Author Topic: Bring Back The MA  (Read 8708 times)

Offline Shifty

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« Reply #90 on: July 14, 2007, 05:45:14 AM »
Originally posted by Laurie
And We pay 15 bucks to have our say on how the product we pay for can be improved to a paying customers liking.

I'm afraid that's not what you pay your 15 bucks for. True,  that may be how you view it,  but your lost in some misguided self importance.

The truth is you're being charged for the priviledge of flying this sim. Not to have a say so in business decisions.

Do you guys really think all these :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok  are going to work and the old MA will really come back?

These Bring back the old MA threads never bring back the old MA. They just rehash the same old arguement.

But since I'm here......................... ........................:aok

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Offline Nilsen

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« Reply #91 on: July 14, 2007, 05:55:02 AM »
Originally posted by Laurie
And We pay 15 bucks to have our say on how the product we pay for can be improved to a paying customers liking.

AH is a product like any other really. You can choose to buy it or not. HTC has a wishlist and they do listen to the players even if we may not always get what we want because not everyone wants the same thing.


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« Reply #92 on: July 14, 2007, 09:16:55 AM »
It has been my observation the HTC does place a great deal of weight on what the players want.

But there is a fine balance and limit as to what the players want. What HTC wants.
And what HTC can actually physically do.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bring Back The MA
« Reply #93 on: July 14, 2007, 10:07:39 AM »
Originally posted by HaDeSs
By the way, bring back MA.
And the suckers who whine, l..s and other sissys,
who they was crying for years for a EW arena and now who they took it
they fly alone if they fly at all.

1, 2, or 50 EW arenas, they suck and they will always do.
They whine because they cant accept that they suck.
You seem to have a predisposed misconception about who flies the EW and MW arenas.  There are some extremely good pilots that fly in the EW and MW arenas.  They (and I) don't fly there because we suck, rather we fly there because we enjoy flying those planes and the resultant dogfights.  I believe that it takes more 'skill' to fight a good fight in an F4f than an L-Gay.

That isn't to say there aren't people in the EW that are there because they probably couldn't compete in the LW arenas.  But to classify all that fly there as you do shows your one-way perspective, lack of perspective, and quite possible your ignorance.  Even more so than you disjointed and grammatically incorrect posts.

Originally posted by HaDeSs
Have you ever listen Drex or Levi whine about being outnumbered?

A real furballer dont need EW or MW or LW or even MAs.
He fight everywhere every time he find enemies, what ever arena.
Then I guess you are not a 'real furballer' since you are whining about your precious MA.  Can't you find enemies and smite them?

I don't see the logic in correlating the various arenas, Drex and Levi, and a side being outnumbered.  Are you supposed to be on any medication that you might have skipped?

Originally posted by HaDeSs
But together with their whines they succeded to destroy our MA and our
What 'destroyed' the MA was the pervasive culture of the MA itself.  The snake ate its own tail, if you will allow the metaphor.  Hitech has been extremely concise about it (which is rather interesting and humorous given his spelling).

Perhaps your fun is among the faceless horde?  Perhaps it's you who sucks (and is now whining) because you can't hack when you aren't lost among fifty plus pilots.  

Perhaps you weren't around when the maximum amount of players in the MA during peak US times (say, Friday or Saturday night) was 120.  It was very different back then, and certainly more enjoyable than a massive, faceless, irreverent sea of unintelligible, homogeneous lemmings that overwhelm their opponents by sheer numbers.  You may enjoy that, call it fun or honorable or 'real furballers' or call it Barbara for all I care, but many felt that this wasn't healthy for the game or the community, including HTC.

Originally posted by HaDeSs
And when i say *our* i mean more than 90% of players or maybe more.

It is realy time for HT to *start* listen the big base of MA players.
Again with the misconceptions.  I have never seen a company that listened to their customer base more than HTC.  Which other company can you phone and get straight in touch with the big man himself?

Any have you taken a poll in order to arrive at your estimated 90% of the players?  Was it taken right here on the boards?  The boards themselves only represent a small fraction of the playing community.  HTC has made mention before of a 'small vocal minority' on the boards before.  I believe it certainly is apropos in this situation.

And I want to personally thank you for playing 'Show How Big an Idiot You Are!'.  We didn't ask you to play, but by golly, you played it anyways.

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Offline Yknurd

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« Reply #94 on: July 14, 2007, 10:27:41 AM »
Originally posted by Kazaa
I miss fighting for “the war”, not “the wars”
Why does another 'war' in a different arena cause you discomfiture?  Does the fact that there are other balls of burning hydrogen in our own galaxy cause you similar grief?  Or are you just trolling for some genial, but misplaced, sympathy?

Originally posted by Kazaa
I miss the massive Furballs, where almost every pilots would show their skills and strive to be an Ace in the donut.
I miss the donut!
  HAH!  I call bull****.  A huge furball a pilot's skill does not show.  One versus one or two versus one or two versus two, I believe gives a better indication of a pilot's skill.

Originally posted by Kazaa
I miss the massive bomber missions.
This is one of the select points upon which I can and will agree.

Originally posted by Kazaa
I miss half the community in the other arena.
I doubt you were really aware of them even when they were in the same bloody arena.  Another perceived slight to your 'fun' I imagine.  In an arena with over 600 people you could sense them like Obi Wan with the Force perhaps?

If you were flying then you probably weren't aware of more than an extremely small percentage of the whole.  I would throw out in an rough estimate of say, 5% of the people in the arena you were directly aware of.

Originally posted by Kazaa
I miss the big maps, where you could find all different kinds of fights.
And you can't find 'different kinds of fights' now?  In the medium sized LW arenas with over 200 people?

Well, between the EW and MW, with their limited numbers mind you, I can.  You sound whiny because you lost your nifty new dollar that you found and the one that I might give you to replace it just isn't the same.  Ingrate.

Originally posted by Kazaa
I miss shooting down strat bombers, now they just go and farm the less populated arena.
Bombers still happen albeit not like they used to happen.  But I'm not convinced that the reason is like you posit.  If they all left the MA to 'farm the less populated arena' then the EW and MW should be crawling with them.  I can say with relative certainty that they aren't.

Originally posted by Kazaa
I miss the crazy NoE and blitzkrieg tactics that use to be used on a daily basis.
So without a horde of 200 people on a particular country then these things simply cannot exist?

Post your romanticized drivel.  It is nothing but vapid excuses and half-explored explanations for your loss of 'fun'.  They make for cheap reading one would expect from a paperback harlequin novel with some half dressed man holding a Scarlette-esque woman looking like she might faint.  My wife reads those, perhaps you and the other sewing circle girls whining about the MA can get together with her and have a book circle and yap about the slings and arrows of misfortune that slight you along the poor heroine of those books.

Drunky | SubGenius
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Offline Kermit de frog

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« Reply #95 on: July 14, 2007, 11:52:47 AM »
I like the current setup by HTC.  I vote to leave it as is.
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Offline Platano

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« Reply #96 on: July 14, 2007, 11:56:54 AM »
I love these meaningless threads, there so many of them where I can post the same thing :lol
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« Reply #97 on: July 14, 2007, 12:22:17 PM »
Originally posted by Platano
I love these meaningless threads, there so many of them where I can post the same thing :lol

Offline Guppy35

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« Reply #98 on: July 14, 2007, 12:25:49 PM »
Originally posted by Laurie
And We pay 15 bucks to have our say on how the product we pay for can be improved to a paying customers liking.

You are a customer, not a stockholder.  The choice you have is to keep playing the game the way HTC presents it or not.  Your 15 bucks does not give you decision making power.  The only power you have is to take your 15 bucks and go elsewhere.  If enough folks do that, then I would imagine HTC would look at how they present their product.  At this point I don't think they are losing money.

That they listen at all, is purely up to them.
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Offline The Fugitive

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« Reply #99 on: July 14, 2007, 12:26:51 PM »
In the posts by Kazaa and JB88 about everything they miss, or what was taken away with the arena split, you guys must fly even less that I do!

Its all still there. Sure you might have to work at it a bit due to all the "kids" we have flying these days.  I think thats the biggest problem we have now. The "community" isn't like what it was before. The major percentage of people flying were "hard core" WWII geeks,  most of them flew their cartoon planes wearing their "snoopy caps"..... come on admit it ;)  These days there are more "score" oriented people flying.

Again, everything that you've said is missing can still be found. Some of the great mission planners are gone, we just need more to step up. Heck when SAPP get together 10-20 38 diving on a base..... and NOT augering :) is a heck of a sight ! If we could get someone to be able to fly a goon, I'm sure we could take bases :D  The same night we had this huge furball over a CV, and it went on for 30 mins easy.

Can't find a fight? MAKE ONE ! Get 10-15 of your closest buddies, friends, counrtymen, heck a few enemies that have switched side for the day. Load up a few bombs, pick a base and attck it. Either they defend it, or you capture it, and move on to the next one. Trust me "they well come".

All the fun is still there, most are too lazy to find it, or are too busy "vulching in the pack to notice it.

Offline BaldEagl

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« Reply #100 on: July 14, 2007, 12:50:03 PM »
Originally posted by Yknurd
And you can't find 'different kinds of fights' now?  In the medium sized LW arenas with over 200 people?

Well, between the EW and MW, with their limited numbers mind you, I can.

To quote from my earlier post:

Originally posted by BaldEagl


1.  All of the large maps accomodated all types of play, be it vehicle battles, CV battles, buffing or furballing.  Many of the smaller maps do not.  Try to find a good GV battle on NDIsles outside of tank town, try high alt buffing in Beta, try CVing in Mid-Mesa.  You can't, therefore when those maps are in play those styles of play are out.  Other cases exist and when the same map is up in all arenas and doesn't support your preferred style of play it can be frustrating.

2.  Avoid the over-crowding/ganging.  On the big maps people were able to spread out.  You could fly to specific areas for the furball or others for some good one-on-ones.  With the overcrowded small maps a good one-on-one is a true rarity.  Being ganged is the norm.  Similarily, milkrunners didn't get their own arenas.  They had to co-exist with the rest of the player base, therefore there were others out spoiling the milk.

3.  The maps were generally more diverse.  We've lost fighter town, the protected tank town, those long runs of VB's away from from most airfields, multiple CV task groups, in-land rivers and many other features that added to the game.  Few of these features can be accomodated on the smaller maps due to size/space considerations.

4.  NOE missions.  I never do them but others enjoyed this aspect of the game.  It's a near impossibility now with the overcrowding.  There is rarely an element of surprise in the existing arenas.

There's a few and I'm sure I'll think of a few more.

You can still find every type of fight but it might take a week until the right map comes into play.  In the old MA with the big maps you could find what you wanted right away unless you were on the losing country and close to a re-set.

I find myself now flipping from arena to arena to find the fight (or style of play) that suits my current mood (which changes from sortie to sortie).  Most nights I end up playing in 2 or 3 of the arenas because of this.

In the old set-up, I could plan on some fighter missions, attack missions, buff missions, ground battles, base captures, CV missions and more all in one night on one map.  Not any more (well, sometimes but it's very rare).  I used to log on wondering just how I was going to fit all these types of play into one night.  When I was getting ready to log off I'd lament the fact that I didn't get to do this or that because there wasn't enough time.  I rarely feel that way now when it's time to log off.

The diversity of the old system was a BIG plus in my opinion and it's something that we've lost for the most part.
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Offline Guppy35

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« Reply #101 on: July 14, 2007, 01:12:59 PM »
Originally posted by BaldEagl

The diversity of the old system was a BIG plus in my opinion and it's something that we've lost for the most part.

And I would argue exactly the opposite.  With just one large arena, there wasn't the diversity.  Now as you say you can go to another arena to find a fight that fits your mood.

Back with 1 arena it wasn't there.  If the horde was rolling and the win the reset mob was in full effect there was little anyone else could do.  Now if that's happening you at least have options.
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« Reply #102 on: July 14, 2007, 01:16:19 PM »
Originally posted by Guppy35
You are a customer, not a stockholder.  The choice you have is to keep playing the game the way HTC presents it or not.  Your 15 bucks does not give you decision making power.  The only power you have is to take your 15 bucks and go elsewhere.  If enough folks do that, then I would imagine HTC would look at how they present their product.  At this point I don't think they are losing money.

That they listen at all, is purely up to them.
Dan, please put the first sentence in a macro somewhere I think that says it perfectly.

Vote is: No

Simple fact is I'd rather HTC be able to focus their efforts on other gameplay features, plus they've already made it clear there were also technical reasons for splitting the arenas that no one cares to ever remember. You currently cannot have your cake and eat it too, please accept reality.
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« Reply #103 on: July 14, 2007, 01:21:13 PM »

We vote every time we fly.  If the next time you logged in, you saw the following selections, where would most people be flying?

MA (Large Map)
A vs A (Large Historic Map)
Late War (Small Map)
Mid War (Small Map)
Early War (Small Map)

HT made all these, it is no slam on HT, just what most people like best.

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« Reply #104 on: July 14, 2007, 01:40:11 PM »
i feel never ending sadness for those who can't be happy with multiple arenas filled with players.
i feel never ending joy that all i need to enjoy myself is one enemy plane to fight.
i totaly fail to see any reason why the conditions of the virtual air or virtual terrain should stop me enjoying finding one person to fight.
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