Author Topic: How many here are "long-timers".  (Read 22535 times)

Offline Knite

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Re: How many here are "long-timers".
« Reply #405 on: May 11, 2010, 01:44:03 PM »
I've been playing AH on and off since Beta. Never even knew a game like this existed before then. I've gone by a couple of different names, but don't even remember them all, so I can't look at the old stats. haha. I know there was SkyKnite, and at least 2 others...

Used to make me laugh in Beta when you'd capture a field by getting troops on the field itself, and the aircraft would have no structural integrity problems. I'd love diving in from 8k, hit 350+ in a goon, and drop all my troopies underneath a furball (often while doing a loop, and only when a goon was asked for mind you). Couple of times folks called me "the Crazy Goon" for that little manuever.


39th FS "Cobra In The Clouds"

I'm basically here to lower the 39th's score :P