Sorry, been gone a few days
All good responses, re D40 v N.
However, the D40 is range limited when max loaded. Because it has to struggle so hard it burns off a lot of gas. 2500 + rks slows you down a lot.
While it might climb a bit better than the N (it does this when "empty" as well) it will not have the option of loitering as long AFTER the ord has been placed on target. The N has "free DTs" so to speak. They don't take up hard points on the wings, but they allow it to burn as much gas as needed to get the ord to target then it can fly around as long as it takes to use up 3500 rounds of ammo.
Also, while it does climb worse, the top speed and WEP performance more than make up for it. The acceleration on the N is remarkably better than the D40 (especially the high end acceleration). On of the better tactics in a jug is to slow down, bleed off speed, force an overshoot, or do something that lands a faster enemy in your gunsights. Surviving AFTER that point is greatly helped by the superior WEP capabilities, to get back up to speed again.
Stoney: Do you consider the P51D any better a plane than the P47N? Personally I see them as equals, pretty much. Making the 47N an ENY of (let's say) 20 would require the P-51D to have the same ENY. Now, a p51D with an ENY of 20 would have EVERYBODY up in a rage.
So, I don't see why folks would want a plane just as good, but with longer range and more ord, to have a lesser value...