Author Topic: New MA map  (Read 480 times)

Offline CFYA

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New MA map
« on: May 21, 2007, 03:50:51 PM »
To everyone:

       I know everyone says doing a MA map takes a buch of time, sweat, and tears of frustration but I want to attemp it. After getting used to the TE I think I am compatent enought to take on a task of this magnitude. Ive emailed HTC support last week and bugged them again today with some questions on the overall structure they would like to see in a map.  

       I want to get some opinions of some of my comrades in arms as well. I dont want to build a terrain that is ideal to me but may not fly for one reason or another. My number on goal in all this is to get in the MA. I have no real prefrences to what the final product will look like.

     If it looks great, plays great, and passes the test(s) I am thrilled. Any postive input is idea is to do a terrain from a greyscale to create a realistic map unlike pizza or Uterus.

What percentage of water?

Symetrical or like pizza where everything is equally spaced?

Flat terrain or w/ some moutains or mostly mountains?


Approximatly how many bases per team?

Percentage of vbase to airbase?

How big?.....I think 256 is gonna be mandatory.

Average distance to bases?

Strat spread out or clustered around hq?

These are some of the questions Id like some input on. I can make the map I want but who knows if it will get approved? This is the reason I seek some opinion, not because I dont have any, more to see if my opinions are mainstream or left wing.

One side note.....I think it was ROC or Wmlute pointed out the fact that the map is totally rebuilt? The process was even different then the SEA maps?
Anyone could tell me what processes are specific to a MA map I would really like to know.

Thanks in advance!


Offline Greebo

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New MA map
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2007, 04:48:13 PM »
I've been thinking about doing an MA map too. I printed out screenshots of some of the existing maps to get some idea of what was acceptable.

A couple of things that seemed consistent were a typical airfield spacing of 25-27 miles and the HQ placed 85 miles from the nearest enemy field. The other factors you mention seem to vary from terrain to terrain.

From reading in here it seems that fields over 6K are frowned upon and that fighter towns are now out of favour.

I've sent a roughed out map with field types and elevations to Skuzzy for comment but haven't heard back yet. My map had FT bases so they'll probably have to go. I would suggest you do the same before beginning work on your terrain to save wasted effort.

Offline CFYA

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« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2007, 05:00:26 PM »
That is percisely what I have planned. I wanna get all the questions I can get ironed out before I have to redo/undo something.

Thanks for your input there Greebo... on all the killer skins!


Offline NHawk

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Re: New MA map
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2007, 06:45:21 AM »
I'll do my best to answer these and I will assume you're building for the mid-war and late war areanas....

Keep in mind realistic does NOT equal playable from the game standpoint.

What percentage of water?

None to any. There is no set amount.

Symetrical or like pizza where everything is equally spaced?

Land mass for each country should be equal but not necessarily symetrical. Smpizza was in response to people wanting the old AH1 "pizza" map. I couldn't recreate it (AKDesert) so it was the next best thing on a smaller and lower scale.

Flat terrain or w/ some moutains or mostly mountains?

This is where your imagination has to come in. Would you enjoy flying over completely flat terrain? Does flat terrain make for good game play?

My personal experience is people hate flat terrains, but the don't want to have to fly to 20k either.  AND they don't want to have to actually fly their planes out of an airfield either (ie: Mid Mesa). The biggest complaint in Mid Mesa is they can't auto pilot out of a field, which was intentional on my part.

OH and that reminds me. Perception of how high a terrain is can be WAY off. The highest mountain in Mid Mesa is 8k but people still insist they have to fly to 15k to get over them. Be prepared for perception errors.


FT - No

Approximatly how many bases per team?

On a 256 x 256 terrain for the MW and LW areanas 20 to 30 is about right.

Percentage of vbase to airbase?

Any. Again game play comes into consideration. You want enough v-bases to keep the GV players happy and enough air bases for the flying group.

How big?.....I think 256 is gonna be mandatory.

You answered your own question.

Average distance to bases?

In general air bases in the MW and LW areans should be no farther then 25 miles, no less than 3/4 of a sector. There are exceptions to the 25 miles, but they should be limited. There are no exceptions to the 3/4 sector.

Strat spread out or clustered around hq?

If you cluster strat you have a bombers heaven. Personally I wouldn't do it, but people seem to be asking for this.

One side note.....I think it was ROC or Wmlute pointed out the fact that the map is totally rebuilt? The process was even different then the SEA maps?Anyone could tell me what processes are specific to a MA map I would really like to know.

SEA/CT maps are highly specialized. 99% of what they do is custom.

The biggie is MA maps CAN NOT have any custom objects (fields, towns, buildings, etc). All objects used must be "stock". However you can use custom textures. You just have to keep in mind that using custom textures increases the size of the .res file drastically. Make it too large and it won't be useable for the MA.

Now my own comments....

Think about game play when you make your map. How will it play out?

Does any one side have a major advantage over the other? If one does don't be afraid to start over. You don't know how many maps I've started thinking they were perfect only to find a major flaw that ended development or caused a repositioning of land mass or fields. The reason for this is if you give one country an advantage over the others, that position on the map will be prone to winning the map. And despite what some people think, that is not a good thing.

If you successfully build an MA map you will have people that love it and you will have people that hate it. It seems the "haters" are more vocal than the "lovers". Don't let that get to you.

Now FYI, my Compello map (I think it's the largest map ever made) took over 6 months and quite a few revisions before it went online. Dont' even think that getting a map online is fast. It usually isn't. :)
« Last Edit: May 22, 2007, 06:57:17 AM by NHawk »
Most of the people you meet in life are like slinkies. Pretty much useless, but still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
Sometimes I think I have alzheimers. But then I forget about it and it's not a problem anymore.

Offline BlauK

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« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2007, 09:43:52 AM »
Great pointers, NHawk!

just start sketching it and do enough rounds until you are satisified. Only then start playing with TE. It is much easier if you have a proper plan before you begin building.

  BlauKreuz - Lentolaivue 34      

Offline CFYA

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« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2007, 10:18:23 AM »
Thanks NHawk.....was hoping youd chime in with your knowledge from previous MA maps.

 I was thinking it would take 3 months give or take a week so maybe Im not far off. Hopefully there will be no serious road blocks. I am gonna rough out a landmass and layout . When I get it were I think its acceptable I am gonna post it here for input and revision.  

NHawk you have any layouts you want to try out but havent had the time/patients to build yet?

Thanks for the input  Blauk!


Offline NHawk

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« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2007, 10:29:24 AM »
Originally posted by CFYA
NHawk you have any layouts you want to try out but havent had the time/patients to build yet?

I was simply waiting for the new TE to come out. Then I built a new system and was waiting for my new SATA drive. It's all here now so I should start building again soon.

In answer to your question, I have about 500 island elevations and 100 land elevations to work with. I have about 15 terrains in some stage of development. Which one I work on depends on what I hear from players, the amount of time I have and the mood I'm in. :)
Most of the people you meet in life are like slinkies. Pretty much useless, but still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
Sometimes I think I have alzheimers. But then I forget about it and it's not a problem anymore.

Offline croduh

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New MA map
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2007, 01:14:18 PM »
Good points NHawk, please past them into the sticky thread.