Author Topic: Bring Back The MA  (Read 8888 times)


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« Reply #120 on: July 15, 2007, 07:45:41 AM »
Originally posted by storch

what we had in the past with 90+ FoSGs running from undefended base to undefended base taking out all means of effective resistence from the opposing team prior to steam rolling towns was only fun for the mindless shed killers and not for the majority of the players.  

I'm glad HTC did something about that unhealthy and unsportsman like behavior.  now the FoSGs and those of their ilk are limited to two dozen or so players and those players seem to simply lack the skill to cope with three or four skilled and determined players.

continue the whines please, it's music to my eyes.

How do you figure thats in the past??

Thats still what I see when I log on most of the time.
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« Reply #121 on: July 15, 2007, 07:59:59 AM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
How do you figure thats in the past??

Thats still what I see when I log on most of the time.
Nothings changed

have you seen ninety plus FoSGs in the same arena at the same time?  
I haven't seen anywhere near that number, I think the most I've seen is about thirty and they are all up high or running in La7s as usual.

I chased talcumwng a section or so as he was undoubtably screaming for his minions to save him as he ran to ack in an La7.  I was picked by awdoc while fighting talcumwng in his ack and talcumwng did a long I own storch rant on 200.

I dig the FoSGs and their zany antics they are good comical relief.

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« Reply #122 on: July 15, 2007, 08:14:08 AM »
2. Avoid the over-crowding/ganging. On the big maps people were able to spread out.[quote/]

Early mornings in Eastern time zone this isn't a problem . BUT late times this is a real problem as we IMO seem to have more people in one spot than even before the MA split .

I don't care for huge furballs in the old maps you could find smaller ones off to the side late nights etc . Not so easy now it seems to me with 400 in smaller map prime time .

I also miss the none foggy maps . I don't like the current milky way the sky is now . Donno if it's just my system or not but it came with the updated maps .
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Offline LYNX

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« Reply #123 on: July 15, 2007, 08:30:36 AM »
sgt203 thanks for digging out the reply by HTC here's my thoughts directed at you or anyone reading.  Perhaps readers could comment or answer my avacadoterings on.

From my point of view for what it's worth which probably isn't a lot I do hope HTC's business really does expand.  It'll be good for everyone.  More players in every arena would surly bring around more would hope but
We now commonly cross 820 people online, and we are continuing to grow at a rapid pace.
I don't see this as still standing.  I looked at arena numbers at roughly 4AM UK time that's 11 PM east last night and, there were 599 players spread across all arenas with 280 being the most in LW orange.
Would Saturday night be prime time if it ain't then when is it.?  I have seen over 750 players on at one time but I ain't seen it in a while.  Could be that I'm asleep when it does peak..... being a Brit.

How do you see 1000 ,2000,5000 people in 1 arena playing let alone the tech problems in doing that.

Granted and most poignant 1k maybe but we can realise that 2K isn't going to work well.  It's a fact that we would have to agree with.  A point made that can't be denied.  As for 5k "yer right" but hope so.

# of deletes per month has been down.
# of new accounts has been up
% of players converting from free accounts to paying is substantial up.average number of hours player per person is up.
I do hope these statements are as valid today as they were when first made but I'll interject further.  Interesting word converting when used in sales jargon.  By it's very nature it means more people buying your product.  The art of selling isn't to "shaft" the punter or "bully" them into purchasing (not implying that's what HTC does just explaining things) it's all about making the customer "HAPPY" to purchase.  Making them think they have made the "RIGHT" decision.  

Surly 10% per month extra conversion should be worth the development in the long term.  Surly conversion tools should be given some priority after spending on TV ad's getting the punter through the door so's to speak.   In layman's terms don't get the punter through the door then implement a "deal prevention" system.  The system should be smooth, comfortable with more reasons to say "YES" than "no".  Then you can work on selling the extras....."would you like fries with that".  After being tuned to the help channel for a number of months I am drawn to the conclusion that "conversions tools" are lacking.

So the answer to your question did the arena split work, I can absolutely state it has worked exceeding well.
Good to hear this and the sooner it's maximised the better for all.  

no where do you even begin to touch upon the real issue of community / peer pressure/ meeting new people.

Speaking, I must reiterate, for myself.  This ain't no bleedin "dating agency".   With the exception of squaddies and friends I'm not to interested in community.   So long as it's policed and folks adhere to certain boundaries I'm more than happy.  I'm not concerned if Joe Blogs got a new car, wife left, mother in law has arrived.  I'm concerned with conduct.  I'm interested in having an unspoilt good evening.  

peer pressure comes across as a bit of a misnomer.  Peer pressure to me means bestowing my will on others but in what regards.   All I can do is lead by example.  I can't make anyone do anything.  I really am perplexed as to what we're referring to here.  Stop gamey watermelon happening ? Black list certain players because of conduct ?  Show new players the way to play ?  Stop diving bombing lancs ? when it's only HTC that can stop that.  Stop foul or obscene language when we have MODS for that.  Stop the hoard rolls when we have mission planner and human nature ?  Stop 40% of your team PERK prowling in the tower at times of reset?  

meeting new people. Tricky one this.  If your a shy and reserved type this ain't happening.  You'll be happy as Larry just playing.  Making in game new friends with like minded goals is just second nature to anyone.  There are only 2 players I really can't stand in game both of which are 200 freaks but I do have the option of squelch or detune 200.  Meeting players  face to face is nice in a blind date-ish way but that doesn't mean I'd be happy socialising with them in an evening.  Personalities may grate.  The only common factor drawing us together is our "INTERACTION" with this game.  I'm not interested in what they think of the Ragan / Thatcher years.  I'm interested in folks abilities within our game whilst adhering to socially accepted boundaries, without hinder to me, others or themselves.

Maybe I'm just insular but I would speculate my views are shared.

So is the current system perfect. Nope nothing is , always looking for ways to do it better.   These are my concerns whether their legitimate is open for interpretation.  Same old maps.  Perk prowlers making ENY counter productive at reset times or capping out an arena.  Dive bombing heavy bombers and lastly newbies that really do need a leg up with an incentive to we can all move along.

But you might as well forget about the idea of going back, because it isn't going to happen.  Get it ? got it ? good !

So straight from the horses mouth single MA....ever.  Well I can live with that as I have done since it was implemented but man I'm getting PO'ed with these small maps.  Maybe I'm facing AH burn out but I'm getting fed up.  Boo Hoo woe is me bleet bleet.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2007, 08:49:09 AM by LYNX »

Offline Kazaa

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« Reply #124 on: July 15, 2007, 09:37:03 AM »
Well, that sums it up then LYNX.

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Offline LYNX

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« Reply #125 on: July 15, 2007, 09:48:00 AM »
Originally posted by Kazaa
Well, that sums it up then LYNX.

which part u refering to---->Boo Hoo woe is me bleet bleet.

or----->But you might as well forget about the idea of going back, because it isn't going to happen.

Hey man here's something interesting.  Stick in one of the older larger terrains off line.  They all have the new terrain 3 spilt VH's new tree's.   The whole new shebang.  Gong to post this in mindanao thread.

Offline The Fugitive

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« Reply #126 on: July 15, 2007, 10:06:42 AM »
Originally posted by LYNX
no where do you even begin to touch upon the real issue of community / peer pressure/ meeting new people.

Speaking, I must reiterate, for myself. This ain't no bleedin "dating agency". With the exception of squaddies and friends I'm not to interested in community. So long as it's policed and folks adhere to certain boundaries I'm more than happy. I'm not concerned if Joe Blogs got a new car, wife left, mother in law has arrived. I'm concerned with conduct. I'm interested in having an unspoilt good evening.

peer pressure comes across as a bit of a misnomer.  Peer pressure to me means bestowing my will on others but in what regards.   All I can do is lead by example.  I can't make anyone do anything.  I really am perplexed as to what we're referring to here.  Stop gamey watermelon happening ? Black list certain players because of conduct ?  Show new players the way to play ?  Stop diving bombing lancs ? when it's only HTC that can stop that.  Stop foul or obscene language when we have MODS for that.  Stop the hoard rolls when we have mission planner and human nature ?  Stop 40% of your team PERK prowling in the tower at times of reset?  

meeting new people. Tricky one this.  If your a shy and reserved type this ain't happening.  You'll be happy as Larry just playing.  Making in game new friends with like minded goals is just second nature to anyone.  There are only 2 players I really can't stand in game both of which are 200 freaks but I do have the option of squelch or detune 200.  Meeting players  face to face is nice in a blind date-ish way but that doesn't mean I'd be happy socialising with them in an evening.  Personalities may grate.  The only common factor drawing us together is our "INTERACTION" with this game.  I'm not interested in what they think of the Ragan / Thatcher years.  I'm interested in folks abilities within our game whilst adhering to socially accepted boundaries, without hinder to me, others or themselves.


I'm not going to comment much on the numbers, because first, HTC is not going to update everyone on their numbers. Its private info, and I respect that. I have logged on recently, and seen both MA's at the max 450 cap. While I can't say for certain, I thinking that puts the numbers close to 1000 on line.

The "community / peer pressure/ meeting new people" is the biggest reason the arenas were split. By community / peer pressure/ meeting new people I don't think HTC was talking about a dating service :)

Community is building now, you get more "friendly" banter across countries now, more "salutes" more people talking about fights and how to improve "next time" than you did in the old single MA setup.

Peer pressure, I think what is meant here is more along the lines of "doing what everyone else does" In the old setup it was join the horde ! Everyone is steam rolling this base, I'm going to do that too. This was happening way too much. Its better now, but still has a way to go. Peer pressure now dictates that you must milkrun to get a high rank and score. I think keeping the scoring the way it is would be ok, a lot of people "worry" about score, but the ranking system is too much and easily "gamed". Maybe a fighter, bomber, and a GV rank, per arena, based on kills and/or damage to time logged on.  This way a guy that flys 10 hours a month with 10 kills, would be ranked close to the guy who flys 100 hours a month with 100 kills.

The meeting new people, doesn't mean a dating service, nor does it only mean the people you fly with like your squad. It also means those you fly against. With the smaller arenas it is much easier to run into the same enemy and strike up a rivalry, the same with squads butting heads. There use to be some great squad rivalry's in the old days before the numbers started to climb. Hopefully that comes back.

I think HTC spoiled everyone with the frequent updates. A new map now and then, new 3D cockpit updates, tweaks in graphics, and the occasional new plane/GV . With so much time spent on TOD/CT this area has suffered the most. I can't what till that is finally on line. Will I use it much, most likely not, but at least they might get back to tweaking the game.

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« Reply #127 on: July 15, 2007, 10:31:02 AM »
I have logged on recently, and seen both MA's at the max 450 cap. While I can't say for certain, I thinking that puts the numbers close to 1000 on line.

Thanks for this.  I'll have to pull an all nighter and check it out.

you get more "friendly" banter across countries now, more "salutes" more people talking about fights and how to improve "next time" than you did in the old single MA setup.

I think we'll have to accept our differences here.  My experience of 200 is counter to yours.  I'm just surprised more folks ain't MOD'ed.:rolleyes:

The meeting new people, doesn't mean a dating service, nor does it only mean the people you fly with like your squad. It also means those you fly against. With the smaller arenas it is much easier to run into the same enemy and strike up a rivalry, the same with squads butting heads. There use to be some great squad rivalry's in the old days before the numbers started to climb. Hopefully that comes back.

I accept your point it's just some squads are more prevailing to capture than to getting even:D

Anyways chap thank you for your time but may I pose 1 more question.  Would, in your opinion, the numbers we have today support the use of larger maps in both MA's.

Offline Guppy35

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« Reply #128 on: July 15, 2007, 10:52:05 AM »
Originally posted by Anyone
well said... HTC just doesnt get it.


And it's this kind of idiotic comment that really cracks me up.

HTC has the information on numbers, account growth, you name it, but one guy with an opinion somehow can decide that HTC isn't running their business correctly.

If you can do it better, design your own so everyone can move to your perfect world.

As near as I can tell, these guys have had a hand in all the successful online flight sims and at this point have the most successful flight sim going.

But you're right.  HTC just doesn't get it.:rolleyes:
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« Reply #129 on: July 15, 2007, 10:57:27 AM »
Originally posted by LYNX
I have logged on recently, and seen both MA's at the max 450 cap. While I can't say for certain, I thinking that puts the numbers close to 1000 on line.

Thanks for this.  I'll have to pull an all nighter and check it out.
Keep in mind that the numbers during the summer do not equal the numbers during winter. Typically more people play games in the winter months of the year in the US, when the weathers better people are out doing other things.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bring Back The MA
« Reply #130 on: July 15, 2007, 11:22:46 AM »
Originally posted by Yknurd
What 'destroyed' the MA was the pervasive culture of the MA itself. The snake ate its own tail, if you will allow the metaphor. Hitech has been extremely concise about it (which is rather interesting and humorous given his spelling).

Perhaps your fun is among the faceless horde? Perhaps it's you who sucks (and is now whining) because you can't hack when you aren't lost among fifty plus pilots.

Perhaps you weren't around when the maximum amount of players in the MA during peak US times (say, Friday or Saturday night) was 120. It was very different back then, and certainly more enjoyable than a massive, faceless, irreverent sea of unintelligible, homogeneous lemmings that overwhelm their opponents by sheer numbers. You may enjoy that, call it fun or honorable or 'real furballers' or call it Barbara for all I care, but many felt that this wasn't healthy for the game or the community, including HTC.

I would love to quote ALL of Drunky's posts on this subject so far because they all speak volumes of truth and directly point out the obvious ... but I will highlight what I think was the most telling passage so far in any of his posts.

Drunky ... u need a drink ? ... cause I am buying ... Guppy, u want one too ?

Oh ... and those who speak of Drex and Levi ... Drex left long ago when the MA started its intial stages of saturation and Levi left during the saturation when it reached critical mass ... and the main reason IMO probably being ... the "community" feel that Dan spoke of, was gone.

Put your 2 LW MAs together, I could care less ... just leave EW and MW out of it ... cause us SUCKY pilots need somewhere to hide from all those LW leet pilots ... :rofl
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« Reply #131 on: July 15, 2007, 11:28:03 AM »
:aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok  please...with sugar on top :D

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« Reply #132 on: July 15, 2007, 12:17:02 PM »
Originally posted by Guppy35
And it's this kind of idiotic comment that really cracks me up.

HTC has the information on numbers, account growth, you name it, but one guy with an opinion somehow can decide that HTC isn't running their business correctly.

If you can do it better, design your own so everyone can move to your perfect world.

As near as I can tell, these guys have had a hand in all the successful online flight sims and at this point have the most successful flight sim going.

But you're right.  HTC just doesn't get it.:rolleyes:

thats the same comment people make about maps..... if you dont like the maps, make your own...

im paying for a game, im not paying to MAKE the game.

the comment was aimed at the reply... which is why i said "i dont think HTC gets it", because it has removed SOOOO much from the game. Read the post i was replyin to.

it wasnt a blanket across the board "htc doesnt get it" post you make it out to....

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Re: Bring Back the MA!
« Reply #133 on: July 15, 2007, 12:17:43 PM »
Originally posted by GunnerCAF

We vote every time we fly.  If the next time you logged in, you saw the following selections, where would most people be flying?

MA (Large Map)
A vs A (Large Historic Map)
Late War (Small Map)
Mid War (Small Map)
Early War (Small Map)

HT made all these, it is no slam on HT, just what most people like best.

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Offline Guppy35

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« Reply #134 on: July 15, 2007, 12:41:17 PM »
Originally posted by Anyone
thats the same comment people make about maps..... if you dont like the maps, make your own...

im paying for a game, im not paying to MAKE the game.

the comment was aimed at the reply... which is why i said "i dont think HTC gets it", because it has removed SOOOO much from the game. Read the post i was replyin to.

it wasnt a blanket across the board "htc doesnt get it" post you make it out to....

Yep you are paying for the game as HTC presents it.  You power is in whether you pay to play or not.

Clearly HTC has more people playing to play the game now then they ever have.  

The mass exodous that was predicted at the time of the arena changes hasn't happened.  Sure some folks left, but they've been replaced by a lot more folks.

And the nature of any of the Flight Sims has been a constant change in people.  There are very few of us who have been around for the long haul.
I wonder how many guys are left from the early days of this board or AH overall.  I doubt it's a very large percentage of the player base.

Change is part of the deal.  You accept it and help make it work or you move on.

I'd also ask how much have you contributed to the game and the community.  There are guys who make maps.  They pay that same 15 bucks a month,.  There are skinners.  There are the guys who design Scenarios or help with special events.  Think of the AvA staff, the Mods, the Trainers, the Snapshot guys etc.

They pay that same 15 bucks a month.  What are you doing to make this game better?
« Last Edit: July 15, 2007, 12:44:13 PM by Guppy35 »
8th FS "Headhunters