Author Topic: MA, err sorry LW1 full again  (Read 4281 times)

Offline Overlag

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #135 on: October 20, 2006, 09:22:53 AM »
slap, you and laz continue to insult people that don't play the game your way as toolsheders, horde etc etc then you laugh in our faces when HT bows down and completely changes the vision and goals of this game into 100% FT.

You then sit there trying to wind people up further, when people are already pretty pissed off when the game they used to call a massive multi-player WWII combat experience is now a mediocre WWII free for all fighter game.

you then go on telling us to quit if you don't like it...... So why didn't you? if you thought MA was "broken" 1 month ago why didn't YOU leave? no, you and laz whined about it also, infact laz is STILL whining he isnt having fun...hmm.

If you guys liked playing in empty arenas then fine, we still had our fun with mini-MA but HT then changed it AGAIN and now the only good time to play this game is 3-5am mytime when the servers have 200 people in them, during the day theres more players in a IL2 arena, but i didnt WANT a fighter game, i wanted a fighter, bomber and GV game.

 Fantastic, i hope you are having fun in your FT ganging the newbies on the deck, but most of the community thought this game was a WWII combat sim not just a fighter game like IL2:FB/PF.

Reducing the usable numbers in this game is removing things like big bomber raids, and escort missions, its also removing the fun for those involved in these, now we all have to play in FT which would get very old after about 30minutes.

anyway im glad the ball is on your side of the fence now.:noid
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline SlapShot

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #136 on: October 20, 2006, 10:41:23 AM »
Originally posted by Overlag
slap, you and laz continue to insult people that don't play the game your way as toolsheders, horde etc etc then you laugh in our faces when HT bows down and completely changes the vision and goals of this game into 100% FT.

You then sit there trying to wind people up further, when people are already pretty pissed off when the game they used to call a massive multi-player WWII combat experience is now a mediocre WWII free for all fighter game.

you then go on telling us to quit if you don't like it...... So why didn't you? if you thought MA was "broken" 1 month ago why didn't YOU leave? no, you and laz whined about it also, infact laz is STILL whining he isnt having fun...hmm.

If you guys liked playing in empty arenas then fine, we still had our fun with mini-MA but HT then changed it AGAIN and now the only good time to play this game is 3-5am mytime when the servers have 200 people in them, during the day theres more players in a IL2 arena, but i didnt WANT a fighter game, i wanted a fighter, bomber and GV game.

 Fantastic, i hope you are having fun in your FT ganging the newbies on the deck, but most of the community thought this game was a WWII combat sim not just a fighter game like IL2:FB/PF.

Reducing the usable numbers in this game is removing things like big bomber raids, and escort missions, its also removing the fun for those involved in these, now we all have to play in FT which would get very old after about 30minutes.

anyway im glad the ball is on your side of the fence now.:noid

Overlag ...

I have nothing personal against you ... never had ... never will ... it's just when you or anybody post what I believe to be mis-information, I'm gonna call you on it ... simple as that ... I'm sorry that it ruffles your feathers.

If you think for one second that Lazs and I have any control over HT and anybody else that works for HTC, then you are really fooling yourself. I have been to 2 AH conventions and have spent some quality time with HT and Pyro discussing the game. They listen, absorb, and then they act one what they believe to be right and correct for the game and their well being, after all this game is what pays their bills and again, if you think that they just react and do things willy-nilly your kidding yourself.

I don't insult people because they don't play the game the same as me ... another attempt at dis-information ... Lazs may, but I don't. I don't always agree with what Lazs says, but he is a big boy, but when he posts in the manner he chooses , then far be from me to tell him what and what not to do.

If what I post "winds" people up ... sorry about that ... I posted because probably what they posted wound me up or I disagree with the content of the post and I responded to  it.

I have NEVER told anyone to quit if they don't like it ... whether one chooses to play this game or not is their decision alone. I didn't quit cause the MA sucked ... I just cut my online time down quite a bit ... there still was enough fun, at times, that justified me paying 14.95 a month.

I like playing in the MW the most ... and its far from empty when I log in. Also, I just don't exclusively furball ... I do play all aspect of the game, but enjoy and spend most of my time in a fighter fighting.

I can tell that you haven't spent much time in the MW at US prime time ... there are more established players and vets in MW than there are newbies, so I don't spend all my time wacking or ganging newbies ... and if they are newbies ... they won't be for long ... they will learn quicker in MW than they could in LW.

I did fly LW last night and after an hour or so, I could count on one hand all the names that I did recognize. Also, I have seen on the LW text and heard over LW range vox many people saying that the LW is the bomb due to the fact that it is loaded with newbies and the killing is like shooting fish in a barrel. Not true in MW.

If you have a serious problem with the changes that HT has made to the game ... then spend some GPB and give him a call and tell him ... maybe he will explain what his final goal is and then you might not be so pissed off. And if you do call him ... ask him if Lazs or myself or any other "furballer" was personally responsible for him making the changes ... he will probably laugh.

Like I said in another post ... the numbers in LW1 and LW2 are in the same range as AH I had a few years ago ... and the strategic aspect of the game worked exactly the same then as it does now ... so why is it that with the now reduced numbers ... it isn't there anymore and LW has turned into a FT ?
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline Gary26

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #137 on: October 21, 2006, 12:38:31 AM »
Hey HiTech. I have looked for your lengthy explanation post's and cant find them or it. Where might i find it so i can try and understand all of this. Tried to get on tonight after a long day. I was wishing to find some squaddies and have a good time hunting scalps, but they were all in LW1 and had stuff going on and wouldnt come over to LW2. Why does it seem like u have sort of screwed game play for so many to please so few, or yourself. I guess i just dont understand the reason behind the cap issue. Seems like more harm than good. If this way is so great then please tell me how my squad or any squad will be able to fight in the same arena. From what i have seen so far u cant. Might wanna consider changeing the TV ad so it says u might be able to be in a squad. Im not trying to sound righteous, but its getting really frustrating to play anymore when i consider what i have seen. 1. being able to fly with my squad is going to be a pain. Looks like a majority of people are not happy with this change. I need to better understand it first. Remember who's $14.95 got you this big in the first place.:huh
C.O. VMF-213 Hell Hawks

Offline Gary26

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #138 on: October 21, 2006, 12:48:53 AM »
OK sorry I found the explanation post. Guess i wasnt looking good enough. I still want to know exactly what problem are u trying to fix. Looks to me like people are being told what arena to fly in. Why should a squad have to drop what they have foing on just to go to an arena and fly with 2-3 members. Those 2-3 members should be able to get in a arena with there squad if they want. Everyone says if u dont like the change than dont play. Well same to you guys. If u dont like the "disease" that is MA or LW than dont play. Wondering what the next change will be that will make game play even more of a hassle.
C.O. VMF-213 Hell Hawks

Offline ROC

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #139 on: October 21, 2006, 01:50:58 AM »
Hammy, no disrespect intended, but Cancelling your account places you into the Unregistered Voter line.

There is alot of griping about how the arena limits are based.  Now, a few of us just did the dumbest thing ever, and had a blast doing it.  Launched a VAL mission, bout 8 of us.  Ran into a squadron of Lancasters.  So, we attacked em.

Fun is an understatement, considering we all lived.  Now, that put us at about 8 of us, and around 8 formations of Lancasters.  Kept us busy for a good half hour and split a gut laughing.

Didn't matter one bit whether there was 50 or 500 people in the arena.

The game is what you make it, you get out what you put in.  Sit in here and complain or enter and have fun. This Is America, you have the choice to join this game or not.  But the Game Itself isn't a Democracy, it's HiTechCreations.  Just because you buy a cheeseburger at McDonalds does not give you voting rights at the corporate level.  

Eat or don't.  Play or Don't.  I don't understand how some of you think you are Owed an explanation for why HT directs their game the way they do.  Do you get the interaction, the immediate replies and direct attention from Electronic Arts?  Valve?  No, you don't.  Beats me why they bother, but it's great that they do.  They Bother to interact and try to explain, they get rail roaded for doing so, then you wonder why they get testy.
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Offline straffo

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #140 on: October 21, 2006, 02:49:12 AM »
Originally posted by ROC
Hammy, no disrespect intended, but Cancelling your account places you into the Unregistered Voter line.

If you keep your account and not play ,in what line you are ?
The milk cow line ?

Offline Overlag

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #141 on: October 21, 2006, 07:08:41 AM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
Like I said in another post ... the numbers in LW1 and LW2 are in the same range as AH I had a few years ago ... and the strategic aspect of the game worked exactly the same then as it does now ... so why is it that with the now reduced numbers ... it isn't there anymore and LW has turned into a FT ?

the game has slowly been tweaked over the years due to having more and more players. ie hardness of targets, size of towns and hq damage model etc.

in EW or MW this should be more aparent as there isnt any "uber" rides?
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline Hammy

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #142 on: October 24, 2006, 02:26:56 PM »
Hammy, no disrespect intended, but Cancelling your account places you into the Unregistered Voter line.

lol, i like this anology, dont agree but its funny :aok

ROC, I made my point in the strongest possible way, My money stays in my pocket now, HTC won't get fat off my dollars no more  :aok

Offline tactic

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #143 on: October 24, 2006, 04:06:59 PM »
2nd Post on this subject ...  Everyone sees this situation through different eyes, but this is what i see.   Yeh! This sucks!  lw1 full at 120 max and getting leapfrogged to a arena that has 60 people in it 170 max? is not why im here,  plain and simple.   I dont want to pay-play-stay in this type situation.    Lose the leapfrog BS.   Let us late war people have our large arena!!     Ya ya I know quit if i dont like it!   Quitting is not the answer.  But its a option.

 Yes it does matter to some of us if its 50 or 500,  I'm one of them.  
(If i wanted to fly in a arena with 50 people I'd like to be making that decision and not being deverted because the makers of the game want me to fly with 50 people!,  you get it?)    

  Fly a sector and a half to see 2 guys getting killed by 10 people, whoo hoo now thats fun stuff, please!!!    Cant even get enough people 3/4 of the time to do missions any more it seems.

 Keep it the way it is now,  just give us lw people our large arena back,  make it LW3 pink max 600 +- .     And if those people want to go to ew mw or lw1-2 with 50 people in good let'm go.    Just let us, the customer decide how many people we want to fly with.          

 And just because someone canceled their account because of this situation does not mean they have no voice,  Just like many of us they paid and played during times when the game had tons of bugs, having connection problems etc,  many of us stood by AH through those troubling times.   DONT forget,  alot  all of us have helped develope this game while paying the monthly fee, so making money and getting free tech help what more could you ask for. .

 I can say this game would not be what it is today without the input of all of us.  Its not AH employees doing this alone,  We paying sucribers play the game we advise them of bugs etc,   we advise them of that we think would make the game better, and I've seen those suggestion used many times for the better of the game, for everyone paying & playing, its a joint effort IMO.  

This last move was not one of them is all.  :(      IMO

Offline hitech

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #144 on: October 24, 2006, 04:40:26 PM »
Tatic: While players do contribite to AH, and I realy do apreciate the time and dedication some players put in. And also the feed back and sugestions players make.

It realy is NOT a "Joint effort".


Offline Hammy

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #145 on: October 24, 2006, 04:55:20 PM »
Tatic: While players do contribite to AH, and I realy do apreciate the time and dedication some players put in. And also the feed back and sugestions players make.

it really is NOT a "joint effort"

This gets better and better lol............:noid

Offline Overlag

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #146 on: October 24, 2006, 05:35:22 PM »
Originally posted by hitech
Tatic: While players do contribite to AH, and I realy do apreciate the time and dedication some players put in. And also the feed back and sugestions players make.

It realy is NOT a "Joint effort".


so without the player AH would be fine? :O

im still at a loss really. You've explained and youve explained, but really i still dont get it...

you created 3 arenas, instead of one large one.... 50-100 moved into each EW/MW and was enjoying it (and the style you want), the rest stayed in LW and was enjoying it...

so you nuffed LW again?

im guessing once Lw gets to 300 players each, you will add a 3rd, making it even worse for offpeak guys?
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline mussie

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #147 on: October 24, 2006, 09:48:33 PM »
Originally posted by hitech
Tatic: While players do contribite to AH, and I realy do apreciate the time and dedication some players put in. And also the feed back and sugestions players make.

It realy is NOT a "Joint effort".


Hell if it was a "Joint Effort" nothing would ever happen... Everyone would be too busy sitting around eating raw potato...... :p

Offline Mr No Name

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #148 on: October 24, 2006, 09:54:05 PM »
Hammy for President!

(Even if he is a foreigner!)
Vote R.E. Lee '24

Offline Overlag

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MA, err sorry LW1 full again
« Reply #149 on: October 24, 2006, 09:58:33 PM »
Originally posted by Overlag
Deleted for back door moderation.


what does that mean?
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
This post has a Krusty rating of 37