Some weeks ago I switched to a full CH set up. Now that I have had some time to adjust to it I thought I would convey my feelings on the set up and my feelings on all my previous sticks to anyone who is interested.
Although I by no means claim to be a Joystick guru, I have been through quite a few over the years.....
Microsoft Sidewinder2 (2 of these)

Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback2 (at least 6 of these, I have 3 together, working ones right now)
Saitek Cyborg EVO Force
Saitek Cyborg EVO
Sorry no real pics of the cyborgs, they are long gone.
Saitek X45 (Only for a few days, I hated the rudder rocker switch and returned it)
Saitek X52
Of all these sticks I feel strongly that the microsoft force feedback2 is the best. The precision and accuracy it offers is superb. The "Force's" it offers were far better than other FFB sticks I had used/tried. It's durability was good although not excellent.
A quick thought on FFB..... Having gone through getting accustomed to FFB and then having to learn to fly without it..... I don't recommend it. For example when MS stopped making sticks I thought I would just go to the Cyborg EVO Force and it would be the same. Its not. In my experence each manufactures FFB is very different. So why take the chance? Just learn on and get accustomed to non FFB sticks and you won't limit your choices down the road. The next thing you know you will be like me and have a six pack of ebay joysticks around that dont really work.......
As stated previously both of the MS sticks are top notch in my opinion and I would still be using them if they were still on the store shelf's.
I really liked my Cyborg EVO and EVO Force. They both looked great (Espically at night time, they both kinda glowed with red and blue lights respectivly). They both were adjustable for hand size as well as left and right handed players. I didn't like the twisty rudder action on either of them. Comming from the MS sticks I felt the Saitek twist was just way to stiff. I could have adjusted to the twist over time, however the cyborg series had 1 issue that made me decide to move on to another stick. The hat switch. I couldnt get used to the feel of it. It was sticky and would almost "Bind" on me..... and I had to warrenty 3 sticks in around 4 months due to hat switch failures.
The X45 was the worst of all my sticks. I absoultly could not stand the rudder "Rocker" switch. I only had it for a day or 2 before I returned it. I dont mean to totally slam the x45 here. It just wasnt for me.
I really thought the X52 was going to be the answer for me. It was cheap (for hotas standards anyway). It was very good looking and it was a twisty stick. I used this stick in Falcon4 Allied Force for quite a few months. I had no problems with it for Falcon. I was'nt flying AH at the time. I really thought I had the stick that I would stay with.
I get back into AH.......
OMG was the X52 bad in AH in my opinion. It was choppy..... it was notchy..... the rudder twist was to stiff (Again) I was literally flying at 50% of my ability with this stick. The throttle sweep is WAY to long to be quick enough in AH for a good rolling scissor. Yeah....... Nonsense.........
Enter the CH FighterStick.
What an amazing stick. I cannot express to any of you how much better of a stick this is than any of the Saitek stuff (That I have tried anyway). The feel is even better than the Microsoft stuff. I was able to adjust to the Fighterstick in about a week. I don't think I could have ever gotten used to the x52 to be totally honest. The entire set up (Throttle and stick) are loaded with levers/buttons. So many that it can get confusing actually. I use manual trim and always have. The throttle has 3..... yes 3, four way hat switches I could use to set up for trim...... Actually, to take it a step further..... The throttle has so many buttons and levers that If I put my mind to it I could probably map all the functions I need for AH on the throttle alone.
Some people complain of a "Notchy" feeling in the stick when going from elevator to aleron. In my opinion it is a non issue. This unit is as smooth as butter.
The throttle has a straight foreward and back motion. Unlike the Saitek HOTAS that has a "Sweeping" motion. In theroy the sweeping motion of the saitek is cool....... IRL it just takes to long IMO to go from WOT to closed throttle to WOT again. The CH no nonsense throttle action is fun, fast and practical. I could'nt ask for better.
I only have a couple of things that I see as issues with the Stick/ Throttle set up. Although they are not really issues for me at this time.
If you have small hands this stick may very well be a problem for you. The hat switch is in the upper right hand side of the stick and it is a bit of a reach for me. I have fairly large hands and can palm "most" basketballs. (I say this only to offer some perspective) At first I thought the reach was to far...... I am used to it now and its not a problem for me.
The stick has alot of hat type switches and not enough buttons. Pretty self-explainatory really. I like a hat switch and then the rest to be buttons. The CH just isn't set up that way. Again, I am used to it now.
The hardest part for me has been the change from twisty stick to rudder pedals. At first it seemed near impossible. A week or 2 later it was good as long as I was'nt in a rush and I had time to think "push on rt foot for rt rudder". Now (6 or 8 weeks in) It is actually starting to become instinct. Although I still have problems with gunnery and especially snapshots. I am hoping they will come with time. I would say today I an flying at 85-90% of my personal ability. I could'nt ask for better givin the time frame.
One thing of note that I have discoverd from going to pedals....... and maybe others can confirm this also..... I was using way to much rudder with a twisty stick. Also with the twisty stick I would use all of the rudder at once where as with the pedals at least half of the time I am using partial rudder instead of just "Snapping" it over. I think ultimately the change to pedals will improve my ability not hinder it.

In summary......
The CH set up is worth all the hype. IMO it will be the last stick that you buy. I highly recommend it. It really is worth the money.
I know the pics are far from great but I thought they would help none the less. I am sorry for any/all bad spelling. I am aware that I can't spell.
I hope you enjoyed my write up.