The Deltas that allow you to tie the river tiles into the ocean.
I have figured out what was wron with Delta 6.
Here it is in the terrain editor.
I exported delta6 from the OE as a .ac file then opened it in AC3D
and in the Hiarchy view window I switched the objects 'tex0' and 'tex1'
so that 'tex1' was on top of 'tex0' then saved the file and re imported it
into the object editor, then placed it in the terrain editor and built my test map and ran a pt boat from the ocean thu the delta right up the river.
Here is a short video of the map....
Ignore the song...ll sorry just loved that song since I've been knee high to a grasshopper.
Delta to river Sorry Nhawk did not intend to hijack your thread just got all excited
when I got the delta to work...