Author Topic: OK this multi-arena crap has gotta go  (Read 17026 times)

Offline hubsonfire

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OK this multi-arena crap has gotta go
« Reply #15 on: May 31, 2007, 12:03:33 AM »
Originally posted by Husky01
Mabey for the CVs it could be done by years played?

Perk cost for CV controls. :aok
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Offline SHawk

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OK this multi-arena crap has gotta go
« Reply #16 on: May 31, 2007, 12:07:18 AM »
Originally posted by hubsonfire
Shawk, he's not acting.

I do agree with getting rid of rank. It would probably kill the EW/MW arenas, but, as has been said in the past, the point isn't to fill those arenas, it's just to give people choices. Those who really like the early planesets have a place to mix it up, and the idiots like eaglehrt will quit.

Make ENY tougher, encourage people to move around. Fundamentally change the structure of the game, and prevent anyone without a valid DL from using vox.

My humble suggestions.

Theres a few idea I like in there. But try to be more specific. <<--My Favorite Band

If it takes full power to taxi to the hanger, your gear is probably up.

Offline Roscoroo

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OK this multi-arena crap has gotta go
« Reply #17 on: May 31, 2007, 12:10:10 AM »
Originally posted by SHawk
And again another added to the list that doesn't think through what a stupid comment they have made. Rank is simply another thing that needs to be removed entirely. Keep stats if ya want, but remove ranks entirely. I can just about guarantee that 35 of the top 50 ranked players couldn't ACM their way out of a wet paper bag.

AWWWWW my feelings are hurt .... :cry
Roscoroo ,
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Offline Husky01

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OK this multi-arena crap has gotta go
« Reply #18 on: May 31, 2007, 12:10:46 AM »
Originally posted by hubsonfire
Perk cost for CV controls. :aok

It give us something to use Bomber Perks on! :)

Offline ROC

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OK this multi-arena crap has gotta go
« Reply #19 on: May 31, 2007, 12:11:24 AM »
It's a joke and everyone here knows it.

As much as I usually respect your views, and always respect your right to have your own view, you Don't speak for "everyone here"

The current setup doesn't affect me one bit.  I never fail to find my squad at squad night, always have Multiple Means of communicating before hand, and the ability to Adapt to whatever arena or eny condition that we are faced with.

But, then again, I wouldn't assume to speak for "everyone", just myself.

I could care less if a bunch of twits sit around and pork each other all night.  Doesn't affect what I do in the game.  Can't speak for the squad, but we rarely don't leave at the end of the night either happy with the results or frustrated with being held off in either a bomb run or a dogfight, it's all action either way.

The only "Solution" is to play your game.  There is no way you are going to come up with a way to Regulate everyones game play so it suits Your game style.  It's simply not going to happen.  For every rule that goes your way there will be countless people negatively affected.

The fact is, the game is Wide Open for anyone to do what they want.  Take a fighter, pick an arena, grab a bomber, launch a boat, whatever.  The only thing that needs to improve is peoples ability to adapt to whatever condition is in front of them.  It can't be regulated away.

No thoughts on fixing something that in my opinion isn't broken.  Anything you do to "Fix It" will change the way I enjoy the game, so what is your thought on that?  Does "My" concern and satisfaction Not Matter to your style of play?  Should I be the good boy and Support Change for Your sake at the cost of My enjoyability simply because You want it changed?  Am I being selfish if I hold onto the game as it is, but You aren't selfish for wanting a change?

See?  Difficult road, isn't it.  I get out of the game exactly what I put into it.

So, am I starting a pissin contest or offering up an opinion?  :)

Now, this has nothing to do with the FE issue of a base not flashing, that's something to be looked at if it occurred.  Simply a post that you cannot manage game play to suit some people notion of what is The Way to play the game.  It never works.  It's been tried, and it simply fails.  Bomber guns too weak?  Increase them.  Now they are too strong, reset them and the Gunners complain.  Bombing too easy?  Increase it.  Now the Bombers are complaining.  You want HT to run around and fix Every Concern but they Contradict Each Other continually, for everyone fixed you cause a new complaint.  

The solution is simple.  Don't want your troops porked?  Kill the planes going in on them.  Don't want HQ bombed? Take out the bombers.  Don't like 2 nitwits spawncamping?  Go kill them!  How much of this stuff do you want HT to really fix?  Don't like the fact that 2 squaddies are killing each other off?  Who Cares?  If they are that lame then they have bigger issues than this game.  How on Earth does that affect Your Fight?  You want THE Solution?  

Kill the Score Board.
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.


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OK this multi-arena crap has gotta go
« Reply #20 on: May 31, 2007, 12:18:00 AM »
Originally posted by SHawk
. I'm sick and tired of flying with my squad and lose connect or UDP, and then re-log to find I'm capped out of the arena I just left.  

Agree whole heartedly.
At first it didnt bother me. But its getting to be more and more annoying
And I usually fly alone without anyone to worry about and IU still find it to be getting real annoying.

Jut get into the ebb and flow of something going on in one arena and loose host or get the occasional ISP reset and cant get back in where I just left

Go to another arena typically with alot less numbers thent he max allowed and you usually end up fidning a fight with lobsided numbers one way or the other.
Eather my side is lobsided to the point where fights are boring and little more then a gangbang and vulchfest orr my side is so everwhelemed that you cant do anything without being swarmed by rediculous numbers.

Originally posted by 68slayr
the only thing i really miss is the big maps



I know the map doesnt make the game for furballing which is what I mostly do these days but Im real REAL tired of seeing the same ancient maps.
and often the exact same map for nights on end
Just looking at them is getting  irritating.
these things are far far past retirement time and should only pop up on rare occasion as a blast from the past

Definately miss the larger maps as well.
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Offline Knavman

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OK this multi-arena crap has gotta go
« Reply #21 on: May 31, 2007, 12:18:31 AM »
I have been playing this game for 2.5 years! I have been bombing the whole time I have been on this game. I know from experience Rank DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING. I have spent most of my spare time on this game bombing fields and cv's and I have over 11,000,000 points on bombing, which i am number 6th in bomber points and my rank is 46 due to people who milk run factories and training facilities!! This is total BS!!!!!!!!! Ranks should be taken out do to idiots.  :mad:

Offline Stang

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OK this multi-arena crap has gotta go
« Reply #22 on: May 31, 2007, 12:29:00 AM »
In theory the multiple arenas are great, but the average AH player has yet again gone to the lowest common denomenator and gamed the system.  

HT can only set up the game, we are the ones that play it and make it what it is, good or bad.

Offline SteveBailey

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Re: OK this multi-arena crap has gotta go
« Reply #23 on: May 31, 2007, 01:07:48 AM »
Originally posted by SHawk
Twice this week I've been sitting in there and seen 12 or 13 kills landed in a p-40b, only to check the roster and see 2 squaddies on opposite sides. Check stats on those 2 vs each other and sure enough, vulching each other in a jeep or something.
Got film if ya wanna see it.


Yup, I wanna see it.


Offline sullie363

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OK this multi-arena crap has gotta go
« Reply #24 on: May 31, 2007, 01:23:47 AM »
Originally posted by 68slayr
the only thing i really miss is the big maps


For the love of all that is holy and right, listen to this man!
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Offline tedrbr

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OK this multi-arena crap has gotta go
« Reply #25 on: May 31, 2007, 01:24:44 AM »
I could care less about the Rank System, or EW or MW arenas.  Not enough population in those two arenas to interest me (or AvA for that matter).  Because EW and MW are used for milkrunning, rank means little.

Don't care about chess piece countries either, I go where the horde is not.  If ENY kicks in for a country with lot's of numbers, just means I can look forward to flying my higher ENY planes against of higher ENY planes.

The hordes are not going away unless you've got a system that caps sides and not arenas, which does not help squads play together any more than arena caps do.  

I can agree that the current system sometimes prevents squad mates from playing together which has hurt cooperative play overall.  I don't see the land grabbing done much, or well, these days.  Comes down to ant trails and horde missions and endless slugfests.  Maps stay in play a lot longer.

Solution?  Leave EW and MW.   Ramp up the servers in the two LW arenas to handle larger numbers of players so you can lift the caps.  Possibly even go to 1-LW arena and bring the larger maps back into the rotation.  Maybe adjust the ENY to encourage more even country numbers.

If you look at the number of kills and deaths by plane as compared to total number, you'll see that 1/4 of all planes flown most tours come down to the La-7, Pony-D, Spit-16, and Niki.   4 planes out of 74, 1/4 of the players cling to their uber-rides. That number is skewed due to those rides not even being in the EW and MW arenas.

Many of the rest are in the LW arenas because, that's where the numbers are to find a fight or furball.  Others go there because missions are (a little) more likely to take place in the LW arenas due to numbers.

A crowd does draw a crowd.  If the EW arena can have a 350 to 400 player cap most of the time, I'm sure the LW arenas can too.

Offline DarkS1ar

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OK this multi-arena crap has gotta go
« Reply #26 on: May 31, 2007, 01:31:05 AM »
I Hate the spit arena and I do agree the SHawK I’am also sick of loosing UDP, and then wait re log only to find it wont let you back in.  I do see the reason for HTC to create and keep different era arena’s, but why the CAP.  

Originally posted by ROC
The fact is, the game is Wide Open for anyone to do what they want.  Take a fighter, pick an arena, grab a bomber, launch a boat, whatever.  The only thing that needs to improve is peoples ability to adapt to whatever condition is in front of them.  It can't be regulated away.

It would be nice to do what i want to but the high ENY sometimes wont even let me up a panzer to defend a base or CAP go into a arena I want to.  I’am sure many would say go to a different arena if you want to up a la7 or 262.  OK that would work but this I’am sure is true not only for me many other’s that the only reason i still play Ace’s high is because of my squadies and friends.  Now if HTC wont let me fly with them and discourages you to do so why should I continue to play. ARENA CAP HAS TO GO.  

It would be nice while in the Lobby you would see the country status or lest make the .sr command work.  

ENY especially in the Rooks camp has gotten so bad that now which is always high when a lot of them are on that our squad will be changing countries next 2 tours.  Squad night especially with a multi wing squad like ours is just a big headache.  Getting them into one arena forget it.

Not to sound all whine…
Here is my idea for the high ENY Let the people up what they want but as the ENY goes up they have to pay perks to up that plane. Now say the ENY for a given country is 10 they would pay perks to up something with the same or less ENY value. Hell I would up a Me262 if it was 498 perks I got about 3500 but that is just me.  I do believe this way people will fly to stay alive and encourage people to fly smart and not ho all the time if they are in a perked ride.  

A lot of people have perks then to know what to do with them namely i.e the case with bomber’s, this why they can use them up. It might also discourage them from just bomb a target bail out and repeat the process.

Just my 2 cent’s
All you do is vulch & run
200 Impossible shot’s I’am sending this film to HTC (Spit 16 that lost a 4 v 1)
200 Is that all you can do is H O (P38 shot by my SBD)
200 Wow shoot me landing u **** bag of **** I had 6 kills
DarkStarJust lost 1 of my rockets vulching, you don’t hear me WHINE

Offline BaldEagl

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OK this multi-arena crap has gotta go
« Reply #27 on: May 31, 2007, 01:35:30 AM »
I don't mind multiple arenas but I do see problems.  Here's some fixes I've suggested before that I think would be good for the game:

1.  Bring the big maps back to LW.

2.  Combine EW and MW into one arena, limit the MW plane-set and only allow small maps in the new combined arena.

3.  Reserve a spot in the arena for a player who is disco'd from that arena  for a limited time.

4.  Allow a player to enter any arena if his/her country is the smallest, regardless of cap.

5.  Allow a player to enter any arena that contains a majority of their squad members regardless of cap.

6.  Make ENY front specific rather than arena-wide.

7.  Bring "missing" maps back into rotation (i.e. Mindnao).

8.  Put different maps into rotation in each arena (with both big and small maps available there should be plenty to keep the map-sets different for different arenas).

9.  Bring back weekly map re-sets.

10.  Never allow the same map to be up in more than one arena at a time (or #8 would also solve this).
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline SHawk

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OK this multi-arena crap has gotta go
« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2007, 01:47:32 AM »
Originally posted by ROC
You want THE Solution?  

Kill the Score Board.

Think I already said that. <<--My Favorite Band

If it takes full power to taxi to the hanger, your gear is probably up.

Offline SHawk

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OK this multi-arena crap has gotta go
« Reply #29 on: May 31, 2007, 01:53:58 AM »
Ted darkstar and baldeagle are on the right track. Keep those Ideas coming. Hopefully HTC will listen and possibly give us their insight. <<--My Favorite Band

If it takes full power to taxi to the hanger, your gear is probably up.