Author Topic: Dog fights on the History channel  (Read 2668 times)

Offline Stoney74

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Re: Dog fights on the History channel
« Reply #30 on: January 14, 2007, 02:04:39 AM »
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
The crew was the most highly decorated crew in the war, 2 CMHs and 7 DFCs and downed 3 Japanese fighters before the Japanese fighters had to break off due to fuel.Iack-ack

Ack-Ack.  I appreciate your post, but I have a major hang up with people refering to the "Medal" as the CMH.  Congress, with the exception of a small majority like Sen. Inouye, Sen. Kerry (of the Bob variety and not John), and vets like John McCain haven't the foggiest idea what it takes to earn that Medal.  Its bestowed by the President, given by authority of Congress, and its official abbreviation is the "MOH", with a blatant ommission of the term "Congressional" from its title.  Medal of Honor, please; not Congressional Medal of Honor.  Sorry, but I felt that it merited a response.

Great story about Swede, regardless...

Offline Murdr

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Re: Dog fights on the History channel
« Reply #31 on: January 14, 2007, 02:16:58 AM »
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
The Dauntless pilot was later transfered over to fighters and flew the Wildcat and I think was the first US pilot to down 7 enemy fighters in one fight.
Thanks, now I am racking my brain trying to figure out which book I had read where the brass was ticked and ordered longer gun camera film be loaded because a pilot shot down 7 planes, but the film ran out at 5 kills.  Curious if its the same pilot.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2007, 02:38:32 AM by Murdr »

Offline eilif

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Dog fights on the History channel
« Reply #32 on: January 14, 2007, 02:36:05 AM »

Slow But Deadly.  Old WWII slang.

Offline RAIDER14

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Dog fights on the History channel
« Reply #33 on: January 14, 2007, 02:59:22 AM »
Originally posted by NHawk
I only saw the first 25 minutes, but I thought the clouds looked amazingly like the ones in AH.

HTC got a contract with the History Channel so they use Aces High for the simulation scenes

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Re: Dog fights on the History channel
« Reply #34 on: January 14, 2007, 03:06:28 AM »
Originally posted by Stoney74
Ack-Ack.  I appreciate your post, but I have a major hang up with people refering to the "Medal" as the CMH.  Congress, with the exception of a small majority like Sen. Inouye, Sen. Kerry (of the Bob variety and not John), and vets like John McCain haven't the foggiest idea what it takes to earn that Medal.  Its bestowed by the President, given by authority of Congress, and its official abbreviation is the "MOH", with a blatant ommission of the term "Congressional" from its title.  Medal of Honor, please; not Congressional Medal of Honor.  Sorry, but I felt that it merited a response.

Great story about Swede, regardless...

Congressional Medal of Honor is just as correct as Medal of Honor and both are used to refer to the medal.

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Offline Dr1337

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Dog fights on the History channel
« Reply #35 on: January 14, 2007, 03:54:47 AM »
Originally posted by RAIDER14
HTC got a contract with the History Channel so they use Aces High for the simulation scenes

BS lol

Offline Widewing

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Dog fights on the History channel
« Reply #36 on: January 14, 2007, 10:58:19 AM »
Originally posted by Hap

How/when did you figure this out.  Noodling in the TA?  And on overshoots, flaps?  How many notches do you like.

I've only used the Dauntless as an observation platform when commanding a CV.

Thanks for your input, always substantive,


There are several things that the SBD brings to the table.

1) Superior turn radius (out-turns everything but Zeros and Hurri Mk.I)
2) "Stop now" dive brakes (forces an overshoot)
3) Effective, tightly grouped guns (IMHO, more lethal than 8 .303s on SpitI)
4) No blind spots (thanks to outside view option in MA)
5) Excellent endurance on 50% fuel (good for almost 30 minutes)
6) Effective flaps (deploy at high speeds)

There are several notable areas of weakeness.

1) Poor roll rate (ineffective ailerons, needs lots of rudder input to roll smartly)
2) Slow acceleration (use nose-low maneuvers to maintain E)
3) 260 mph max speed (conserve E whenever possible)
4) Sudden drop of left wing at stall (be quick on the rudder to counter)
5) Slow climb rate (especially between 2k and 6k. Above 6k, supercharger switches gears)

When flying the SBD, it pays to be aggressive. When most pilots encounter an SBD, its pilot is flying defensively, thus it isn't a real threat and usually not a difficult target. Not withstanding, an aggressive SBD can be a real handful, often catching the enemy flat-footed. Inasmuch as the SBD can out-turn nearly every fighter it meets, being caught flat-footed by one usually means getting smacked.

SBDs dive very well (as one would expect from a dive bomber). Nursing one up to 15,000 feet provides lots of potential energy, allowing it to run down lower fighters and force a fight.

SBDs also require good timing. Since you cannot readily replace speed lost in maneuvering, timing become essential to E conservation. Time your maneuvers to gain angles without wasting speed. This requires good judgement of the enemy's E state.

Don't get roped. You can follow the enemy up, but know when to quit so that you don't find yourself flopping around with no speed and no control. Again, this requires the ability to recognize the enemy's E state. I'll often follow the enemy up a bit, roll over and offer him what he thinks will be an easy shot. I then barrel-roll out of his sightline and catch him when he overshoots. I'll also present the enemy with what looks like an opportunity for a shot, only to tighten my turn just enough that he can't bring guns to bear. 99 times out of a hundred, this will convince him to turn harder. When he does, he burns E. If he gets slow, the SBD will gobble him up.

I could write paragraph after paragraph on how to fly the SBD effectively as a fighter. However, I have 3 minute and 6 minute films that will show much of what can be done with the Dauntless. I was flying with Black70, who has been playing for several months. He comes to the TA to practice and develop his skills. He was not prepared for the SBD (the majority of Aces High players would do no better than he did, mind you). Top tier pilots would realize that an aggressive SBD is likely being flown by someone who can fully exploit it and would not get sucked into a turning fight, fighting like it was a Zero rather than a dive bomber. That means maintaining a big E advantage, using energy or BnZ tactics to defeat the slow, poor-climbing SBD. This works well, but only if the SBD does not have an E advantage to begin with. Keep this in your head as it is the gospel: An SBD with altitude is as dangerous as any fighter. If you're flying in the MA and look up and see an SBD up high, it indicates one of two possibilities. Either the pilot is afraid of being intercepted, or he's hunting... If it's the latter, you'll need to be very careful not to find yourself carrying your testicles home in a box.

Here's the films:


My regards,

« Last Edit: January 14, 2007, 11:15:55 AM by Widewing »
My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline Laurie

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Dog fights on the History channel
« Reply #37 on: January 14, 2007, 12:16:31 PM »
it sukcs they dont show it on the british history channel, would love to see an episode tho

Offline 1cemanVS

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Dog fights on the History channel
« Reply #38 on: January 14, 2007, 02:11:41 PM »
they dont? i thought it was "the history channel" didnt realise it had regions lists the UK's history channel website as, and they show "dogfights"

atleast that is what my research uncovered...its just on at a stupid time here..

Offline Laurie

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Dog fights on the History channel
« Reply #39 on: January 14, 2007, 03:11:55 PM »
o kool, stupid sky+ tv guide, should look closer lol

Offline crockett

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Re: Dog fights on the History channel
« Reply #40 on: January 14, 2007, 03:45:09 PM »
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
Anyone see tonight's episode?  It told the story of a SBD Dauntless pilot (can't remember how to spell his name but his nickname was "Swede") that was jumped by a Zero and was forced to dog fight.  The fight later evolved into a 2v1 and then a 3v1 and lasted close to 20 minutes.  Incredible story and what an amazing fight.  The Dauntless was able to hold it's own against the 3 Zeros and managed to down all three of them and make it home.  The Dauntless pilot was later transfered over to fighters and flew the Wildcat and I think was the first US pilot to down 7 enemy fighters in one fight.  The second story was about a B-17 bomber, Old 666 that was attacked by 17 Japanese fighters while on a photo recce mission.  Unfortunately for the Japanese they attacked what as then the most heavily armed B-17 in the Pacific with no less then 19 .50 cal machine guns including a nose mounted one that was fired by the pilot.  The crew was the most highly decorated crew in the war, 2 CMHs and 7 DFCs and downed 3 Japanese fighters before the Japanese fighters had to break off due to fuel.

I guess the moral of the story is that within every bomber pilot is a fighter pilot itching to get out.


Yea I watched it and recorded it.. was one of the best dogfight episodes yet. I would have hated to be the back seater during all those high G turns. Can you say barf bag please..

Offline crockett

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Dog fights on the History channel
« Reply #41 on: January 14, 2007, 03:47:46 PM »
Originally posted by Roscoroo
yea it was way Cool ... Triple 6 Rocked !!!  oh yea The AH commercial on the History channel ... ABout Frelling time !!! Woo hoo .

(Way more exposure on the history channel ...its on basic cable everywere ) :aok

It's been airing for at least a month or two.. It's what made me decide to sign up.

Offline crockett

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Dog fights on the History channel
« Reply #42 on: January 14, 2007, 03:50:04 PM »
Originally posted by Max
Anyone know who produces the graphic animations? Looks uncannily like AH.

They are doing the show using Microsoft's newest flight sim.

Offline slowstick

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Dog fights on the History channel
« Reply #43 on: January 14, 2007, 04:19:57 PM »
I recorded every dogfight since they have started the series. Some excellent instructions and manuevers in there

Offline 1cemanVS

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Dog fights on the History channel
« Reply #44 on: January 14, 2007, 04:30:08 PM »
recorded on what? any possible way of hosting them for download/stream? no? yes? pleeeeaase?


cant do reading, my imagination sucks :lol