Thats when I love some big missions. The biggest thing I see as a deterance/deteriorating factor, is a mission that really goes over the initial base capture time. I say 15 mins. Mostly from the standpoint of the knights getting hammered from the other side. There is one day that comes to mind though. About 2 months ago
I have to bring it up, so I will. It was the round pizza map, with the vehicle spawn into an airfield on the CEnter/North East side. We had the VH. I asked on squad channel who was up for a mission.
9 Hours later we finally took the damn place. It was a SAT and the battle went from like 1 EST to 9 EST. The longest drawn out, bloody scrap Ive ever done.
Logged off about 9:30 to go out for a few, came back at 11, and seen we lost the base and the VBase beside it. Flew over to a field that had a CV off the coast. There were like 30 knights vulching, flew over the town, which was untouched, so I just had to ask on "Range" Are we even trying to take this base? There was a chuckle or two, but mostly just score padders.
I do must say that the squads on the Knights tend to work together, this does happen, but you also must remeber time of year. Its summer time baby. So Im not putting alot of emphasis on right now. Hell I put enough pressure on my own folks, They think im nutz anyway. WHich is true, But the bottom line is, I love misisons, and relaly dig em when they work, it just pains me on the follow through, which maybe in time well be there. Right now, is not the time.
Weekends though I must say are a blast and a half.
And Salute all Countries, and Squads. We all know what we need to do, its just whos going to do it is the question.