Author Topic: Your Favorite Kill  (Read 4234 times)

Offline 4deck

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« Reply #90 on: December 20, 2006, 10:08:38 AM »
FIrst, Im not a very good Fighter pilot. I've been playing for about 6 months, and have my first training tonight. So basically Ive been boning up on all the ACM, and trying my best to practice, the vids are great though, cuase I can go outside of the plane, and see actually what is happening, which for the most part in the past 3 weeks, has tremendouly made my "situational awareness" mucho bestro.
So last night, some nimrod starts to flame me on CH 200, so I up his plane. Never flew one b4 and went looking for a fight, nimrod never showed up, as i figure what the hell im here lets get into it. I was several miles away from the main fight, and a f6f comes around. Im in a yak, and never flew one, but was extremely impressed with the little dood. Except for fuel. I digress. Anyway, Im doing barrels, and split S's to avoid this guy, when finally he overshot bigtime, and im on my down from a barrel, and low and behold hes right there in front of me. A few bursts, and walla, Hes not there . No kill though. Look around now this guy is below running away. WTF. :huh  Catch em again, disappears. and this goes for awhile, I start saying "Dood I think  your cable is loose" Finnally down on the deck, I get the message of the kill, apparently he didnt put his cable back in time to pull up.:rofl I left and as i went home, ran out of fuel.
But i got a kick out of that guy. Mostly because I actually knew where he was gonna be even though he wasnt there yet.  Situational awareness. :aok
« Last Edit: December 20, 2006, 10:51:56 AM by 4deck »
Forgot who said this while trying to take a base, but the quote goes like this. "I cant help you with ack, Im not in attack mode" This is with only 2 ack up in the town while troops were there, waiting. The rest of the town was down.

Offline nick172

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Your Favorite Kill
« Reply #91 on: December 20, 2006, 10:19:02 AM »
one night i killed 5 guys with a m8's main gun, thats just fun


Offline jaxxo

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Your Favorite Kill
« Reply #92 on: December 20, 2006, 10:29:52 AM »
2.5k osti kill on morphs 262  doin 400 plus

Offline scottydawg

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Your Favorite Kill
« Reply #93 on: December 20, 2006, 10:49:52 AM »
Favorite Kill:

Downing a 262 in a 51 in a Snapshot...

2nd Favorite:

Taking out a 163 over his field in the MA.

Offline Target2

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Your Favorite Kill
« Reply #94 on: December 20, 2006, 11:55:59 AM »
Killing an F4U, while in a Hurri IIC. After several minutes of fighting, I had an oil leak but had landed several hits on the Corsair. I was closing on his 6 and realized his prop had stopped. At that moment my engine seized. I had more E so I glided in behind and killed him. One dead stick kills another dead stick. I was killing myself laughing.
71 Eagle Squadron

Offline Softail

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Your Favorite Kill
« Reply #95 on: December 20, 2006, 12:30:03 PM »
Originally posted by Overlag
last night


1 p47 (me)


3 x 262s....

didnt last long :o

Hey Overlag, there was actually 4 262's  ;-)    We had just taken off and saw your blip come up on the dar....well all leveled to gain speed and hoped you wouldn't dive down on us....  You passed over and we climbed, then one of squadies who only upped with 25% fuel said he was gonna go get ya.

I hovered over the whole thing watching and keepin an eye out for high cons.   Good stick handling there dude!

Salute Overlag.


Offline Softail

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Your Favorite Kill
« Reply #96 on: December 20, 2006, 12:50:29 PM »
I have two....

      In one instance I climbed a Niki up to 22,000 feet chasing after a 262.  He stayed outta gun range and I couldn't get a shot on him.  Then with my fuel running low I decided to dive for home....he roled over and starte a shallow dive towards me...I pulled the nose up to just above level and let off with a burst at 1K out.   I hit him in the cockpit and he went POOF!  Upon landing I recieved a whooping 2.35 Perk points ;-(

The second was against a very very very very very very high ranked pilot that likes flying F4U's ;-)

My base was being attacked but no CAP was established, I upped an LA7 (base defeneder) and started grabbing alt.  Then I saw an F4U and an F6F start diving in to the field from about 5K out...and they were haulin a**!!!  I had about 7K feet in alt so I turned back towards base and started my dive full WEP.  The F6F got blown up by ACK the F4U dropped its ord and did a slow climb out...I dropped down to the deck to stay below his 6 while I closed from 3K out.

The F4U turned a slow 180 and was climbin up when it spotted a country mate that was in a shallow climb out from our field.  I "check 6'ed" him no avail...the F4U blew him out of the air and continued on his slow turning climb.

One of the F4U's countrymates in a spit came diving down but missed me...thats when I realized that there was a friendly P-51D slightly above and behind me also giving chase...yes...I was target fixated on the F4U.  The 51 broke off and engaged the spit...I continued after the F4U...slowly gaining on him.  

Then the F4U broke up and to the was now or I lined up on him 400 yards out and let off a burst of 20mm's.   Tore a quarter of his wing off.  The F4U rolled over and dove for the deck...with me tight on his a**.    Fired a burst..missed.  Fired another burst from dead 6 .. missed.  Fired a third time and BOOM!  F4U down.

On the message window it read:

You have shot down Shawk.

;-)  Proof that even a blind squirrel can find a nut every now and then.

Offline uberhun

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Your Favorite Kill
« Reply #97 on: December 20, 2006, 01:43:16 PM »
Originally posted by BaldEagl
Favorite of my career?  I honestly can't remember them all but I had a memorable fight about a month ago.  

I got a clean merge in my Spit 16 with a 109 (don't remember which model).  We turned and played for angles for a while at 10-15K.  I was gaining ground on him.  He was pretty good in that 109 but I knew I could beat him.  Just keep playing the angles and he'll be mine I thought.  

Suddenly he broke and I chased him into a defensive spiral (a rolling scissors going straight down).  As we danced at full speed headed to the deck I was near blackout.  Just the slightest "window" of visibility in the center of my screen.  I've got to keep him in sight I thought but knew that pushing any harder would cause an extended blackout sending me plummeting to earth in what would have probably been the fastest straightest lawn dart ever.  Worse yet I knew he was faster than me in a dive and now my sure kill might be slipping away from me.  My airframe started to shudder adding to my anxiety but I hadn't totally lost sight yet.

Just then he made another sudden move.  He broke into a slight climb about 2K over the deck.  By now my heart was racing and I was thinking just a quarter turn more and I can follow but I can't push it any harder or this thing's gonna break apart.  Finally.  I broke, almost in total blackout, my plane barely willing to respond to controls thinking God, I hope I haven't lost him.

As I leveled and regained sight I was 600 on his six.  I opened fire and hit  taking him down instantly.

Once in the defensive spiral that whole chase probably lasted about 10-15 seconds but it felt like a lifetime.  I don't remember who it was but that was one fun fight.

I am pretty sure that was me BaldEagl. I was in a109 K4. It was a good fight. I could not get you locked in for the kill. You got position on me and all I could do was go defensive and hope you would make a mistake. I was going nuts. I remember saluteing you on 200 after the engagement. Your a good Stick:aok

Offline BaldEagl

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« Reply #98 on: December 20, 2006, 02:19:32 PM »
Originally posted by uberhun
I am pretty sure that was me BaldEagl. I was in a109 K4. It was a good fight. I could not get you locked in for the kill. You got position on me and all I could do was go defensive and hope you would make a mistake. I was going nuts. I remember saluteing you on 200 after the engagement. Your a good Stick:aok

Thanks.  It probably was you because I think it was a K4.  That fight sticks out in my mind for several reasons beyond your obvious ability.

1.  Not many pilots actually use the defensive spiral.
2.  When one does the attacker usually decides to hold alt and not to follow.
3.  If 1 and 2 are met, the defender usually chops throttle hoping for the overshoot.

The fun part was that we did it at full speed.  What an adrenaline rush.  .

BTW, were you nearing blackout like I was?  It seemed you had a lot better control but it might have just been the difference in planes.
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline uberhun

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« Reply #99 on: December 20, 2006, 03:10:00 PM »
Yes! In that ride I am always pushing the plane to the limit. I remember that fight because we were constantly trying to get position on each other and I finally burned up all my e riding the flaps trying to stay inside the spiral. It was a great fight! :rofl
(By the way I had house on Long Lake in Minnetonka back the late 80's early 90's) Left there and moved to Chicago on a transfer. How I miss living their now.;)
« Last Edit: December 20, 2006, 03:13:57 PM by uberhun »

Offline badhorse

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Your Favorite Kill
« Reply #100 on: December 20, 2006, 07:54:17 PM »
My favorite kill was a proxy!  This was a couple of months ago.

I was in a Niki supporting an attack on a Vehicle Base. I had used up my ammo de-acking and on GV's and such so I turned off to return to base.  As I was leaving the area I passed a friendly C-47 heading in with troops.  A couple of minutes later I hear the goonie pilot. "Badhorse I need help. There's a 190 here!"  I turned around and told the goonie driver I was out of ammo but the 190 guy doesn't know that so I would see what I could do.

As I got closer I saw the F190 starting his run on the C-47.  I dove in on his tail and he broke off the goonie. I stayed on this guys six for awhile while we twisted and turned. Well this guy twisted once when he should have turned cause he hit the ground with a very nice explosion.   Mission accomplished.  lol  One dead 190 and I never fired a shot.

I will be the first to admit it was plain dumb luck. But the atta boy from the goonie driver made me feel pretty good.
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Offline tedrbr

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Your Favorite Kill
« Reply #101 on: December 21, 2006, 01:10:51 AM »
My favorite kill was a few days ago.

Me: canon left, just bee-bees defending a base on edge of the furball, at low alt vs a P-38 being flown as a turn fighter (and flown well).  I think he was also out of canons.  

Turn and jockey for positions.  Ping back and forth.  Low slow turning fight.  Went on and on.  Out of cannon, out of WEP, picking parts off each other's plane.  And somehow we were ignored by the rest of the furball nearby (although having that many other planes near increased the tension).   I even got to land it.

Against most other planes, he would have had me, but that Ki-84 is great in that kind of fight.

Wish I had filmed, or could remember which pilot it was... that was a busy night for me.... about a dozen sorties in Ki-84 that night.... often 2 or 3 kills per sortie.

Favorite kill on a stellar night.