Author Topic: Tonights Snapshot  (Read 176 times)

Offline hornet36

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Tonights Snapshot
« on: March 21, 2007, 04:56:11 AM »
Event is held in the SEA at 10pm EST...Everyone is welcome!!!

In February 1945, the Allies forged eastward toward the Rhine River and on March 7, made the first crossing via the Ludendorff Bridge at Remagen.To the north, ground troops crossed the Rhine at Wesel on the night of March 23-24, supported the following morning by an aerial invasion of more than 2,800 U.S. and British gliders and paratroop transports. By afternoon the Allies had a firm bridge-head across the lower Rhine, ready to drive eastward around the Ruhr.


Country Percentages
Allied 50%
Axis 50%


  Allies Axis
Units: Panzer, M16, M8, M3C47, P47D40, P51DActive bases V56, A31, A58 and A69 Tigers, Panzer,M16, M8, M3C47, FW190D9, FW190F8, AR234 no formations
Tigers will be disabled after 15 minutes
Active bases V36, A42, A20 and A37

Orders: Capture V36 Defend and hold V36
Restrictions: None No attacks on Allied bases.

Victory Conditions
Which ever country occupies V36 at the end of 1 hour wins

Arena Settings
Terrain RhineFuel 1.5 4 livesTower Radar 10 miles GV radar 3 miles Country radar disabled Visibilty 10 miles
Formations off

Designer Notes
Capture of V36 represents a bridge crossing of the Rhine and the continued advance of the allies to Berlin.

CM Notes
Turn on DeathMaxCount by setting DeathCountMin to 60 10 minutes after launch or just prior to combat to allow for discos.
Disable Tigers after 15 minutes

Design By
68Falcon and Nefarious
© 2007