Author Topic: Am I to be booted?  (Read 7659 times)

Offline Ball

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Am I to be booted?
« Reply #120 on: March 11, 2007, 09:44:14 AM »
Guys i think you should lay off.

You do realise you are arguing with the # 1 base taking squad in Aces High, right?

Show them some friggen respect. :mad:

Offline quintv

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Am I to be booted?
« Reply #121 on: March 11, 2007, 10:23:30 AM »
I think this person should be booted just for being insecure enough to feel to have to "pre-empt" his accuser with a forum waaaaaaaaaaaah the bad man touche me thread.

Offline BaldEagl

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« Reply #122 on: March 11, 2007, 10:29:55 AM »
Originally posted by Bruv119
Hey Lusche don't offend the leading capture squad from last month.

They will take all your bases whilst your having your dinner or going to work.   Then they will have pwned you by the time you next login.


eaglhart, FYI, almost every plane in the game can approach 500 ias much less 500 true ground speed as long as it's in a dive.  Even a long, shallow dive will ultimately result in high speed and once speed is attained many will hold onto it for extended periods.  If I remember your post you were mentioning the P-47 which is one of the best diving planes in the set.  Almost nothing will stay with one if the nose is down.  

Nothing against you but I think you need to do some flying in a number of planes before you start making accusations of cheating.  You might just be surprised.

[Edit]  I went back and see you said the P-40.  I can't speak to it but my above statements are still true.  I did check Doc Gonzo's site and both P-40's are capable of almost 350 in level flight with WEP on at ~15K, therefore, coming out of a dive of any sort the speeds you talk about are not unrealistic.  

BTW, no disrespect but is the most trusted set of in-game stats on the planes available in AHII.  You might want to check here before making claims of being the stat king.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2007, 10:44:37 AM by BaldEagl »
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline eagleheartone

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Am I to be booted?
« Reply #123 on: March 11, 2007, 10:43:14 AM »
// Baldeagle.... it was a P40..... sustained..... // find me in the arena.. will give it to ya to look at.... will let anyone see it.... you just cant tell everyone who it was though....:aok   ButI guess everyone can look at it.... would that be saying a name.. and violating a rule for the forum.  mmmmm

CO.  5th SFG "S.O.A.R."

Offline FrodeMk3

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« Reply #124 on: March 11, 2007, 10:55:49 AM »
Baldeagle's spot on. Really, the P-40 is an excellent diver. You don't need much neg. pitch to keep up those kinds of speeds in that bird.

Listen, I know it's frustrating when it happens, but when a good stick gets a high bounce on you, don't go and post on the forums that they are cheating. Especially without a film to back it up. Not only does HTC frown on this, but you will ruin your respect with the rest of the AH community. And, to keep in perspective, if it wasn't for the other players, we would all still be playing boxed sims.

Offline Bronk

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Am I to be booted?
« Reply #125 on: March 11, 2007, 11:02:40 AM »
Originally posted by eagleheartone
// Baldeagle.... it was a P40..... sustained..... // find me in the arena.. will give it to ya to look at.... will let anyone see it.... you just cant tell everyone who it was though....:aok   ButI guess everyone can look at it.... would that be saying a name.. and violating a rule for the forum.  mmmmm

If you suspect less than honest doings.
Just send it into HTC and shut your pie hole. They have and will take the action need.
Coming here and whining about will just get you ridicule, at best.
At worst HTC will ban your whiny rear TOS violation.

See Rule #4

Offline Masherbrum

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Am I to be booted?
« Reply #126 on: March 11, 2007, 11:23:52 AM »
Originally posted by VIXEN
As for all the accusations of cheating in the EW arena, many are & have been validated, hence the dismissal of CLANG last campaign among a few others who were caught "on film".

 I personally was  the victum of cheating by QANTAS in the EW arena on 3/9/07 when he  dropped 2 eggs on my T-34 & missed, circled around for a few more minutes(no land & rearm) and then came back in & dropped 6 bombs on me which killed me......this could have been plausable, however he was in a Hurri IIc which only carries 2 eggs to begin with.

  Yes i named names & i don't care, i'll stake my #1 bombing reputation on it. Untill HT institutes a punkbuster system, bans IP addresses & refuses bank account #'s of known TOS violator's, the cheating & accusations will continue unabated.

  Atleast back in the AirWarrior days, Kesmai had paid staff who haunted the arena's "looking" for violator's & had vollunteer staff who's account's were paid for to help police the arena's and they took "snap shots" of ppl's hard drives looking for script changes.....warned once, then tossed permenetly was their policy.

  I think HT's indifferance is due to their own ineptness & greed to expand for monetary gain verses building upon a solid core of players and providing a solid gaming experience.


You're so full of it.   PM me your email addy so I can SEE this "film of CLANG" cheating.   Amazing, you have a whole 6 posts and there isn't a "Vixen" in the arenas.   So my question to you is this.   Why "name names", when you are OBVIOUSLY using a shades account?  

BTW, Clang doesn't cheat, he is good and knew how to manipulate the scoring system.   No cheating involoved.    Until I SEE PROOF, you're have only accusations.

I hope you and eagle get PNG'd for this crap.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2007, 11:28:50 AM by Masherbrum »
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Offline pluck

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Am I to be booted?
« Reply #127 on: March 11, 2007, 12:09:11 PM »
umm, i don't think you guys should be arguing with him, maybe you will be the next to be accussed of the c word:noid   these are very powerful people, i fear for your souls
80th FS "Headhunters"

Offline TalonX

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Being called a cheater
« Reply #128 on: March 11, 2007, 04:01:28 PM »
Ah yes children, I remember my first time being called a cheater.

I can only say.....  I wish it happened a LOT more.   Each and every time someone has called me a cheater, I had just completed some maneuver or attack that I was particularly proud of.

Everyone in my squad knows it's a badge of HONOR to be accused of cheating....  I love it.

If I were better, it would happen more.


Forgotten, but back in the game.  :)

Offline SlapShot

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« Reply #129 on: March 11, 2007, 04:25:21 PM »
Originally posted by eagleheartone
// Slapshot this goes out to you... you sit here and say that I am on a witch hunt and put my name infront of that. That is doing what you are accusing me of is it not.  
you few senior member on here seem to think that you can do anything  or say anything you want.... You just put my name on a witch hunt... If that aint callin the kettle Black.  I dont know you... you dont know me.... but if I suspect you of foul play... I will personally tune to you and ask you how or why this may occur.  I give the person an opportunity to explain the outcome.... hence learning at the same time.  Ask anyone that flies with... or against me in the arena's.  Lusche should even be man enough to agree with that... I've done it with him.  If you come at me at 471 mph sustained.. in a aircraft that caint do but 350 and not controlible at the speed... gonna raise an eyebrow..... but it dont matter what I say...I'm just a Junior member...right.   You people crack me up...... gotta go check on my list...  Tar and Feather's are next..... :aok

Well this goes out to you ... if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck ... it's a duck.

It really has nothing to do with "Senior" / "Junior" status of how many posts one has put up on the BBS ... "Senior" / "Junior" is all about time and longevity in the game.

In that context ... yes you are a "Junior" and for those off us that have been around for quite some time ... we cringe (and HT gets pissed off) when a relatively new person bursts upon the scene screaming "cheat".

In the 5+ years that I have been playing this game (a relatively short period of time considering some of the others have 10+ years in flight sims) I have seen it all ... and not once did it occur to me that someone was "cheating" ... I always racked it up to my lack of knowledge of aircraft and the physics of flight and of course ... I screwed up or made a bad decision or erred in judgment.

With you ... it's all about the context of the post and your delivery ... and to be quite frank ... you posts smack of arrogance brought on by lack of experience in Aces High IMHO.

Keep stomping thru these threads waving the "cheat" banner and you soon feel the wrath of the AH Gods.

Post the film for all to view ... simple.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline -SR-

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Am I to be booted?
« Reply #130 on: March 11, 2007, 04:34:14 PM »

Offline eagleheartone

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Am I to be booted?
« Reply #131 on: March 12, 2007, 08:10:27 AM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
Well this goes out to you ... if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck ... it's a duck.

It really has nothing to do with "Senior" / "Junior" status of how many posts one has put up on the BBS ... "Senior" / "Junior" is all about time and longevity in the game.

In that context ... yes you are a "Junior" and for those off us that have been around for quite some time ... we cringe (and HT gets pissed off) when a relatively new person bursts upon the scene screaming "cheat".

In the 5+ years that I have been playing this game (a relatively short period of time considering some of the others have 10+ years in flight sims) I have seen it all ... and not once did it occur to me that someone was "cheating" ... I always racked it up to my lack of knowledge of aircraft and the physics of flight and of course ... I screwed up or made a bad decision or erred in judgment.

With you ... it's all about the context of the post and your delivery ... and to be quite frank ... you posts smack of arrogance brought on by lack of experience in Aces High IMHO.

Keep stomping thru these threads waving the "cheat" banner and you soon feel the wrath of the AH Gods.

Post the film for all to view ... simple.

............................. ............................. ............................. .........................
Your so expierence and so wise..........  while your were playing your little games..(sims)...lets see... 5 yrs...oh yeah..... 10+.. that makes 15 right. well looks like you have 5 more til retirement...and while you have seen it all....... There are those of us.... that actually lived in the outside world.  You no nothing of me..... I think you might wanna find out who your talking so much smack too.... before ya run off at the mouth...... You and your fur burners in here....  are really what Birth Control was invented for.  Don't sit in here behind a screen and act like god.... everyone of the threads on this BS  BBS has your sig and your other fur burners on it too.... Seems this is all you have.........  your a waste... The concerns.(accusations as you say)... come throughout the theater... LW..MW..EW... You see... its all threeeeeeeeee.....  If I need to be a voice..... YOU deal with it.  If the Senior memebers like you, that think you know so much about the game, you can get away with alot more,  WE are watching you......HT should appreciate someone that would. stand up for a good name, and Fair Play...

P.S.  I put a little thread in here to say thanks to my squad..... you. and your fur burners.... fired the first of many shots.....  But I have attitude.. your right... I wouldn't piss on ya... if your were on FIRE !!!!

You will be attending the Convention..... right

CO.  5th SFG "S.O.A.R."

Offline Max

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Am I to be booted?
« Reply #132 on: March 12, 2007, 08:36:19 AM »
<-- can't believe this thread survived the weekend. Oie Vay :huh

Offline SkyRock

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Am I to be booted?
« Reply #133 on: March 12, 2007, 09:13:25 AM »
Originally posted by eagleheartone
First of all...P40..  you loose control at alittle over 300.....  
:rofl :lol :rofl   Take Mo   and add some ron and what do you get??:rofl

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline SlapShot

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Am I to be booted?
« Reply #134 on: March 12, 2007, 09:25:50 AM »
Originally posted by eagleheartone
Your so expierence and so wise..........  while your were playing your little games..(sims)...lets see... 5 yrs...oh yeah..... 10+.. that makes 15 right. well looks like you have 5 more til retirement...and while you have seen it all....... There are those of us.... that actually lived in the outside world.  You no nothing of me..... I think you might wanna find out who your talking so much smack too.... before ya run off at the mouth...... You and your fur burners in here....  are really what Birth Control was invented for.  Don't sit in here behind a screen and act like god.... everyone of the threads on this BS  BBS has your sig and your other fur burners on it too.... Seems this is all you have.........  your a waste... The concerns.(accusations as you say)... come throughout the theater... LW..MW..EW... You see... its all threeeeeeeeee.....  If I need to be a voice..... YOU deal with it.  If the Senior memebers like you, that think you know so much about the game, you can get away with alot more,  WE are watching you......HT should appreciate someone that would. stand up for a good name, and Fair Play...

P.S.  I put a little thread in here to say thanks to my squad..... you. and your fur burners.... fired the first of many shots.....  But I have attitude.. your right... I wouldn't piss on ya... if your were on FIRE !!!!

You will be attending the Convention..... right

I am gonna try and make it to the con ... why?
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."