Mandate the inclusion of passive heating and cooling technologies into new housing construction.
Place a cap on the cubic volume of a new home constructed for use by families of less than four people. (Can't wait for the response to this one...but do we really need 4,000 square foot homes with ten to twelve foot ceilings.)
Failing the passage of such a cap, mandate that those who exceed the proposed cap must purchase enough solar panels to provide at least 50% of the home's energy requirements, or enough to hide such grotesque mansions from public view.
Forget mandated mpg figures for new cars. Instead, develop short and long-term goals for converting the nation's automotive fleet to the use of biodiesel or other environmentally friendly fuels.
Encourage the nation's drivers that live within five miles of their jobs to ride bicycles to work.
Establish a national goal of total conversion of power plants from coal and oil to nuclear and hydroelectric sources.
Launch a world-wide campaign to cut the world's human population by 75% within the next century, for excess population is the root of all environmental problems. (Yeah, right.)
Have airliners crossing the oceans do so in flights of four, in box formation, tethered together by a giant surgical mask to help filter pollutants out of the atmosphere.
Convince the Chinese government that they must give up the use of fossil fuels.
Live in grass huts whenever possible to prevent the denuding of our forests which help filter the atmosphere.
Stop the building of "get-away homes." Any true American who goes on vacation should be willing to live in a tent.
Brush and floss daily. That means your dog as well.
Force all new urban construction to move underground. Cities are a blight on the landscape and produce the lion's share of the world's pollution. All transportation in cities would be mass transit.
Oops. Did I go over the top? I can never tell.
Regards, Shuckins