FIrst, Im not a very good Fighter pilot. I've been playing for about 6 months, and have my first training tonight. So basically Ive been boning up on all the ACM, and trying my best to practice, the vids are great though, cuase I can go outside of the plane, and see actually what is happening, which for the most part in the past 3 weeks, has tremendouly made my "situational awareness" mucho bestro.
So last night, some nimrod starts to flame me on CH 200, so I up his plane. Never flew one b4 and went looking for a fight, nimrod never showed up, as i figure what the hell im here lets get into it. I was several miles away from the main fight, and a f6f comes around. Im in a yak, and never flew one, but was extremely impressed with the little dood. Except for fuel. I digress. Anyway, Im doing barrels, and split S's to avoid this guy, when finally he overshot bigtime, and im on my down from a barrel, and low and behold hes right there in front of me. A few bursts, and walla, Hes not there . No kill though. Look around now this guy is below running away. WTF.
Catch em again, disappears. and this goes for awhile, I start saying "Dood I think your cable is loose" Finnally down on the deck, I get the message of the kill, apparently he didnt put his cable back in time to pull up.
I left and as i went home, ran out of fuel.
But i got a kick out of that guy. Mostly because I actually knew where he was gonna be even though he wasnt there yet. Situational awareness.