Author Topic: Suggestion: Provide list of controls that should be on HOTAS  (Read 468 times)

Offline evilc

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Suggestion: Provide list of controls that should be on HOTAS
« on: March 14, 2007, 09:03:45 AM »
What I mean is this...

Some controls are more important than others when you are in combat and need to keep hands on throttle and stick.

To aid new players, maybe list the *most important* controls for combat to aid people in deciding what to map to their controller and what to leave on the keyboard.

Just a little suggestion, I have been very impressed with the new player support offered by the community ( I have played many online games but never seen one before where people devote time to training new players ) and just wanted to feed back what I feel could be even better.

Hell, what would really rock would be suggested mappings for some of the more popular sticks out there.

EDIT: I found this, maybe sticky it or put it in the training section?
I still think my idea for listing important commands would be a good idea though...
« Last Edit: March 14, 2007, 09:08:16 AM by evilc »

Offline TequilaChaser

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Suggestion: Provide list of controls that should be on HOTAS
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2007, 09:36:10 AM »
Welcome to AH2, evilc.......

The thing about what controls should be most important is that everyone has their own idea of what is important and what is not.......

some things I consider important - ( my HOTAS is gameport version not USB is preprogrammed using Speed Keys )
Ch Fighter Stick
-as many views as possible ( I have 12 set views and then a button for the up modifier  Numpad Key #5  and then a button with the down modifier key Numpad key #0 )
- Flaps up and Flaps down  Q/W keys
- All weapons Fire - N key
- CM Eye Mode Controls for forward and reverse  ( Throttle for speed, Stick and rudder for flying )

 CH Pro Throttle
-  Secondary weapon Selector  Backspace key
- Secondary Weapon Fire - B key
- Gear up / Gear Down and Tailhook up/ Tail Hook Down
- Engine controls for Engine #1 and Engine #2
- Auto Angle/ Auto Speed/ Auto Pilot / Combat Trim
- Tuned Vox channel #5 and F12 for Local range VOX
- Clipboard/ Map
- Damage Assesstment list
- Check 6 function
- WEP function
- Left and Right Brakes

I do not use Modes 2  or 3 .........

I use to have the individual Trim Functions programmed, but opted out for Combat Trim  On/Off to make it easier to trim plane for  cruise speed then turn CT off and leave it off unless I receive damage and missing parts ( ie lose 1/2 a wing or something )

these functions are what I consider most important, others prob have a different like opinions we all have them  

"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

Offline DamnedRen

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Re: Suggestion: Provide list of controls that should be on HOTAS
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2007, 11:32:47 AM »
Originally posted by evilc
What I mean is this...

Some controls are more important than others when you are in combat and need to keep hands on throttle and stick.

Welcome aboard...:)

TC provided an excellent rendering of his stick setup.

Here's the issue as you so correctly noted. All sticks are different. Some have the throttle on the base. Some have a twisty stick for rudders. Some have 12 buttons. Some have 4-way hats on top or 8-way hats. Some have an 8-way hat and 5- or 6 buttons on the top next to the hat.

My particular stick is an older CH F-16 Fighter stick. I have approx. 17 views on the hat using the "up modifier" on a button on the throttle. The stick also has 3 more 4-way hats on it along with 3 more buttons. This is the joystick alone. I also have the CH Pro throttle which adds 4 buttons and 4 more 4-ways. Last I have some really old TM pedals (they used to call them RCS). So when you think about it I have 34 buttons (35 with the "up modifier") and the 8-way view hat. Every single one of them is mapped to do something. My stick is almost at the top of the heap but not quite since it is an older generation (analog). The price reflects it. People spend what they want to spend and this is not about who wants to buy what. However, you can buy a stick for price that won't get the wife ack active yet give you a chance to be very successful in any part of this game. Let me explain.

High on the list of any joystick is the ability for you to maintain continious eye contact with your opponents plane. We maintain visual using the Hat (old military saying is coolie hat because that's what they looked like). The Hat in a real jet was used as a trim switch. Planes like the A4 Skyhawk had no auto pilots. You would lock your elbow in a particular position then trim your plane to level flight so you could gently touch the joystick without having to maintain constant gripe over long cross country trips. But, you would normally trim a little nose down when you were about to engage someone in a fight. The reason is obvious. History lesson over. Back to the hat....

The sayings used by old aces are absolutely true in this game. "Speed is life." "Lose sight, Lose the fight." "Turn in to your attacker." "Attack from a position of advantage whenever possible."  Note the "lose sight" one. If you were to break down a steps in a dogfight one of the most important ones is your ability to maintain visual throughout the whole fight. It doesn't matter if you can turn on a dime if you lose sight of the other guy for a second or two the odds are you just died. It is so important that you can actually watch a guy make a mistake in the fight and immediately capitolize on it. At that point you own the fight and can end it. A rolling scissors is a perfect example as you are maintaining eye contact with the enemy plane while gaining nose positional advantage. Once that happens you know exactly when he is going to pop out in front of you for the killing shot.

The question raised here is how to set up a stick. The real question is which stick to begin with.  What are the minimum requirements for a joystick without breaking the bank. There are a lot out there. They range anywhere from $1 (garage sale) up to $300 (top of the line). The average player spends $20-40 on a stick.
Here's what to look for;
The minimum must have...

1) an 8-way hat.
buttons located away from the hat (on the base the stick mounts on). The reason is you cannot move your thumb around on the hat and press down the look up modifier at the same time.
At least a throttle located on the base.

2) Additional NICE to have and not really anymore expensive...
A twisty stick joystick for rudders.
As many buttons on a joystick as you can find. They will be put to good use.

3) Got a little more money and want to blow it...
A separate throtle (with buttons) is excellent.
Separate rudder pedals also excellent.

We have an old saying...A joystick is approx 95% better than a mouse. A good joystick is approx 50% better than a base 4-way hat type  joystick with a couple of buttons. Take the time. Ask questions. Use this help board to ask questions. Buy a joystick that will work for you. But remember if you don't get what you need then you will struggle as long as you play. There are a lot of $20-30 NEW sticks out there meet items 1 and 2 above.

Lastly, (whew) there ARE stick setups that provide you with a logical way of managing a fight using HOTAS. Since most folks have no idea which is good or not quite as good I'd suggest instead of just grabbing some easy stick setup you meet with a trainer in the Training Arena (TA) and spend the hour with him. And a word of caution...the Trainers have been around a long time and have learned whats the most expedient way of using HOTAS in a fight. It's human nature to try something, right or wrong, and continue to use it because you were never taught the correct way. The concern is unlearning the wrong way. If you get your stick setup corrrectly (read logically) THEN learn how to use the new views and buttons you just set up you will be a long way into this great game!

Hope this helps.

Offline Auger

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Suggestion: Provide list of controls that should be on HOTAS
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2007, 02:39:26 PM »
As a more generic answer, anything you find yourself using, or really wanting to use, while in flight should be on a button/hat.  Stuff you use most gets priority and should be on the easier to reach buttons.  If you have leftover buttons, you can start adding nice-to-haves.

I move a lot of mud, and typing in salvo settings while on a run has caused me to earn my handle on several occasions.  I use a USB CH Fighterstick, and the shift feature essentially doubles the number of buttons on the stick.  So I added salvos of 1, 2, 4 and 6 as shifted settings on one of the hats.  Now, when dive bombing a hangar, I can set the salvo to 6, pickle 2x1000 , select rockets, pickle 6 at once which should drop the hangar, hit the hat to switch the salvo to 1 while climbing out, come over the top and work on the ack with the remaining rockets.  It is way faster, and typos are eliminated.  Plus I can watch for bad guys instead of looking at the keyboard.

Offline evilc

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Suggestion: Provide list of controls that should be on HOTAS
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2007, 03:03:58 PM »
Thanks for the replies.
What i was trying to get at was a list of controls that you are really going to need on your stick if at all possible, and a bit about why.
For example:
I was trying to set everything up before playing, and being low on buttons on my stick (8 buttons and one hat - no shift modes), I am forced to make compromises. Not knowing much about the game, it is a steep learning curve (Don't get me wrong, you guys do a great job, the training arena is excellent, but there is always room for improvement, right?) and would be helped if I wasn't wrestling to use keyboard keys in combat whilst some buttons went underused. Sure, I will get there in the end, but I think people newer to the flight sim scene could do with a "How to get the best from your controls" FAQ as well as the existing material on how to fly.
That way, people are less likely to get bored trying to set things up right, and the player base can grow, which surely has to be a good thing for a niche game right? ( though the idea of some of the trash I have seen in WoW and such playing a game such as this does make me shudder )

So, to summarise - documentation for people newer to flight sims and / or with limited capability sticks outlining what to put on those easy to reach buttons would be a good idea in my humble opinion.

Offline evilc

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Suggestion: Provide list of controls that should be on HOTAS
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2007, 03:20:12 PM »
Oh, and RE: DamnedRen's post:

Luckily, I have trackIR, so I don't have to worry about views :)

TBH, trackIR is the reason I picked up AH2 alone. Used to play flight sims a bit years ago - I have a couple of analogue TM F-16 FLCSs in various states of repair and a broken TQS (All gameport not USB). Then I got into helos in BF2, which I got my current TM Top Gun Afterburner II (Great stick for the price, silly long name though) for.

Then ArmA came out, which was similar to BF2 (But no jets!) so I thought I would give helos in that a try. When I saw demo videos for trackIR in arma, I just had to have one - it rocks even on foot, so much more immersive.

So I thought I would check out flight sims again with TIR - picked up Bob2, then heard about AH2, so thought I would check it out.

Offline Blagard

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Suggestion: Provide list of controls that should be on HOTAS
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2007, 04:41:33 PM »
If I ignore all the buttons I have with a view of some sort, the rest is quite limited!

On my CH Figherstick the important (often used) ones are primary fire, secondary fire, weapon select, Check 6, WEP, Mic for radio, Text buffer, Auto trims, combat trim, F6 bomb aim, F1 & 1 (on one button to get back in the driving seat from anywhere!)

On my CH ProThrottle, Gear,Flaps,tailhook, Clipboard, Zoom toggle, Zoom in, Zoom out, Fireboth.

The rest as I said have views and less used functions like position buttons to hop around GV and bomber guns.

Offline sax

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Suggestion: Provide list of controls that should be on HOTAS
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2007, 04:42:11 PM »
Better off not having to many things mapped in untill comfortable
with basic controls and views .

I'd say after so many hrs of flight time then look up the trainers
for help with more functions .

The player could post his gear and the appropiate trainer could assist .

Simple start makes for better faster :)

Good post tho evil

Offline DamnedRen

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Suggestion: Provide list of controls that should be on HOTAS
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2007, 10:09:52 PM »
I had TrackIR and got rid of it. WHEN someone comes out with an inexpensive 3d headset (stereo screen or better). say under $300 that I can use then I'll buy another TrackIr. Anyone notice that one great product seems to come out but related products never seem to hit the market at the same time. :(  Don't get me wrong its a nice product but imho it's just not there...yet.

Regarding stick buttons and views...I had mentioned they are all different. However, the trainers have immediate access to the different brands/models and can spend the time discussing your options as defined by the type of stick/number of buttons. In other words, we suggest a setup for a particular button to use and tell you why. You then make the decision to use it or not. I happen to help people daily and suggest setups based on the stick that was purchased.

Here's a quick for instance. You have only 5 buttons plus an 8-way hat. One button is needed for the look up modifier. That leaves 4 buttons. Including the trigger? Do you use one of the buttons for a secondary gun or just have all guns fire on the tirgger pull? Most sticks default to trigger (B1) and secondary (B2). Using N to "fire all guns" doesn't stop you from using the backspace to chose dt's, eggs or rocks (drop tanks, bombs or rockets). In fact you still have to arm whatever you're carrying. A split second touch of the trigger gets rid of em. The amount of waste (ammo used) is a couple of rounds. What do you gain? A button that can be used for something more important.

Another case that's very typical of new folks using views. Ask them what happens when they press the hat forward. Most say its mapped to look up. You already have that plus 7 other views using the look up modifier. It's a duplication of efforts that wastes a button that can be more importantly used.

There's much more like why people put WEP on the throttle (if they have on) and why people NEVER map landing gear to a button. It's a waste unless you fly a HOG (Corsair) alot. And it can hurt you. If you happen to hit the gear button by accident while you're inthe middle of a dogfight, you may end up back in the tower because you cut your planes performance alot. (if you didn't rip the gear off).

You began the post asking for a list of the most important controls for combat. You have seen differing opinions in answer to your post from some of our players. What's most important for one player may be inconsequential for another. That was why I responded you may want to get with a Trainer to discuss your options with such a limited stick. :)

Hope this helps.

Offline Murdr

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Suggestion: Provide list of controls that should be on HOTAS
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2007, 11:26:32 PM »
fire primary
fire secondary
select secondary
flaps up
flaps down
toggle zoom
up modifier

Those are what you really should have at your fingertips.  That's 7.  Should be self explanitory why these are important to have mapped.  There are a number of canidates for the 8th spot, most have been mentioned previously.  

My "up modifier" actually toggles between stick modes.  Both stick modes are identical except for the views.  One has flat views and up, the other has 45 degree up views.  You could, if you have limited buttons use a 2nd stick mode to give a 2nd function to some of your buttons.