Thanks for heads up Saw. This has reminded me to post some "hoaxes" (though your's in valid)
Hoaxes Circulating
Good Times - E-mail virus. The warning was started as a hoax, and has had a life of its own.
This hoax circulates 2 or 3 times a year. Please do NOT propagate any e-mail on this
non-existent virus.
Valentine Greeting Hoax - This is not a virus. Do not pass this email on. Your hard drive will
not be destroyed when you read the email and it will not forward onto everyone in your email
address book.
AOL 4.0 Cookie Rumor - Email virus This is just a rumor started by an alleged former AOL
employee about malicious cookies in the program.
AOL RIOT (aliases: AOL RIOT 2, MILLENIUM RIOT) - An email message is being distributed
which suggests that you should forward the message to 10 AOL members or risk losing your
account access or risk a virus being downloaded on January 1. This message is a hoax Do
NOT forward it to anyone, delete the message.
Penpal Greetings - E-mail virus. The warning was started as a hoax. This hoax is similar to
Good Times e-mail virus. Please do NOT propagate any e-mail on this non-existent virus.
Make Money Fast - E-mail virus. The warning was started as a hoax. This hoax is similar to
Penpal e-mail virus. Please do NOT propagate any e-mail on this non-existent virus.
IRINA - E-mail virus. The warning was started as a hoax, exactly like the Good Times above.
Please do NOT propagate any e-mail warnings on this non-existent virus.
Deeyenda - E-mail virus. This warning was also started as a hoax, exactly like the Good
Times virus. Please do NOT propagate any e-mail warnings on this nonexistent virus.
Microsoft's Internet Explorer 4.0 - this is a joke with a Virus Alert message attached to it. Do
not propagate - this was only intended as a joke.
Y2KGame This is a game program named Y2KGame.exe, it has green diamond icon with the
letters "NVD". The game is NOT INFECTED with a virus if downloaded from the NStorm web
site. As games files are shared from user to user it is possible that the executable become
infected. It is wise to practice good computing and always scan any executable sent through
email prior to opening.
NT50.EXE - This is a file that is currently being sent via e-mail. When you click on the icon, it
will give you several error messages, then the final box that comes up asks if you really want
to format your hard drive with the only option being OK. This file has been researched and it
is a joke - there is NO hidden payload. Please delete this file and don't pass it on.
PKZIP 3.00 - Trojan Horse warning. This warning has circulated in multiple iterations for over
a year. The actual code did exist once, but never made it into the wild. There are no actual
findings of this virus over the last ten months, but the warning is more persistent than
Terminator 2. Please do NOT propagate any e-mail warnings on this no problem code.
Ghost Trojan - This Trojan Horse warning is a hoax. GHOST.EXE was reported to contain a
virus, but in fact it did not. This program contained a graveyard scene with floating ghosts
and tombstones. It has an activation date of Friday the 13th and will also display the
message: "Happy Friday..." Please do NOT propagate any e-mail warnings on this program.
Returned or Unable to Deliver - This is a hoax warning about an e-mail virus that does not
exist. It looks like this:
There is a new virus going around in the last couple of days!!! DO NOT open or even look at
any mail that you get that says: "Returned or Unable to Deliver" This virus will attach itself to
your computer components and render them useless. Immediately delete any mail items that
says this. AOL has said this is a very dangerous virus, and there is NO remedy for it at this
time, Please Be Careful, And forward to all your on-line friends A.S.A.P. Again, ignore this
hoax warning and do not pass it on.
Join the Crew - E-mail hoax/chain letter. This warning is beginning to circulate. The e-mail
claims to erase the hard drive. Please do NOT propagate any e-mail warnings with this
Runit2.exe - This is an executable that was intended as a joke, but the message states that it
is going to reformat you hard drive. Do not open files in e-mail attachments if you do not
know what it is.
Kidney Theft - this is an E-mail hoax that talks about a 20/20 episode that warns travelers of
waking up in the morning in a tub of ice and a kidney missing. Often the subject of the note
is Travelers Beware! Please do NOT propagate any e-mail warnings on this subject.
Sandman - this is another E-mail hoax warning of the Sandman inviting you to access his
web page and then the Sandman hacks into your C: drive. This is a hoax message and
should not be propagated.
Buddylst.ZIP - this is an E-mail hoax that says the following:
A computer virus is going around! It is called BUDDYLST.ZIP! Do not download or some
jerk from the internet will get your screen name and password! Please send this to any
names you can think of and remember never download BUDDYLST. Please do NOT
propagate this e-mail warning.
Budsaver.EXE or Budweiser Screen Saver - this is an E-mail hoax that warns you about
downloading the Budweiser Frogs screen saver - it will crash your system. Please do NOT
propagate this e-mail warning.
Win a Holiday - This is another e-mail hoax, the text is very similar to the Returned or unable
to Deliver hoax. Several of this messages are now taking text from multiple text messages
into one message. Please do NOT propagate this e-mail warning.
Stella.EXE - this is an executable that is being send as an e-mail attachment. When
executed, it will either hang the system, or present you with a puzzle of your desktop. Please
do NOT propagate this e-mail.
Open - Very Cool - This is actually part of the A.I.D.S. Hoax. The message claims to be very
damaging to your system, designed to completely ruin your entire computer including
mouse, keyboard, memory, etc. It is being sent through e-mail with the title "OPEN - VERY
COOL". We are also seeing an email subject of DANGEROUS VIRUS
It Takes Guts to Say Jesus - this is a new hoax that states that your should share the
information with everyone who might access the internet and you should pass it along to
everyone in your address book. Please do NOT propagate this email warning.
Wobbler - this is a mis-identification of a Trojan Horse virus. February 1999 DAT files will be
corrected so that it does not detect this as a virus. 7/14/99 update - there is a text message
warning that this is a virus. This text message is a hoax.
Bug's Life -this is an E-mail hoax that says the following:
Someone is sending out a very desirable screen saver, a Bug's Life - "BUGGLST.ZIP". If you
download it, you will lose everything!!! Your hard drive will crash and someone from the
Internet will get your screen name and password! DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS UNDER ANY
CIRCUMSTANCES!!! IT JUST WENT INTO circulation yesterday, as far as we know. Please
distribute/inform this message. This is a new, very malicious virus and not many people
know about it. This is just a hoax. Do not spread it further.
LSD & Strychnine on Pay Phone Keys - this is a rumor. There is no proof that any such thing
actually happened. Do not forward this email to others. - This is a variant of the hoax (Budweiser Frogs screen
saver). It tells you not to open any mail from for fear of crashing your
system and locking out your AOL account. Please remember that you can not get a virus
from just reading your email.
AOL Year 2000 Update - This is another hoax meant to scare inexperienced users. The text
message claims you should execute the Y2KFIX.EXE to make sure your AOL software is Y2K
compliant. A good rule of thumb - if you receive email attachments from someone you don't
know - don't open it. Even if you do know the sender, be cautious opening up attachments.
Attention Virus NastyFriend99 - This is a hoax - do not forward this message on - delete it.
The just of the message is that there is a new virus that will infect your machines on May 15
and will send email to all your contacts. This is intended to scare people. Disregard the
message and do not forward the message on as it asks.
Please Help Poor Dog - This is another hoax meant to scare inexperienced users. The text
message says "PLEASE HELP POOR DOG." DO NOT open it. It will erase everything on your
hard drive. Forward this letter out to as many people as you know. This is a new, very
malicious virus and not many people know about it. This information was announced
yesterday morning from Microsoft, please share it with everyone who might access the
Internet. A good rule of thumb - if you receive email attachments from someone you don't
know - don't open it. Even if you do know the sender, be cautious opening up attachments.
Email Surcharge - This is an Email message talking about the Goverment taxing email
messages. This is a hoax - do not forward.
Microsoft Email Tracking System - This is an Email message talking about the Netscape and
AOL merger and for every person you send the text message to, you receive $5. This is a
hoax - do not forward.
Do Not Lick the Deposit Envelopes - This is an Email message talking about deposit
envelopes containing cyanide. This is a hoax, do not forward.
Free Clothes from The Gap - This is an Email message talking about a merger of
Ambercombie & Fitch and The Gap. It talks about and email tracking sytem to determine with
store is more popular. All the information contained in the note is a hoax, do not forward.
Free Computers from IBM - This is Email message talks about a merger of Hewlett-Packer
and Gateway. It talks about the first 250,000 people to respond would get a free PC. All the
information contained in the note is a hoax, do not forward.
Microsoft Y2K Fix - This is Email message talks about a Y2K fix from Microsoft. This looks
official, but Microsoft does not mail out fixes. If you do receive an attachment from someone
you don't know, don't open it.Do not forward the email message.
Procter & Gamble Hoax - This is Email message talks about the President of Procter and
Gamble going on the Sally Jesse Raphael program avowing his allegiance to Satan. This is
hoax has been floating around for many years on paper, with different talk shows listed.
Please do not forward this message on to others.
How to Give a Cat a Colonic - This is another email warning statinf that this will erase
everything off of your hard drive. Please do not forward this message on to others.
CellSaver, (AKA, CELCOM - This is another email warning stating: This screensaver is very
cool. It shows a NOKIA handphone, with time and messages. After it is activated, the PC
cannot boot up at all. It goes very, very slow. It even destroys your hard disk. This is a hoax -
do not forward.
Work Virus - This text message was intended as a joke. Do not forward.
Lump of Coal - This is a new hoax going around warning you to not read an email called
"Lump of Coal." It's reported as a "deadly virus" that was aired on CBS in August 1999. This
is a hoax, do NOT forward.
Phantom Menance - This is a new hoax circulating with the subject of Phantom Menance.
This is a hoax, do NOT forward.
Frogapult - This is a forwarded email hoax that mentions a trojan payload for Christmas
holiday however these details are unfounded in actual analysis of the file mentioned in the
email message. This is a hoax, do NOT forward.
Elfbowl - This is a forwarded email hoax that mentions a trojan payload for Christmas holiday
however these details are unfounded in actual analysis of the file mentioned in the email
message. This is a hoax, do NOT forward.
Happy New Year Hoax - The following message has been circulating in forwarded email
messages and is not substantiated, but does contain misinformation and therefore is a hoax
The hoax message includes the following text: Warning on December 31, 1999 you may
receive an email called, Happy New not open it, it contains a deadly will
erase windows from your computer along with many other program files. Pass this on as
soon as you can to get the WORD out!!! This is not a hoax...this was reported on CNN on
Tuesday the 2nd November 1999! This is a hoax - DELETE THE MESSAGE AND DO NOT
Bill 602 P, AKA Postal E-mail This is an email message being distributed that encourages
people to obbose Bill 602P. This is hoax, there is no such bill. DELETE THE MESSAGE AND
Aureate Trojan This is an email message regarding Aureate Media. This is hoax. DELETE THE
Daisy Chain his is an email message which is designed to play a practical joke or prank on
someone. The content of the message may look official at first, but upon further inspection,
one could surmise it was in fact a joke by reading the details closely. This is a joke. DELETE
AOL 83 Minutes This is an email message regarding AOL Internet Services that suggests on
June 23, 2000 that AOL will begin monitoring your account and suggests sending the email to
10 friends within 83 minutes. DELETE THE MESSAGE AND DO NOT FORWARD THIS
++JG2++ ~Richthofen~ XO
Aces High Training Corps
JG2 "Richthofen"
"Some people are only alive because it is illegal to shoot them."
[This message has been edited by Ripsnort (edited 03-22-2000).]