Originally posted by Eagler
I find it funny and sick that some in this thread are arguing for the right to fight dogs and chickens ...
what's wrong with you ppl, are you inbred or something?
here you go storch & scotlvr, just good fun eh?
Yea know Why don't you go to Asia or South East Asia and have dinner sometime!!!!! I'm not talking the big cities..I'm talking the small farm villages where your eating a delicious dinner and there isn't a cow or pig to be found but your eating meat!!
Go take your fight to them and tell them a 300 + years of culture and their way of doing things are wrong!!!
My reason for posting was to defend those that was brought up that way and give them a voice and defend their thinking! Do I agree with it?NO!!! I have my own dogs, a Doberman, a Rot and a Bull Mastiff. Do I understand what my dogs was breed for? YES!!! Would I EVER intentionally use them for that? NO!!
But it's my choice and right to do what I ever want to with them! If I want to turn them into big sissys,like they are, I can! If I want to turn them into killing machines..I CAN!!! Just like its your choice and right to disagree with me and train your pets to be the way YOU want them!!! Don't force your opinions and beliefs on me because you think I'm wrong and your right!
I have a Right guaranteed by a piece of paper to do as I please as long as I don't break any laws or infringe on any other HUMAN BEINGS RIGHTS!!!! I think freedom of beliefs and speech are the 2 most important ones and I BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE TELLING ME I'M WRONG OR F-UPPED IS INFRENGEING ON MY BELIEFS!!!!!! YOUR ENTITLED TO YOUR BELIEFS DON'T TELL ME I'M WRONG FOR MINE!!!!!!!
Shake your head understand my beliefs and move on! Don't beat a dead horse! Mr. Vick broke Federal law and should be banned from football and spend time in jail!