side step? indeed sir it is not a side step but a poor comparison on your part.
how can one possibly compare the taking of an american human life to the natural tendenicies in a breed of dog?
if you are asking me if I think it is a good custom to perform an honor killing I already responded to that in the affirmative provided it was done in their own land. that custom is not unique to just the moslem. in the north east of brasil if a man catches his wife in act of committing adultery and kills the lovers he will not be charged for the slaying.
in america if a black man who is a celebrity murders two people the man will aquitted by jury nullification.
if a black man who is a celebrity fights his dogs the entire nation wants his head on a pike.
the values are a bit off and from what you post it seems that the moral decay from europe and america is striking your half trousered paradise.