Author Topic: Idea to help HTC  (Read 803 times)

Offline VooWho

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Idea to help HTC
« on: October 19, 2006, 02:20:55 PM »
I don't know if this would work or not, or if im just dumb and wrong, but I play another flight sim called Targetware. In targetware the flyers build their own flight Mods (examples they have is Target Trobuk = Mediterranean sea mod, then they have a Target Rabul = Japan vs American, Britian, and Australia in the South Pacific, and Indonesia. They also have a ww1 mod and a Korea mod)

In these mods on TW, the players built and created these mods, not the creaters of TW. I was thinking maybe if HTC built a program where we the AcesHigh2 community could download then on our spare time build and create these planes that we all want in AH. Then when the creater got done he would send the plane in to HTC to be analyzed and tested before being submitted to be placed into the AH game. After a plane got submitted there would be an update on new planes added to the game. Maybe like ever month or two. These planes would have to meet HTC requirments to be added to AH.

This would help save HTC some time and money, so they can do whats important, like fixing bugs and getting CT working. I know the program they would have to create for us to build the planes would cost them money, but in the long run, it would save them money. We the AH players who would build these planes, would do it for free and for our own injoyment of flying planes.

Remember not all planes would be submitted. It would either have to be voted by the AH community, or HTC would have to make sure that the plane didn't end up as a hanger queen. I know we got some great skinners out there, which also means we got great plane builders, to create and build these planes. Well let the debate begain.
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Offline Flayed1

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Idea to help HTC
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2006, 02:45:26 AM »
There have been other thought along this line but I belive that HT said the program they use to modle the planes is really expensive or somthing like that and there isn't much of a way the average person could get it....

  I migh be a bit off on this but it was something like that... There is a thread about this where HT explaned why this wouldn't work.
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Offline VooWho

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Idea to help HTC
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2006, 08:50:04 PM »
Originally posted by Flayed1
isn't much of a way the average person could get it....

I think HTC are average people. Like everyone says we all are just not the same, so were just average. But what I'm saying is that the people who skin, are the ones most likely to design new aircraft, which will better understand the so called "Unfit for the Average Person" which then they will be able to create fighters like the P39, or a B25, or a Do217. I think they can do it.
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Offline Speed55

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Idea to help HTC
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2006, 06:54:35 AM »
It's not something i could do, but i also think it would be a fast way to get more planes into production. The plane modeler would put the 3d image of the plane together and send it in,  then HTC would code the flight model and all the other technical stuff that's involved, before it goes into the arena's.

I think i remember HT's post though about it not being feasable (sp.).
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Offline croduh

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Idea to help HTC
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2006, 07:05:03 AM »
Program used to create planes in targetware is ac3d, and probably is used in ah too.There is even a tutorial for newbs how to model planes.But i don't think players should model planes.
Btw, that program is used to create costume and some terrain builders use that program(including me).It is not THAT expensive too.

Offline OOZ662

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Idea to help HTC
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2006, 06:05:22 PM »
Searching hasn't led me to the thread, but HT has stated himself that players will never, ever design AH planes. There are too many rules, special code, optimizations, ect. They do use an expensive software set to create their aircraft that most people wouldn't afford.

And HTC isn't "most people." $15 a month from thousands of players gives them a slight edge on me.
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Offline macleod01

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Idea to help HTC
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2006, 05:10:37 PM »
Also, the testing of the hundreds of planes that would be submitte would take ages. And then there would be the duffs, that were a waste of their time testing. Surely HT doing their own designing and getting it right, is better than testing 20 duds! I think HT has a time efficiant way as it is.

just my 0.02p, and i do indeed realise im about to be disembowled for this comment
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Offline Airscrew

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Idea to help HTC
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2006, 05:40:32 PM »
Originally posted by VooWho
I think HTC are average people.

I doubt they are average, besides I know I could never, ever, create a plane as pretty and good and excellent and perfect as Natedog and Superfly.   I wouldnt even want to try.. :cool:

Offline mussie

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Idea to help HTC
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2006, 06:11:48 PM »
The software that the guys and gal at HTC use for the 3d Models is a little bit more advanced than AC3D.

It costs around (from memory) $8,000.00 for a single licence.

HT has stated that it would be great to have ppl build the 3d models, but only HTC staff would create the flight models, damage models ect...

But again with a licence for the 3d Software costing around 8K I dont think anyone is going to rush out and buy a copy of it

Offline mussie

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Idea to help HTC
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2006, 06:13:07 PM »
Originally posted by Airscrew
I doubt they are average, besides I know I could never, ever, create a plane as pretty and good and excellent and perfect as Natedog and Superfly.   I wouldnt even want to try.. :cool:

Ya know I have to say I would give it a  shot, got a spare 8K to give me so I can start on the boomerang :p

Offline FrodeMk3

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Idea to help HTC
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2006, 08:22:28 PM »
Any of you ever take a look at some of the artwork/models in targetware?

Some of it is at least AH2 quality, IMHO surpasses it.

The big problem that I see with letting players model, is that someone might get access to the source code...

leading to problems with things like the big C word: cheating.

Offline Mr No Name

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Idea to help HTC
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2006, 09:47:21 PM »
too many people slam targetware and i really like it.  I also LOVE pacific fighters... it is stunning to look at and the FMs are very challenging... plus I could run my own 128 person server if i wanted
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Offline FrodeMk3

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Idea to help HTC
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2006, 11:16:25 PM »
I agree, No Name. It really has the potential to be a first rate flight sim...The way it's going, If they offer something like Target:Europe or a Eastern front mod, It'll really get going.