well, the great maxius taught me how to fly in H2H, he got me in the air, taught me about turning, told me not to HO and to get behind people first...
when i ventured online there were various people that helped me, but the most noticeable were, in order of time period:
sniper, he taught me about fighting in the vertical and reversing an opponent
the almighty batfink, who took me under his wing and invited me into his squad. under his expert guidance i went, in his own words, from 'the biggest HO'ing lawndart i've ever seen, to a formidable fighter jock'. he taught me most of what i know as a fighter pilot, and taught me to love the furball, and how to win in one
then i spent a lot of time with kazaa in the TA. we taught each other, and the improvement in both of our flying was very noticeable. we'd just fight each other, practise moves. those fights were always intense,
then i started moving on to energy fighting. after being pwnt by badboy many times, i eventually asked him for help... he told me i was 'doing a batfink' and wasting too much E pulling for a shot he taught me all there was to know about energy fighting.
but there were always people who would kick my arse with magical merges, no matter how much energy i saved, that pesky airvent fellow being the most annoying!!!!!
so i've been flying and training on and off with airvent and all his aliases for nearly a year now, especially during the last few months. he used to hand me my arse, and still does from time to time, but i give him a good fight most of the time, and occasionally win one or two
so yeah, that's a very brief rundown of the major influences in my flying.
notable mentions should go to these guys though:
ahhh, too many to name. they've all given me fantastic fights over the years, which i've taken a lot away from. sorry if i've missed anyone, there are just so many names and it's been over 2 years