this saturday afternoon/evening 71 squadron have decided to try running some missions in the AvA together. we'll have a bunch of people, but we think it would be fun to invite other squads to join us too
unfortunately the AvA never really gets the attendance it deserves, it's great fun, so we thought we'd go in, boost the numbers, try to attract people to join in the fun, and have a great night with decent historic fights.
so, would anyone like to join in? we're running this thing from 8pm UK (3pm Eastern US) onwards, and expect the numbers to grow a lot as the primetime american players log on. we'd love to have some great pilots and friends to fly with and against us, so if there are any squads or sticks out there looking for some good old fashioned dogfights, carefree (and scorefree) furballs, and a chance re-enact, or even re-invent history, please come along!
this saturday (tomorrow at 8pm UK, 3pm Eastern)
come join the fun, all are welcome! (check your egos at the door. we're all looking for good fights. score means jack, and AvA stats do not effect your MA stats, so don't be scared to fight, even if it looks like loosing is likely, you can just grab another plane, and you're bound to be in for a good, fun fight)
so squads out there looking for something to do saturday, come on down to the AvA! bring your friends, let's fill the place up!