Originally posted by Easyscor
AI convoys running down a 24 mile track built into the terrain, ending at a Port. - yes
17 convoys per track running 10 minutes apart at ~8 mph. - yes, although I would use only half;
Random (but mild) zig zag pattern to the convoy path down the track. - yes
Total transit time ~180 min for each convoy. - yes
6 AI ships in each convoy, 102 low poly ships per track. - yes
Each convoy with 1 to 2 AI ack ah la the Trains + 1 Flack gun. - yes, not so lethal as in trains - wich I wish to be removed completely - and a mannable Flak/Bofors.
Convoys to Ports affect CV reup time. - oh, yes
Port rebuild unchanged from current. - yes
36 convoy ships per hour arrive at the port if unmolested. - yes, but could be less...
Dead CVs don't start to resupply/rebuild until a hardened convoy ship arrives but only 1 ship is needed for the new CV. - yes
Convoys have special small Icons for "tower", with clipboard toggle option. - yes
No visible "base numbers". - yes
Convoys can spawn manned DEs with depth charges (DC hereafter) and PTs with DC option. - I think this would not be necessary, make DEs escort the convoy automatically as they do now in TGs;
DE Gun positions selected per GVs and Bombers. - also I feel it would not be necessary, already have automatic AAA + 1 manned position in the merchant ships;
Alternately a standard fixed DE capable of hurtling depth charges 2x torp range. - yes and no...DC modelling might be overkill, can't really say...We want to sink the convoy, don't we?
Option: Add Emily with DC or... DC option to… TBM? - yes, if DCs modelled, meanwhile, a rocket salvo or a direct hit with a 250lbs when surfaced or a direct hit with a 500lbs bomb when at periscope depth should be enough to sink a submarine.
So, basically, I agree with everything, having only small differences about the convoy defenses. Would the merchant ships be too hard to model?