Author Topic: IL-2 vs Aces High 2  (Read 2403 times)

Offline Kweassa

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« Reply #30 on: June 27, 2007, 11:30:29 PM »
That game I've unloaded entire ammo clips into fighters in a plane with 2x7mm and 1x20mm weapons, and not brought it down. I've unloaded 5+ 37mm rounds from a P-39 point blank up the arse of an enemy fighter (and got the big fireball explosions) and had it fly away damaged but intact.

 Got a .trk file?

 Basically, I don't trust your gunnery, nor your memory. I can produce roughly the same results as 2bighorn's above, and if you wish I can always record the test sortie and send you the trk file. I'll bet 2bighorn would also be able to send you the file... therefore, I'd naturally expect you can do the same.

 If it isn't some oneshot freak bug, or a crappy net connection, or just plain exaggeration of a bad gunnery, then I'm sure you'd be able to reproduce the results and show us the .trk file, on how a fighter plane is hit with 5x37mms at point-blank and survive, no?

 The guns in IL-2 does what it is intended to do. The only people I've seen who'd remark as you did were very typically the people who'd fly IL2 series for maybe one hour every month, get frustrated by the fact that they can't adapt to it, and just leave it alone until the next month when they'd get another impulse, fly it again for an hour, get frustrated again, and then would post a thread on how much IL2 sucks, without actually understanding the subtle differences between the games.

30mm are god-like weapons, blowing wings off of TB-3s and B-17s as if the target were an A6M instead.

Nothing about the game is accurate, vis a vis real world comparisons.

 The funny thing is, none of your remarks on the IL2 is accurate, vis a vis real game experience. Frankly I'd equate your remarks a blatant slander against the game, coming from a serious bias against it.

It may all come together into a nice offline game, but it cannot be considered "more accurate" by any sense. It has a "more complex" damage system, but that does not make it more accurate.

 That's like saying "bears have more strength and pointy claws than humans, but that does not make them more dangerous."

 I find quite intriguing to see so many people, otherwise very reasonable and experienced, can be so much troubled when confronting the fact that some games may actually have better performing aspects then their own game. When confronting these differences, instead of trying to understand they mark it as some sort of inferiority, and then immediately dump it away for some more pom-pom cheerleading for their own favorites.

 With no disrespect to Yeager or Karnak, just look at what they wrote;

the fact that IL2 models the BMG 50 Cal equivalent to a farm yard .22 pretty much ended my relationship with that sim. Still, a beautiful looking deal.

30mm cannons rip things up. 20mm feels like .303s. .50s feel like 5.56mm.

 Now, I'm not sure just how long Yeager or Karnak flew IL2, nor if they ever flew it extensively online against other players. With that into mind, what the say in the above quotes is actually a very typical case of misunderstanding on the differences that comes from having a more detailed DM and GM.

 Some people say IL2 gunnery isn't any more difficult than AH, and they can achieve the same firing distance in IL2 as they can do in AH (approx. 400~500m). But what Karnak comments is a very clear indication that gunnery in IL2 is very different. Like 2bighorn said, a well put consecutive hit of 20mm shells will bring down a plane as easily in IL2 as in AH, but the difference is it's easier to acheive that concentrated shot in AH, whereas in IL2 it is more diffucult, requires a much closer distance (preferably under 150m for a 'sure kill'), and visual confirmation can be sometimes confusing, since IL2 models individual rounds which mixes up AP rounds with HE rounds even in 20mms.

(I mean, with the 'arrows' hit indicator option, I've even actually seen these instances such as;

* a cannon shell fired at 90 degress against an enemy wing at point blank range, that punched through the wing, and detonated at the other side in empty air.

* 30cal ammunition fired at wrong angles actually being deflected off the surface of an IL-2 wing

 I'm not kidding when I say visual confirmation of a hit is much more difficult in IL2 - there are a lot more variables than you'd imagine)

 People coming from AH don't understand that fact, fires a shot as they might have done in AH, thinks he landed a lot of hits (which in fact, landed a lot less than it would have been in AH), and then thinks 'gee, IL2 guns are retarded'. Close in about 200 more meters than you would in AH, fire longer and steadier bursts of guns (don't expect those 'snapshot' kills of AH will happen as easily as in AH), and try to visually confirm your blows.. and one soon realizes the IL2 approach is worth a lot more than one would have imagined.

 Now, look at Yeager's comments.

 That's exactly the kind of misunderstanding in with different DM approach. In AH, a burst of 50cal causes structural failures as easy as cannons. AH doesn't have any internal structural modelling in such parts as the wings or fuselage, and therefore any surface hit causes loss of structural integrity as a whole. Therefore, 50cals in AH snap wings and tails off, giving you an immediate kill.

 Not so in IL2. To snap off a wing in that game, you must either hit the ammunition box or a fuel tank to cause a fire that eats away the integrity, or, actually land enough hits to blow off spars and supports so that the wing cannot support the force of flight and buckles. It's like trying to snap a wooden table in two using guns - it's possible, but you need to land that much consecutive hits on a very very small spot to cause it to fail. Counting in the dispersion and convergence factors its a very difficult task.

 Therefore, in IL2, when you are on the receiving end of the 50cal, your wing may stay intact, but the flying experience becomes miserable. Your oil blows, your engine is damaged and starts draggins smoke and fumes, your pilot is wounded and bleeding, the instruments are busted, aileron or elevator cable/rods are busted and rendered useless, wing or tail loses lift and your plane begins to lose stability.

 I mean, there are times when I actually wish that the DM was like AH - at least, in AH, even if you are hit you don't suffer from anything unless the damage exceeds the set values that make it snap off. Much more variables means much more things can happen, and somtimes, even a half-hearted shot from a 50cal weapon can kill your elevator control cables.. and when that happens all you can do is just bail. In these times the 50cals actually feel much stronger than even AH !!)

 In real life all this is enough to make the pilot bail. However, being a game, people stay inside their planes and still try to maneuver away.

 From an AH gamer's point of view, he thinks that he landed enough hits to kill it in AH, but sees the enemy plane still flying, and thinks that the bullets in IL2 are messed up.

 However, from an IL2 gamer's point of view, the 50cals did their work. The enemy plane is almost as good as dead, and he is most definately out of the picture. The chances are, wait a few more moments and the enemy plane will point downwards and crash to the ground, because the elevators aren't functioning any more. The best the pilot can manage is to bail out to safety, or try a ditch which is also much more difficult than AH.

 Or, with a bit more patience and bullets, the enemy plane will burst to flames in any moment and you'll see the enemy pilot bail.

 50cals aren't weaker than in AH. It just damages the plane differently. And it is these kind of differences that AH gamers who try out IL2, most usually do not understand.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2007, 11:40:08 PM by Kweassa »

Offline Krusty

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« Reply #31 on: June 27, 2007, 11:54:16 PM »
Oh, that's nice... You don't like what I have to say so you slam me...

Okay, fine. I'm done with this. You've said as much before and this is the last time I stand here and take your crap.

Consider me done with this thread. However my comments are NOT to be brushed off so lightly as Kweassa suggests. If you've got IL2 you can make up your own mind. Fly it. You'll see.

Offline stickpig

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« Reply #32 on: June 28, 2007, 12:30:20 AM »
Originally posted by Platano
I agree with this..

In RL a single 20mm shell wouldve blown a plane's wing off......not the case here...

HTC has nullified weapons ballistics for gameplay sake.

Watch the gun cam footage that Skyrock posted....... I think they are "RL"  watching those 110's and 109's and 190's pump rounds into planes I'd disagree that a single 20mm would tear a wing off...but maybe they were just firing MG rnds
Theyll only give you one chance, Better get it right first time. And the game youre playing
If you lose you gotta pay, If you make just one wrong move Youll get blown away
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"Stay in the manned ack... When your in a plane you are a danger to the ground"  <Norad>

Offline Knegel

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« Reply #33 on: June 28, 2007, 12:52:25 AM »
Originally posted by hubsonfire
I tried Il2 and Pac Fighters, and the view system was so frustrating, that the eye candy was irrelevant. I hated those games.

Thats it!

Its absolutly horrible to sit inside a cockpit without to be able to look around the fat canophy frames.
Planes like the FW190 and P39 get unplayable, while in other planes its possible to look around the frames by toggling  "gunsight view" on/off.

I dont know the latests FM/DMīs there, but the fact that all did chage very much, again and again, from patch to patch did anoy me very much.

In the last version i had, its more easy to bring down a B17 with a P51 than with a FW190A8(4 x 20mm),  simply cause the .50cal dont need any aim, similar to the  MK108 they seems to shoot heat seakers, while the 20mmīs need a very exact aiming point.

btw, in AH we also had a 30mm heatseakers for very long time.



Offline OOZ662

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« Reply #34 on: June 28, 2007, 01:22:24 AM »
Just a secret for you guys;

If "Cockpit Always On" is off, hit Shift-F1 in Il-2. Your cockpit will be replaced by a gunsight and certain instrument dials. Realistic? Hell no. Fun to blow the crap out of stuff? oh Yes. ;)
A Rook who first flew 09/26/03 at the age of 13, has been a GL in 10+ Scenarios, and was two-time Points and First Annual 68KO Cup winner of the AH Extreme Air Racing League.

Offline blkmgc

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« Reply #35 on: June 28, 2007, 05:32:18 AM »
Biggest hinderance for me for iL2 is absolutely no effective AC software included. This discovery after seeing some incredible things in certain servers, and after doing some research.Pretty game, but any SW that does not have to matchup client/serverside file for file (such as just about any MMP) is always going to be subject to this crap.

Offline Kweassa

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« Reply #36 on: June 28, 2007, 06:13:09 AM »
« Last Edit: June 28, 2007, 10:11:35 AM by hitech »

Offline NHawk

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« Reply #37 on: June 28, 2007, 06:37:16 AM »
« Last Edit: June 28, 2007, 10:11:48 AM by hitech »
Most of the people you meet in life are like slinkies. Pretty much useless, but still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
Sometimes I think I have alzheimers. But then I forget about it and it's not a problem anymore.

Offline Knegel

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« Reply #38 on: June 28, 2007, 06:38:30 AM »
Originally posted by OOZ662
Just a secret for you guys;

If "Cockpit Always On" is off, hit Shift-F1 in Il-2. Your cockpit will be replaced by a gunsight and certain instrument dials. Realistic? Hell no. Fun to blow the crap out of stuff? oh Yes. ;)

Yes, and to kill the immersion completely i give the enemys nice pink skins, so i can spot them better.

As arcade game without cockpit and with icons IL-2 is nice, but not as a simulation, where i wanna sit inside the cockpit and feel like a pilot.

The AH viewsystem is most perfect, why this system never got introduced into IL-2 is a miracle for me. We did ask for it already while beta-testing it.

Oh, another bad drawback are the absolut unbalaced middle distance gaphics(important for people who like to play without or with short range icons). A game where the 109 show a more big distance graphic and dot than a B17, P47 or FW190 and where i-16īs simply dissapear in 300-500m distance is not playable in a fair balanced game.

The AH viewsystem + gameplay possibility, in combination with the IL-2 graphics and FM/DM possibilitys(adjusted to more credible results) and the EAW middle/long distance plane graphics + icon system would result in the best WWII Sim ever.

Never i will understand why O.M. dont took the best of all, but concentrated and wasted his time on useless details, like a clock in a truck that noone can drive.

It also looks to me that they dont know to handle their FM/DM engine in a good way. IL-2 offer great possibilitys regarding the FM/DMīs, but thats nothing worth, as long as the makers are not able to create credible FM/DM-relations with it.

Since i stopped to play IL-2 2 years ago(after so many years in hope, cause i saw the theoretical potential), i cant say if its all still the same, but i guess it is.

Therefor i play AH(as teamfight game) and EAW(offline and online as dogfight game).



Offline Karnak

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« Reply #39 on: June 28, 2007, 12:07:12 PM »

I am basing my experiences on a setup I did for fun.

Ki84-Ib (four 20mm) vs Me323s and Ki-84-Ic (two 20mm and two 30mm) vs Me323s.  I ran that many times.  I was occasionally able to down a single Me323 witht he Ki-84-Ib.  Witht he Ki-84-Ic it was wholesale slaughter of all of the Me323s.

The difference should not have been that much.
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Offline 2bighorn

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« Reply #40 on: June 28, 2007, 01:36:06 PM »
Originally posted by Karnak
The difference should not have been that much.
There isn't much data about ho-155 30mm cannon but many claim it was one of the best WWII 30mm aircraft mounted weapon.

I can't really compare Japanese 20 and 30mm, so I'll stick with German guns.

MG 151/20 loads were mixed with API, HE, I,  API/HE, HE/I, API/I, HE/M and HE/XM rounds, typically they'd alternate between 3 types in a load.

Normal 20mm HE round had less than 3g of HE and HE/M less than 20g in comparison with MK-108 HE 30mm M-geschoss with 86g. There were more then dozen of 30mm ammo types, but typical air to air load consisted of HE/M and HE/MI mix only. Other types were used for specialized loads.

MK-108 5 round shot released at least 10 times more energy than typical MG151/20 5 round shot.

So, I think the destructiveness of 30mm is not exaggerated either in il-2 nor in AH.

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #41 on: June 28, 2007, 02:10:47 PM »

I agree that the 30mm was not exagerated.

That said, a squadron of Ki-84s (modeled with US fuel and therefor one of the best fighters of WWII) each armed with four Ho-5 20mm cannons should not have been completely impotent against Me323s, a plane that was meat to fighters.  That makes me very suspicious of the 20mm modeling, not the 30mm modeling.
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Offline SlapShot

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« Reply #42 on: June 28, 2007, 02:34:46 PM »
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline 2bighorn

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« Reply #43 on: June 28, 2007, 03:33:45 PM »
Originally posted by Karnak

I agree that the 30mm was not exagerated.

That said, a squadron of Ki-84s (modeled with US fuel and therefor one of the best fighters of WWII) each armed with four Ho-5 20mm cannons should not have been completely impotent against Me323s, a plane that was meat to fighters.  That makes me very suspicious of the 20mm modeling, not the 30mm modeling.

What version do you have? I have 4.08m.

I just tried with KI-84Ia (2 X Ho-5) vs Me-323. I've shot short, less than half second bursts, into wings from about 150m. I fired cannons only. I knocked off the wing 14 out of 16 times. Most of the times one burst was enough (when my aim wasn't off).

What's interesting that wing (most of the times) broke outside and I was shooting at inner third.

So, I'd say ho-5 20mm has a punch (maybe slightly less than MG 151/20).
It also seems that Me-323 damage model is off, so you may get vastly different results, depends at what part you shoot at and the distance you fire from. As long as you aim for the wing and you don't walk the rounds from one side to other, you should down Me-323 pretty easily.

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #44 on: June 28, 2007, 05:53:39 PM »
Much older version.  I long ago uninstalled it.
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