Author Topic: Skyrock, heres that film of the 'ho'  (Read 10505 times)

Offline PanzerIV

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Skyrock, heres that film of the 'ho'
« Reply #30 on: July 24, 2007, 12:25:25 PM »
this thread is funny, except the attacking of Skyrocks family, thats kinda........................ .................well........ .you....know........

Offline Krusty

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Skyrock, heres that film of the 'ho'
« Reply #31 on: July 24, 2007, 12:27:43 PM »
To reply to masher: I never said "sad" I said unacceptable to go off on rants/tirades on ch.200. Even rants/tirades in PM is unacceptable. When I said I PM folks every blue moon, it's not a rant or tyrade, so that doesn't apply.

Offline SlapShot

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Skyrock, heres that film of the 'ho'
« Reply #32 on: July 24, 2007, 12:30:06 PM »
Originally posted by Atoon
I never attacked your family, read it again, maybe a lil slower so the words sink in.


hmmm ...

Originally posted by Atoon
Im sure your family is pleased you spend all yer time "owning" AH. They prolly like yer personality as much as the rest of us and appreciate that your not bothering them during the 10 or so hours a day you play.

As far as I can see it ... you did bring his "family" into the conversation and not in a favorable light ... out of bounds in my book too.
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Offline SkyRock

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Skyrock, heres that film of the 'ho'
« Reply #33 on: July 24, 2007, 12:34:24 PM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
I probable was flaming him using the old, HO, rant, but I dont think he wants an even fight.

That's the part I don't get ... seriously ... you got shot down, and according to you it wasn't an HO, so why throw out a "rant" ? What does it accomplish ... outside of this totally ghey thread, or a diarrheal diatribe on 200.

Mark, I think you are too good of a pilot to have to resort to this. I tell ya, Leviathn who, in my era, is the best pilot in all of Aces High, NEVER EVER ranted on 200 ... if he got shot down, he would simply send a salute or a "nice shot" and then move on and kill everyone in his sights ... he was confident enough in his abilities to not have to "rant" on 200 to try and explain away his momentary shortcoming which lead to his death.

I don't care who you are ... you WILL eventually get killed and it won't always be by someone as good or better than you ... and when they kill you, you do just like Guppy and the rest of us do ... get a new plane and "git 'er done".

I'll say it one more time ... Mark, I think you are too good of a pilot to have to resort to this.

Slap, you know I only want a good fight.  I salute good fights, I do however use the 200 ch to start them, and I do find that I enjoy it very much.  Now, I can't view the film, so I am just going to have to wait for someone to post it in a way that I can view it.  I have already stated, that I do get caught up in the "200 pik a fight" a little much and would rather just meet the guy for a fair fight.  I even admitted that I could be wrong even though I haven't even seen the film yet.  I have been in the wrong too many times to count on numerous occasions!  Very rarely do I post films on the bbs, and I only do it as a last resort.   On the other hand, this guy wants a fight(or at least by posting this film one would think he does), but is not willing to actually go and set some up.  It tells me much about him.  

Now, I know Lev is one of the great stiks and he was not known for insulting people on 200, but if you talk to me like he never insulted people, then you're barking up the wrong tree.  I do not care to be Lev, I am very  happy being SkyRock!

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Offline Guppy35

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Skyrock, heres that film of the 'ho'
« Reply #34 on: July 24, 2007, 12:36:26 PM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
I probable was flaming him using the old, HO, rant, but I dont think he wants an even fight.

That's the part I don't get ... seriously ... you got shot down, and according to you it wasn't an HO, so why throw out a "rant" ? What does it accomplish ... outside of this totally ghey thread, or a diarrheal diatribe on 200.

Mark, I think you are too good of a pilot to have to resort to this. I tell ya, Leviathn who, in my era, is the best pilot in all of Aces High, NEVER EVER ranted on 200 ... if he got shot down, he would simply send a salute or a "nice shot" and then move on and kill everyone in his sights ... he was confident enough in his abilities to not have to "rant" on 200 to try and explain away his momentary shortcoming which lead to his death.

I don't care who you are ... you WILL eventually get killed and it won't always be by someone as good or better than you ... and when they kill you, you do just like Guppy and the rest of us do ... get a new plane and "git 'er done".

I'll say it one more time ... Mark, I think you are too good of a pilot to have to resort to this.

Gotta go with Slapshot on this one.

I have no doubt that the Mark behind the Skyrock is a good man.  And Skyrock is too good a pilot to have to run the mouth on 200.  

We spend a lot of time howling on thise boards or on 200 about squeakers and newbies.  I'm of the opinion, pounded into me by my flight sim 'elders' that part of my responsibility is to help pass on the game.  How we present ourselves makes a differenece in how the latest wave of players will handle themselves.

I know that teacher part of Skyrock is there and shares the wealth.  The 200 rants takes away from that part in my opinion.  Skyrock is a very visible part of the community and good or  bad leaves an impression on how it should be played.
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Stampf

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Skyrock, heres that film of the 'ho'
« Reply #35 on: July 24, 2007, 12:39:10 PM »
Not everyone cared for the way Mohammed Ali promoted himself either.  I,ve never had a problem with Skyrock, and this whole thread stinks of childish envy.
- Der Wander Zirkus -
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Offline SlapShot

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Skyrock, heres that film of the 'ho'
« Reply #36 on: July 24, 2007, 12:43:20 PM »
Originally posted by SkyRock
Slap, you know I only want a good fight.  I salute good fights, I do however use the 200 ch to start them, and I do find that I enjoy it very much.  Now, I can't view the film, so I am just going to have to wait for someone to post it in a way that I can view it.  I have already stated, that I do get caught up in the "200 pik a fight" a little much and would rather just meet the guy for a fair fight.  I even admitted that I could be wrong even though I haven't even seen the film yet.  I have been in the wrong too many times to count on numerous occasions!  Very rarely do I post films on the bbs, and I only do it as a last resort.   On the other hand, this guy wants a fight(or at least by posting this film one would think he does), but is not willing to actually go and set some up.  It tells me much about him.  

Now, I know Lev is one of the great stiks and he was not known for insulting people on 200, but if you talk to me like he never insulted people, then you're barking up the wrong tree.  I do not care to be Lev, I am very  happy being SkyRock!

NEVER EVER did I see Lev insult anyone. Don't want you to be Lev (one WoW fairy is enough) ... just my thoughts and advise ... simply that ... take it or leave it.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Offline Masherbrum

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Skyrock, heres that film of the 'ho'
« Reply #37 on: July 24, 2007, 12:45:53 PM »
Originally posted by Krusty
To reply to masher: I never said "sad" I said unacceptable to go off on rants/tirades on ch.200. Even rants/tirades in PM is unacceptable. When I said I PM folks every blue moon, it's not a rant or tyrade, so that doesn't apply.
It does apply, yer trying to make "it work for you".  It doesn't work that way.

You said:  "
Originally posted by Krusty
I admit I might PM pilots once in a while (rarely) if they piss me off with their timidness or whatever, but rarely will I just go off on them, and not on ch.200 (not even back when I tuned to it). It's just not acceptable, no matter who does it, IMO.
You state that you WILL PM someone if "they piss you off".   You have just thrown whatever argument you may have had, out the window.    

Believe it or not, one thing I have NEVER done, is PM someone in an "un-friendly manner".
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Offline SlapShot

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Skyrock, heres that film of the 'ho'
« Reply #38 on: July 24, 2007, 12:46:31 PM »
Originally posted by Stampf
Not everyone cared for the way Mohammed Ali promoted himself either.  I,ve never had a problem with Skyrock, and this whole thread stinks of childish envy.

Ali and his "promoting" was all about money and marketing ... now if SkyRock is making money at this ... then I retract all that I have said. Somehow I don't think that I will have to post a retraction anytime soon.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Offline Guppy35

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Skyrock, heres that film of the 'ho'
« Reply #39 on: July 24, 2007, 12:49:16 PM »
Originally posted by SkyRock
Slap, you know I only want a good fight.  I salute good fights, I do however use the 200 ch to start them, and I do find that I enjoy it very much.  Now, I can't view the film, so I am just going to have to wait for someone to post it in a way that I can view it.  I have already stated, that I do get caught up in the "200 pik a fight" a little much and would rather just meet the guy for a fair fight.  I even admitted that I could be wrong even though I haven't even seen the film yet.  I have been in the wrong too many times to count on numerous occasions!  Very rarely do I post films on the bbs, and I only do it as a last resort.   On the other hand, this guy wants a fight(or at least by posting this film one would think he does), but is not willing to actually go and set some up.  It tells me much about him.  

Now, I know Lev is one of the great stiks and he was not known for insulting people on 200, but if you talk to me like he never insulted people, then you're barking up the wrong tree.  I do not care to be Lev, I am very  happy being SkyRock!

You'd have to know Todd a little bit to know he wasn't a mouth on 200.  He's an old Nomad from the AW days and that was always part of the deal. how we presented ourselves was important.

I don't recall ever seeing Lev run his mouth anywhere.

As for Vulcan.  You loudly accused him of HO'ing you and there isn't even a front quarter shot on the film.  You are a 51 and his a 16.  he's tailing you and you turn into him a number of times.  He doesn't shoot at those times but waits to get the angle.

I'm not sure how he's looking for a fight by refuting what you are clearly saying on 200.  LOL Mark he could have accused you of running a couple times in it and didn't.  He waited for you to reengage and stuck with you.

The plane match wasn't in your favor low and slow and it cost ya.  But who cares right since you get a new plane :)
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Krusty

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Skyrock, heres that film of the 'ho'
« Reply #40 on: July 24, 2007, 12:53:28 PM »
Masher: I said I will PM them. I never said or implied or hinted that I was ranting at them in my PMs, the way certain others (in this thread) have been acused of.

Offline Stampf

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Skyrock, heres that film of the 'ho'
« Reply #41 on: July 24, 2007, 12:57:14 PM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
Ali and his "promoting" was all about money and marketing ... now if SkyRock is making money at this ... then I retract all that I have said. Somehow I don't think that I will have to post a retraction anytime soon.

All true Slap, and you will never find myself on 200 or PMing anyone with anything other than a greeting from the enemy side, or a good natured discussion about an encounter.  Maybe I'm not qualified to speak on the topic because of those reasons, but I wanted to stress my personal dealings with SR, while limited, have never been negative to the point of bringing someones family into a discussion.  SR is an antagonist.  Every fight has one.  Sure, his ability doesn't merit behavior that some report, but unlike some people who engage in it just to be an arse, or because they can't hack it in the cartoon skies, SR will duel anyone.
- Der Wander Zirkus -
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Offline Krusty

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Skyrock, heres that film of the 'ho'
« Reply #42 on: July 24, 2007, 01:07:56 PM »
[EDIT: Just to clarify, before I draw more heat than I deserve, I think SR's outbursts are unacceptable, but the second half is more aimed at the folks bashing atoon, and pointing out why they shouldn't, not related to the comments atoon made that drew such wrath]

"Some people who engage in it just to be an arse"...

I think you just described SR's problem there....

He engages in it (unjustified, as this case has pointed out) just to be an arse. It doesn't matter if he wins or loses, he's still an arse about it. At this point skill doesn't matter. He's just being a jerk. I think that's why he gets so much "attention"...

Another matter:

If somebody IS so anti-social, and such a bad personality, it's not much of a stretch of the imagination to think that nobody wants to have anything to do with him, even his family members or friends.

That's not "dragging his family into it" per se, but rather driving home the point like saying "When he was a kid his momma had to tie a porkchop around his neck just to get the dog to play with him!" -- it's not about the momma, the dog, or the porkchop.

So to me that was not "dragging his family into it" -- a silly notion. Mention of them was secondary to the point: The people he knows are probably happy he's being a jerk online, rather than to them.

Had to back atoon up on his "never dragged family into it" point. The rest he's on his own, but don't rag on him for insulting SRs family, because he did not.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2007, 01:12:37 PM by Krusty »

Offline SlapShot

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Skyrock, heres that film of the 'ho'
« Reply #43 on: July 24, 2007, 01:15:14 PM »
Originally posted by Krusty
"Some people who engage in it just to be an arse"...

I think you just described SR's problem there....

He engages in it (unjustified, as this case has pointed out) just to be an arse. It doesn't matter if he wins or loses, he's still an arse about it. At this point skill doesn't matter. He's just being a jerk. I think that's why he gets so much "attention"...

Another matter:

If somebody IS so anti-social, and such a bad personality, it's not much of a stretch of the imagination to think that nobody wants to have anything to do with him, even his family members or friends.

That's not "dragging his family into it" per se, but rather driving home the point like saying "When he was a kid his momma had to tie a porkchop around his neck just to get the dog to play with him!" -- it's not about the momma, the dog, or the porkchop.

So to me that was not "dragging his family into it" -- a silly notion. Mention of them was secondary to the point: The people he knows are probably happy he's being a jerk online, rather than to them.

Had to back atoon up on his "never dragged family into it" point. The rest he's on his own, but don't rag on him for insulting SRs family, because he did not.

He insulted SR by using his "family" ... come one Krusty ... as my Grandma would say ... "You can't con a conner".

We all know what his intentions were and as far as I am concered, in the context, it was out of bounds ... YMMV.
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Offline SlapShot

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Skyrock, heres that film of the 'ho'
« Reply #44 on: July 24, 2007, 01:17:31 PM »
Originally posted by Stampf
All true Slap, and you will never find myself on 200 or PMing anyone with anything other than a greeting from the enemy side, or a good natured discussion about an encounter.  Maybe I'm not qualified to speak on the topic because of those reasons, but I wanted to stress my personal dealings with SR, while limited, have never been negative to the point of bringing someones family into a discussion.  SR is an antagonist.  Every fight has one.  Sure, his ability doesn't merit behavior that some report, but unlike some people who engage in it just to be an arse, or because they can't hack it in the cartoon skies, SR will duel anyone.

Personally ... I have never had a problem with SR in the game or here on the BBS ... I was just trying to help ... because I like him.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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