Angus, to start with we are speaking of our rights here in the U.S.
As also has been explained to you, over and over, you cannot possibly compare apples and oranges, which is what you are trying to do. It simply can`t be done.
Iceland compares with....well nothing on the face of this planet except Iceland. Not a put down, just fact.
You certainly can`t compare the U.K. or London

with the U.S. Way, way different cultures and lifestyles in general. The world is slowly catching up to these areas in terms of what we are speaking about. Crime in general will increase in these areas as this happens. It`s a given. They are insuring that by creating the market with gun bans. Like sugar to an ant.
......not even going there on this board.
On a side note, I`m not sure how much weight I would put in statistics coming from and possibly manipulated by the government of a country in which it highly restricted and banned handguns, etc. There is not but one reason for that. The government fears it`s citizens. The cause for that is clear as long as reasoning for the individual has not been banned.