I can understand the desire to be more "challenged".

I started out my AH career in anything that was slow and turned well, mainly the Spit5 (the old 5, with more ammo/boost) and settled somewhat on the HMk2C. At that time, I was flying H2H every now and then, and racking up kill after kill after kill with those quad hispanoes got somewhat boring. So I took a Mk1 up instead. I had so much fun, and tour66 i decided to take it to the MA... no matter what.
For the entire month, i stuck to the HMk1. Lotsa dying in the first week, then slowly starting to get a feel for it, the needed tactics and on some fights i came out the winning end. The rest is, as they say, history

Each plane will "teach" you different things. For me in the HMk1, it was flying from the defensive, flying for angles, Energy management and precise gunnery. Right now, im feeling my weak point is Throttle work, so ive started up flying the high powered rides, to teach me to keep my horses in check. For flap work, id take Jugs or P38s into close turnfights.... not working your flaps will kill you quick in that case

If you look for something new to learn/do - just peruse the planeset and fly what you are the least familliar with, what you usually overlook when in HANGAR.
Another method to leave things in the hands of Fate.... let one of your kids pick a number between 1 and 89..... then just type .plane ## into you chat and visit HANGAR to see what you ended up with. (one note: Vehicles, Bombers and perk planes are included in the numbers... you might want some "backups" untill you end up in a fighter. plane 89 is the RV8).