Ya know, instead of building a new runway, you can re-texure the existing one. In TE, select the runway you want to replace and hit the Save Texture button. Now, in your map folder will be a new folder called Savedtex. Inside this folder will be the .bmp for a runway. Replace the .bmp with one of your new texture. Delete the original and rename your new .bmp TARMAC. Make sure it is an 8-bit .bmp and is 256x256. Copy this new .bmp into your texsrc folder that you have created (or will need to). Now go into OE and build your new runway shape. Looking at your pics, it looks like your new runway is really wide. To make this, just lay a bunch of runways down sise-by-side, making sure each Override Type is set to Runway. In OE, you will see the default runway texture, but when you build the shape and put it into TE, you'll see the texture you are shooting for. I built a custom runway last night by doing this and it works fine. Good luck!