Author Topic: Off-Peak Caps: Suggestion  (Read 198 times)

Offline Xasthur

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Off-Peak Caps: Suggestion
« on: May 31, 2007, 05:37:43 AM »
This may have been discussed before, but this issue seems to get forgotten a little, which is understanable since it takes place when most people at work or sleeping.

I've noticed lately (possibly due to an increase in disco's due to problems with my system) that the arena caps do not properly serve their purpose in off-peak times.

As I said something similar in SHawk's thread:

I remember HTC stating that thier goal was 300 players in an arena...

Yet the limit in the arenas off-peak is set to 200 when there are only 242 people online

EG: I get disco'd only to find LW Blue capped 200/200 and LW Orange at 35/250 with the remainder in the other two arenas.

Now, if the goal is to have a 300 max player number arena would it not be better to 'close' the orange arena until the total number of players only exceeds 250 or 300?

OR if the arenas were still split and there was still LWB and LWO, raising the cap to 250 would make the world of difference. That way, people could still milk-run the other LW arena if they wanted to but the 40 or so people often stuck in the other 3 arenas could still join the other 200 people online and have fun.

250 seems to be a good number for enjoyable playing.... not too much hording and still plenty of targets for all styles of playing.

This slight modification would increase the enjoyability of the game for the few who cannot enter the 'main fight' at off-peak times.

Best Regards

- Archaius

(edit: bugger, this probably should have gone in the Wishlist section)
« Last Edit: May 31, 2007, 05:48:17 AM by Xasthur »
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