Originally posted by Nemeth
Get into a real plane.
What I like about AH is the interesting variety of people here.
Stange as it may seem the Spit was about the best all round fighter the Brits produced. Being a Brit I like to fly it - Simple as that. Since I fly like a Noob it suits me very well
If the Hurricane was not so outclassed by all the others I would fly that but it just cannot catch up with anything in AH !
Of course the Spit can overcome the
brakes but it really does hinder take off and initial speed is very slow to build up. I think this had something to do with the thread here
And guess what 603 Squadron had in Jan 1945 until they were disbanded!
It was reformed on 10th January 1945, renumbered 603 and re-equipped with the Spitfire LF 16e aircraft.