I was stuck (already voted using the new early voting procedure) choosing the lesser of two evils here in ILL at the state level. This is a battleground state on the 2nd Amendment and the corrupt Republican machine managed to field a party hack (Marlboro Cafeteria Lady Topinka) candidate that is even weak compared to the likely soon-to-be indicted Democratic Gov. Howdy Doody Blagovitch.
The strongest 2nd Amendment candidate, by far, was actually the Green Party guy - downright libertarian in his views -- but I just know he'll get about 3 percent of the vote. He was pretty much cut out of the campaign and ignored by the media elites except for a few columns by John Kass.
I did cast an anti RHINO (Republican In Name Only) Congressional vote though. This guy was anti 2nd, anti 4th and anti habeas corpus (and he votes that way - not just lip service) so I figured the Democrat couldn't be any worse and if he's dumped maybe the next Republican candidate will offer a real choice. Wishful thinking though.
I'm an independent centrist with libertarian leanings and I usually disagree with "lesser of two evils" voting and try to practice what I preach. I firmly believe the system is broken and see little of value that ultimately sets one party above the other. But several Issues I care a great deal about are under direct attack at the state level (and have been for years) with clear party lines and there is a great likelihood that I will be directly and personally impacted where my 2nd Amendment and 4th Amendment rights are concerned should Blago get another term. These issues are not just for election year show and scare, but represent a certainty of actual legislation. It doesn’t help that the Trib and Sun Times have an editorial crusade at work supporting the dilution of these “lesser” rights, leading to a fact-free presentation of the issues to the citizens of Ill.