Bombing civilians is in my view a neccessary bad,that has to be done in certain scenarios.
They attacked civilians in the US,when they did that they lost all their rights for any other kind of treatment.
Off course it wasn`t some 5 years old afghan boy who did it and now may be lying dead,but he`s parents and the rest of the adult population who allowed a regime like
the taliban to power,and know what kinda people they harbour.
Germany got bombed the toejam out of during the 2nd world war.They called it terror bombing,but it was Germany too who started the bombing of civilians in Spain,than in Warsaw,Coventry,London etc.
So imo if You live in a country that`s government does or backs people that do such deeds ,either do something about it,or expect to die.
Afghanistan isn`t like an eastern europian country where the communist regime was in power because the whole Red army would crush any revolt against it.
If the people of Afghanistan really wanted to,they could throw this evil group of people over.But it seems like they like them,and this simple fact makes them evil too.
What bugs me the most is,how can they allow countries like Syria and Iran in the coalition.What a diddlyin joke.
They should be bombed with the rest of these amazinhunks.