if i got it wrong, can somone please explain why the F2A test and calculations are so far away from what we have in game??
Even similar planes regarding the powerload+wingload dont show a similar turn rate reduction like the F2A. Look to the F4F, HurriIa, SpitIa, 109E4 or the 110C. They simply dont lose turn rate like the F2A, but the turn radius reduction is much higher.
Are the F2A flaps the most worse of all WWII fighters and are the calculations offered before so much wrong, or is the modeling of the flaps in AH wrong??
Again, this wasnt always so, actually for most planes this is rather new(the 109īs and 190īs for example), so the makers once must have had a other understanding than now.
Benny, the makers can insert different datas for each plane, the problem is to find datas. Where do we get the lift and drag datas of the F4U-4 from?? Where do we get the lift and drag datas of the full flap condition from??
The airfoil datas dont help that much, cause the wing planform (wing shape), the form of the fuselage and wing tips and other influences, like cannons, not covered undercarriages, dust, etc make a calculation of this values hopeless. We always will result in a "greyzone of realism", where we have a bandwith of credible possibilitys(even the real planes of the same type never had the same values and so behaviour).
Thats why i dont wanna discuss, if the F4U turn to good or not, imho its inside the "greyzone of realism", although its imho more on the optimistic side, but how all flaps in AH work probably is badly wrong.
We have the F2A turn calculations and tests, if someone can proof them wrong, or if someone have similar turntests of other planes with "normal" flaps, which show similar results like the AH planes, iam willing to believe all is ok.