Flaps, I answered you that night, I didnt shoot. I was going to but it didnt look like I had a good shot, and then when I thought I did have a shot it was too late. then you went down. I asked you then what happened. and you asked me if I shot, and I replied I didnt.
I cant see the film at work, I'll have to wait till later tonight to look at it and see if I have a film of it.
I did have something similar happen to me a couple of nights before, similar sceniaro, I forget who it was but I was in A6M fighting a Spitfire, we passed close, then all of a sudden my zero stopped flying and I hit the water. I didnt have the film running so I dont know what happened.
I'd send it to HTC, maybe its a weird collision bug or something. Did we pass close enough that it might have looked like a collision to the server, except I didnt see a collision message.
Batty, I aint good enough to have my tracers off, without tracers i suck