by pluck
this is what i don't get about large squads, not pointing out any squad inpraticular.  you have a big squad, why not move to a country with low numbers and have some glory.  be part of the community, not a burden. be part of the solution, not the problem.  of course you can just sit there behind numbers and tell us how good you are and how much you matter; but as always actions speak louder than words.....right?  

yep the most important thing in AH is winning the war and the virtual chess piece you fly for.  gameplay and competitiveness always takes a back seat in some eyes.....nothing you can do to change this, but no reason to respect it either.

They'd rather tout "superior CARTOON pileits" and "superior Top 100 ranks" all the while capturing all of the center island and then defend it.   But, while aggressively fight off Rooks, allow the Knights to get their two bases back.   :aok    If someone needs to get a girlfriend by saying: "Look at what I did today while spawn camping in a Tiger!"  or "Look at me fly this La7 and think I'm actually accomplishing something in life!"   This is the point in your life where you need a shrink, not trying to get things by a "My way or the highway"  (Yes Falcn, I'm talking to you.)

BoP's are trying to prove a useless point, hell it took their "wizard CO" almost 6 posts by Sim, and THE CREATOR OF THE GAME to finally stop dodging a question.   From Falcn's on comments on 200.  "When we get a higher cap, we'll move on".   Problem is, in all of their selfishness, they haven't figured it out that not many like them.   They really do NEED the 90+ members.  "Quantity doesn't mean QUALITY".
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Offline thndregg

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #933 on: September 23, 2006, 03:00:06 AM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
47 RONIN have switched to Bishop twice since the new arenas were put into effect.   Bish can pretty much go suck an egg at this point as well.    

Problem with the whole 90+ member squad is EVERY SINGLE ONE OF IT'S MEMBERS ARE SELFISH.  


You need to get a life.

Coming from someone that would prettythangume I have none.
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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #934 on: September 23, 2006, 04:26:40 AM »
sticky status has been removed for this thread.

dai  sy...  dai          sy...  give     me    yourr  
annnnnsswwweeeeerrrr dooooooooo.......
this thread is doomed.  

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Offline Flayed1

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #935 on: September 23, 2006, 05:17:29 AM »
The thing I see is like Thndr said "It's like playing tennis with myself"  or any other game....  I'm a Bish, I have been a bish for 3 some odd years and for me this is a war game. I try to help my side win the war. I try to land every plane or GV I take out for a spin.  

  I have from time to time thought about checking out the Nits and Rooks (Mostly the Nits, Rooks always seem to have more people I dislike :) ) but not to help balance sides in particular just to meet them.

 I don't understand how this balance the other side thinking would really work for someone like me who looks at this as a war game and wants my side to win. Why would I want to jump to the other side to help them win when I want my side to win?

 It might work per tour Bops could go to another country but we would still be faced with the same rants of people thinking we should go to the country with the least #'s and take back the bases we just took???:confused:   Though I must say that we usually fight the country with the most #'s (Rooks of late)

  Look at it from a war point of view.....   We enter the war helping the allies beat back the Germans and we finally are about to finish the war, but then we see that the poor germans are now out #'d and we swap sides to help the out #'d Germans  untill they have the advantage once again then we must flop back again to defend against the Germans and so on and so forth....   I think that the war would stagnate.

  Seems to me that either you just take the war out of the game and make it one big DA (I think this would be really boring)   Or us large squads are expected to jump back and forth to defend our country of choice and the country of lowest #'s?   Like the EWA always seems to have many more Rooks on than any other side. So we need to bounce every hour or two to make certian that neither of the lower #ing countries is ganged.... Or as you suggest we just worry about the side with lowest #'s and still end up fighting  for the bases we took.  Or you guys just want to break up our squad totally and force us to randomly bounce between countries...

  Do you really want a stale mate type setup?  Seems thats what is being asked for. :(    

 BOPS and other large squads can be and are a powerfull force in the game and I think that no matter what we and the others do it will always be the wrong thing in somones eyes..  

   For those of you like the BK's that think we should just split up and go hither and yon, and that it's fun to fight each other..  We fight each other some times in the DA but we prefer to fly and work togeather twards what ever end we have planned in the MA or in this case Multi MA's and this is usually war based and we don't want to work against ourselves.

   I just fail to see why we have a war based game if we are or must be forced to work for the other side...

  HiTech if you wanted this to be a fair game and have the war in it you should have never enabled squads in the first place and set the arenas so that when someone logs on they get put with the under dog at the time...
   As it is now we have squads, a group of people we want to fly with and and objective. In our case to help the Bish win the war or at least stop the other countries from resetting us...  Let those who dislike us come forward in the arenas, what ever one it may be and oppose us..   Also we only have large #'s on monday night, otherwise we have a few here and a few there so I don't see what all the ranting is about.. unless the other countries are so poor at organisation that they can't put up a good resistance to a well known time and place for Bish organisation....

 In the end it comes down to a few simple question to HTC ......

  HiTech, Pyro and the rest of the company.. What is it you wish us to do?  
  Would you like us to split up?  Or is just jumping here and there good enough to satisfy you? Though I think just jumping would still cause problems in these dinky arenas we have now.

  I'm trying to be honest with you, all I ask is the same in return.. I really hate fights and arguments such as go on in these forums. I would just like a simple answer from the creators of the game I love.... This game even got me stop smoking in 2 weeks  LOL something more adictive than smokes :)
I would hate for this to get to the point that I no longer had fun or that it forced me to fly in oposition of the guys I want to fly with....

  Any way it's 4:16AM now and I've been up from 6:00AM so I really need to go to bed now.. ;)
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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #936 on: September 23, 2006, 07:34:13 AM »
Originally posted by pluck
this is what i don't get about large squads, not pointing out any squad inpraticular.  you have a big squad, why not move to a country with low numbers and have some glory.  be part of the community, not a burden. be part of the solution, not the problem.  of course you can just sit there behind numbers and tell us how good you are, biatch and moan about perk bonus, and how much you matter; but as always actions speak louder than words.....right?  

yep the most important thing in AH is winning the war and the virtual chess piece you fly for.  gameplay and competitiveness always takes a back seat in some eyes.....nothing you can do to change this, but no reason to respect it either.

Well vast sorry that your quote gets to be the one i hammer but here goes.

1.   Ummm please enlighten me as to when Bishops in the old MA vastly outnumbered both countries?????  You say we, the BoPs, were the problem by being loyal to one chesspiece ...but we were always outnumbered or on parity with at least one other country.  your argument is idiotic...there is nothing factual to back your point up...the problem you say we created has never existed.

2.   The BoPs have only flown in the EW as a group so far for two reasons...a.  the furballing is fun  b.  BISH ARE OUTNUMBERED WHEN WE ARE NOT THERE!!!!  when bops are there we even out the rook numbers...the knit numbers get low for periods of time....but we are jus about even with rooks (swaps back and forth)..So once again...we have done exactly what you ask..improve game balance...but we are wrong because we even it ous as bish.

Let me share with you how my night went:

Had a late meeting with my farm manager...worried i was going to miss our friday night fun..finally at 9:45 est i get to log on.  I have not flown over an hour wednesday and thursday due to work.  my first chance on in 3 days.  I  find the BoPs in EW...bish outnumbered by rooks and i see a major attack going on at A1.  rooks are ahead in bases.  Fun furball going on there...

get a number of quick kills and then i get private texted by KARAYA

KARAYA:  "you guys are badazzes huh?"

i ignore it..

KARAYA:  you think you are cool because you are wont give up A1

ignore it

KARAYA:  your squad is a joke and all your posts have made alot of us lose any shred of respect we had for you

Falconwing:  ok thank you..please feel free not to communicate with me anymore

I tell the guys about the messages and we laugh...then KARAYA starts hammering me on ch 200.  so some of my guys..namely fungi..start iin on him...he is getting outwitted so he types:

KARAYA ON CH200:  So falconwing you send your sissies to fight for you instead

So i do my first post on ch200 all night

FALCONWING:  they are better pilots then you karaya

Offline scottydawg

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #937 on: September 23, 2006, 08:40:19 AM »

I'd mute 200 if I were you.

Seriously, what is the point of 200 besides trash-talking?

If I stayed on 200, I'd by now be totally convinced AH is populated almost exclusively by idiotic 13-year olds that forgot to take their Ritalin.

Offline lazs2

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #938 on: September 23, 2006, 08:57:55 AM »
falc and flayed and dunder and doc et all...

falc... your post shows just what a selfish fantasy land you live in...  You claim to be some sort of savior of the old MA... the old MA evolved without you... several people formed joint operations squads before you...  megal squads...

they allmost ruined gameplay.   you jumped in with your mega squad...  Your idea of "balance" was to do the same thing they did but in another chesspiece.   You didn't cause any such thing as balance unless... you call two or three mega squads all hiding from each other "balance"

Yeah... you created balance allright... the MA of the last months was one of one countries mega squad attacking anothers undefended fields while that country attacked your undefended fields...

Your "balance" was that the maps didn't get reset unless one or the other mega squads wasn't around to balance the milkrunning and keep the worthless field captures even... or... the euros did it at night when you were assleep.

Your "balance" resulted in some of the worst game play this game has ever seen.  air to building combat.   like a boxed game where yu could play with your friends but only on the same side.  the enemy was allways buildings and ai.

Further... you haven't helped the dildo icon people... I have flown with them recently... their skill level has dropped to allmost bop level..

Gawd love em tho... the old bish spirit is comeing back now that yu are gone and they are learning to fight again.

As was said....  your pouty, selfish attitude toward the rest of the community with your "rule" makes your squad a joke.

You guys say one thing about the BK's but notice..... guys who actually have fought us say another.    

conversly.... guys who fight you say the opposite of what you guys claim you are.

Not guys in your gangbang group... that doesn't count... what counts for community is what your enemies.. the guys you fight think.

Your squad rule makes you a joke and bad for gameplay.  your entire speech was an excuse to continue to do what you want no matter how bad for gameplay and the community.   I think it showed just how much you care about the game and the people in it.

I have not seen such good gameplay and good natured ribbing in the game in ages...  I have had at least 6 new guys "join" my plane... I imagine that they may not have been impressed but I bet they weren't bored...  they might even have learned something.... you might even say... heck... I might have taught em something... contributed?

The BB?   BK's?  heck... if the bop's were the BB this board would be as bad as the bop gameplay... you should be on your knees thanking the BK's for taking attention away from your posts.

Public Relations Officer for the BK's

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #939 on: September 23, 2006, 09:03:10 AM »
the solution is easy...change the cap limits...if the response remains "go suck an egg"...then my response is a polite "deal with your own mess then". our squad's contribution was to stabilize gameplay by stabilizing numbers by giving guys "a home" during a time there was no stability. if we start changing our "rules" then we are no different then the other squads/individuals who jump wherever "the fight is best". I will contend that THEY are the problem..they could equalize the arenas without changing their rules...but lets be honest..human nature is human nature..the best fights for most people are not outnumbered and outmanned..they will JUMP to the advantage. I cant control that.

Not like you all are the only mega-squad, but you guys have like 4  32 man wings-- if they capped it at 16, can I assume you would then have 8  16 man wings? With these smaller arenas, it can start lookin like the old CT with the JG54--they would normally have more guys online than the opposing country combined--everywhere you go, an impenetrable borg cube.
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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #940 on: September 23, 2006, 09:06:39 AM »
and... as far as the EW goes...  Why are you there?  Wouldn't the LW old MA style of gameplay be more to your liking?

I didn't hear anyone begging the bop to come and help in EW.. that is your fantasy.

I would say that when your guys show up in force you ruin the furball and the rest of us have to go hide from you...  get it?  we are ditching you.

You guys cried like babies over the changes and now... yu go to the arena that is least like what you claim you wanted?   the old MA?

you don't want the old MA so much as you want some arena that you can fight ai or...  real players when you have a huge advantage.   In EW..  that is the oppossite of what guys are doing there.   You are going to "balance" out the EW like you did the old MA...  ruin it.   Go play in LW.    

Public Relations Officer for the BK's

Offline Masherbrum

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #941 on: September 23, 2006, 09:15:27 AM »
Originally posted by FALCONWING
2.   The BoPs have only flown in the EW as a group so far for two reasons...a.  the furballing is fun  b.  BISH ARE OUTNUMBERED WHEN WE ARE NOT THERE!!!!  when bops are there we even out the rook numbers...the knit numbers get low for periods of time....but we are jus about even with rooks (swaps back and forth)..So once again...we have done exactly what you ask..improve game balance...but we are wrong because we even it ous as bish.

Wrong.   But if you "believe this"(your ALL CAPS STATEMENT), you are dilusional.  Get over yourselves.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2006, 09:20:48 AM by Masherbrum »
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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #942 on: September 23, 2006, 09:15:44 AM »
Lasz ... I can only surmize that their presence in EW is due to the fact that they ALL can't get into LW ... so they bring their mass and attitude to EW ... or ... they are showing up in EW to grief it and you.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Offline Masherbrum

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #943 on: September 23, 2006, 09:19:44 AM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
Lasz ... I can only surmize that their presence in EW is due to the fact that they ALL can't get into LW ... so they bring their mass and attitude to EW ... or ... they are showing up in EW to grief it and you.

Yep.   Then they kill everyone else's fun by holding on to all of the bases on the Main Island.   The Knights grabbed back two of the bases without much resistance.   By the time I logged, the bish took back V23 from them.  

They can pretty much negate ANY argument they have (verbal, etc) against HT himself, the community (NOT their squad, which is what they THEY think it stands for:rofl) by their ACTIONS.   Maybe now, they'll get it, but I seriously doubt it.
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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #944 on: September 23, 2006, 09:23:10 AM »
yep slap  I believe that is it.. they are gonna teach HT and the rest of us a lesson because we don't let them have their old toybox to mess around in.  Plus... we are pulling their covers off now and they are angry.  

I'm sorry but that is the way it looks.

All of us here, including them, have learned that no matter how good you are an no matter how bad you opponents...  if you are outnumbered 3 or 5 to one and they play together... they are gonna prevail..

That is the bop idea of "balance".   It isn't the number of players for each chesspiece that is the main thing if all the players are interested in good gameplay.

You can have good gameplay with good community even with bad arena numbers....

You and and will have really bad gameplay tho if there are squads like the bop's on even if the overall numbers are exactly even..

it is the local fight... the one you are in.. that counts..

everyone here and in the EW (at least) get's it except them.

I don't think they are that stupid...

I think they are being pevish and selfish and childish is all.

The "rule"   what a joke.

Public Relations Officer for the BK's