Author Topic: New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates  (Read 35942 times)

Offline Kev367th

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #945 on: September 23, 2006, 09:39:18 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
and... as far as the EW goes...  Why are you there?  Wouldn't the LW old MA style of gameplay be more to your liking?

I didn't hear anyone begging the bop to come and help in EW.. that is your fantasy.

I would say that when your guys show up in force you ruin the furball and the rest of us have to go hide from you...  get it?  we are ditching you.

You guys cried like babies over the changes and now... yu go to the arena that is least like what you claim you wanted?   the old MA?

you don't want the old MA so much as you want some arena that you can fight ai or...  real players when you have a huge advantage.   In EW..  that is the oppossite of what guys are doing there.   You are going to "balance" out the EW like you did the old MA...  ruin it.   Go play in LW.    

Public Relations Officer for the BK's

So the EW is off-limits to all those who don't agree with your gameplay?
Tell me where it says it's the "Furball Arena"?
Tell me it says "No War or No Base Capture"?

No need for a huge post a simple "it says it here" etc will suffice.

But then again OF COURSE YOU CAN'T, no such rule(s) exists, except one(s) in your own head.
The changes weren't meant to be for your personnel "sandbox" to play in.
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Offline Masherbrum

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #946 on: September 23, 2006, 09:39:43 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
yep slap  I believe that is it.. they are gonna teach HT and the rest of us a lesson because we don't let them have their old toybox to mess around in.  Plus... we are pulling their covers off now and they are angry.  

I'm sorry but that is the way it looks.

All of us here, including them, have learned that no matter how good you are an no matter how bad you opponents...  if you are outnumbered 3 or 5 to one and they play together... they are gonna prevail..

That is the bop idea of "balance".   It isn't the number of players for each chesspiece that is the main thing if all the players are interested in good gameplay.

You can have good gameplay with good community even with bad arena numbers....

You and and will have really bad gameplay tho if there are squads like the bop's on even if the overall numbers are exactly even..

it is the local fight... the one you are in.. that counts..

everyone here and in the EW (at least) get's it except them.

I don't think they are that stupid...

I think they are being pevish and selfish and childish is all.

The "rule"   what a joke.

Public Relations Officer for the BK's

100% agree with everything in this post.   It's good other's are seeing through their BS as well.
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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #947 on: September 23, 2006, 09:50:37 AM »
The rest of my post got it is


I type on ch 200 for the first time:



i then get a message from the mod

MODERATOR:  falconwing you two better knock it off or you will get a tiime out as well

HUH? for that? after getting slammed by karaya? but i think, ok , maybe i have a staff bullseye on my back right now so i shutup and dont type anymore.

Then a guy named UKNOWME (and i dont know him) types a shortened curse word directed at fungi on 200.  i guees he gets muted because he comes back 10 minutes later and types:

UKNOWME: well i guess the BoPs have the moderators on their payroll

 then the rooks decide on ch 200 that we have 3 moderators amongst us

then this guys uknowme starts a post in here titled "bops have moderators on payroll"

Now who are the real jokes??? lets see..BoPs are responsible for: 1) ruining the MA     2)  destroying furballing    3)  ruining everybody's fun   4)  killing BOTH kennedy's  5) the north winning the civil war  6)  we lied about weapons of mass destruction  7) interests rates going up  8)  gas prices of $3 a gallon  9)   drunk driving  10) and we run meth labs out of rear bases...

last night we balanced the EW...furballed exclusively...fought rooks and knits simultaneously  and kicked butt all around.  Because we wouldnt stop defending a base that was attacked by numerically superiior rooks...we are a borg.:rolleyes:


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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #948 on: September 23, 2006, 09:56:24 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
and... as far as the EW goes...  Why are you there?  Wouldn't the LW old MA style of gameplay be more to your liking?

I didn't hear anyone begging the bop to come and help in EW.. that is your fantasy.

I would say that when your guys show up in force you ruin the furball and the rest of us have to go hide from you...  get it?  we are ditching you.

You guys cried like babies over the changes and now... yu go to the arena that is least like what you claim you wanted?   the old MA?

you don't want the old MA so much as you want some arena that you can fight ai or...  real players when you have a huge advantage.   In EW..  that is the oppossite of what guys are doing there.   You are going to "balance" out the EW like you did the old MA...  ruin it.   Go play in LW.    

Public Relations Officer for the BK's

heheh this is funny stuff...why dont you ask hitech to rename it the "laz and karaya" arena and move it to a locked server that only you can give permission to play in?  this is too funny...lmao

BTW LW1 has bish with why is your suggestion that we worsen gameplay in there by increasing already good bish numbers?  semms like you are very very confused...maybe some more lithium would help balance you thinking someone has gone off his meds again:aok :lol

Offline Kev367th

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #949 on: September 23, 2006, 10:01:12 AM »
What they aren't telling you Falc -

Later on 4 or 5 of our guys went over to the EW, teamed up with yours to try a few base takes.

That left 4 Bish not involved with us, against 13 Knits, and 11 Rooks.

Eventually 2 of them joined our little group (on other side of the map, not interfering with anything) because they were so fed up getting gangbanged.

I repeat "WE WENT TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP" so as not to interfere with anything or anyone, guess what, still not good enough for the self appointed AH police. (not including you in this WMLute, you were very courteous, just sorry we couldn't oblige you).

Don't believe me? Ask Jaxxo he was there.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2006, 10:08:14 AM by Kev367th »
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Offline bj229r

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #950 on: September 23, 2006, 10:01:59 AM »
Now who are the real jokes??? lets see..BoPs are responsible for: 1) ruining the MA 2) destroying furballing 3) ruining everybody's fun 4) killing BOTH kennedy's 5) the north winning the civil war 6) we lied about weapons of mass destruction 7) interests rates going up 8) gas prices of $3 a gallon 9) drunk driving 10) and we run meth labs out of rear bases...

I bet you guys are responsible for the DH and the 'in the grasp' rule too:furious
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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #951 on: September 23, 2006, 10:05:50 AM »
im sorry BJ229

that was us too...i thought we had killed everyone who knew...may i have your home address please?:D

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #952 on: September 23, 2006, 10:13:55 AM » can't be more than 5 hours away....

("Honey, can i have my bullet?")
« Last Edit: September 23, 2006, 10:17:07 AM by bj229r »
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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #953 on: September 23, 2006, 10:16:32 AM »
4.5 hours now....ill be coming down I-81...:D

Offline lazs2

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #954 on: September 23, 2006, 10:18:37 AM »
falcon...  you never answered the question which I am sure... everyone has noticed... you guys want the old MA... the LW is pretty much exactly the old MA... why would you bother with the EW?

I mean.. you are so ridgid in everything else... why go to the EW?   We don't look at it as our private arena and... It will survive and thrive even with you in it.  

your spoiled little boy tactics will probly bite you on the butt... your drones are starting to have fun and looking enviously at the other guys who switch sides to make for that kind of gameplay... the kind you hate so much.

But. despite what you claim and despite what you claim people think of your squad with it's anti community rules.... atoon said it best here...

"It occures to me that some large squads just like flying together, and while they may have as many as 25-30 members they usually dont get more than 15-20 on at any 1 given time, including squad nights.

Tonite I witnessed a very large squad enter the EW, survey the map & situations, and apply themselves in the way that would piss off as many people as possible. I honestly believe that was their intent. They have gotten alot of attention lately, and they want to push the issue as far as they can

It would have been just as easy to survey the map & apply that large number of people in a matter that would be constructive to the game, but that choice was not made.

It is clear some people thrive on conflict, and ruining things for others. I have already gotten over being pissed off, but I have now lost respect for a squad I once respected."

Public Relations Officer for the BK's


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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #955 on: September 23, 2006, 10:18:50 AM »

actually i do have a lakehouse at smith mountain we go down about once a month. in all honesty i have seen your bent mountain location b4...shoot me an email and we can throw some extra burgers on the grill next time we come always a blast:aok


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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #956 on: September 23, 2006, 10:22:14 AM »
laz..we are insignificant..please ignore us

and as for atoon "respecting us" convinced his "bops have moderators on payroll" post shows how much he loves us.

see ya in the EW!!!

btw mars01 and xbrit were there with us..mars01 logged because the rooks (karaya et al) wouldnt fight but were only may ask him yourself..he is your squaddie..perhaps that will make a difference thru the haze


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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #957 on: September 23, 2006, 10:26:49 AM »
one other thing laz

there is an easy way for us to go to LW1...raise the are against this and most bops play long after the LW is we go to EW

honestly we enjoy the EW plane sets..they are mindless drivel...i havent had to use my flaps once in these skillful furballs..(.and defending bases is easier).....but then again i dont hang on the fringe and pick...or fly 190a5s and bnz guys locked maybe im not "doing it" right:lol

Offline Masherbrum

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #958 on: September 23, 2006, 10:27:19 AM »
Originally posted by FALCONWING
btw mars01 and xbrit were there with us..mars01 logged because the rooks (karaya et al) wouldnt fight but were only picking...

Never encountered SlapShot.   I don't pick, nor do I run.   You can ask Slap yourself.   Wait, it is just another cheap shot to deflect the spotlight off of "The Rule".    I shot down more BoP's, than they shot me down last night.    Thanks for the easy pelts.
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Offline lazs2

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #959 on: September 23, 2006, 10:39:51 AM »
soooo... why go to the EW?  it is everything you were against.

You aren't getting your whole squad in there unless you switch sides or totaly screw gameplay.   Why are you there?   you guys are doing poorly and... when I am a bish I have to leave for another field when your clumsy crew shows up...  we move and change to affect local balance.

You are proving that what yu say is not what you do.  I don't even know what handle you go by but if you aren't even using flaps... you aren't fighting much I would say or.. you are doing some really easy picking.

You are welcome in the EW as far as I am concerned.   If your silly peevishness ruins a local fight I will just go somewhere else.

It's still better than the old MA...  HT was right in the new concept for arenas... they are fun and healthy compared to what the mega squads did to the old MA gameplay.

fortunately.... you are so far alone in this childishness... other squads that used to do what you do are seeing the light and trying to get into the spirt of the thing..

One mega squad trying to spoil it for everyone in an arena is not the end of the world gameplay wise.

I am proud of the other squads that see how ridiculous and peevish you look and have tried to get away from such a narrow and ridgid style and rulebook.

I salute them for the effort and I salute all the guys making these new arenas more of a community and more like what it should be.

I only hope that the disease of your anti community style of gameplay doesn't pick up again in these new arenas with one potatod for every country... all hiding from each other.

Public Relations Officer for the BK's
« Last Edit: September 23, 2006, 10:42:33 AM by lazs2 »