Author Topic: Operation Cartwheel Final Scores  (Read 1405 times)

Offline Virage

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Operation Cartwheel Final Scores
« Reply #30 on: August 23, 2007, 01:53:07 PM »
Originally posted by Joker312

Take a moment and think about your position. After you do that, if you still feel its necessary to to put silly thoughts to typed words, then I wish you only the best.  


I know it wasn't meant to be a joke but I'm still laughing.

That should be a sticky on every forum of this board!


Offline DmdJJ

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Operation Cartwheel Final Scores
« Reply #31 on: August 23, 2007, 04:09:02 PM »
Originally posted by Kermit de frog
A typo on my part allowed too many squads to up with a6m5bs. I realized this at the start, but decided to go with it,  

So you knew you were breaking the FSO set up but went ahead with it anyway. That shows no class whatsoever. Hopefully the CM team will do the right thing after this admission of guilt.
Just so you know why I brought this issue up, revert back to the frame two whining from the Axis that cost the Allies 30 points.
If you live in a glass house..... you know the rest.
"The Damned"
"Damned if we do, no fun if we don't"
FSO Squad 412th FNVG
Target Rebaul-----> VMF-214   Fjord Fury RAF----> 315 Squadron

Offline Kermit de frog

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Operation Cartwheel Final Scores
« Reply #32 on: August 23, 2007, 05:25:14 PM »
Time's fun when you're having flies.

Offline humble

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Operation Cartwheel Final Scores
« Reply #33 on: August 23, 2007, 07:09:46 PM »
Originally posted by DmdJJ
So you knew you were breaking the FSO set up but went ahead with it anyway. That shows no class whatsoever. Hopefully the CM team will do the right thing after this admission of guilt.
Just so you know why I brought this issue up, revert back to the frame two whining from the Axis that cost the Allies 30 points.
If you live in a glass house..... you know the rest.


I for one wasn't "whinning" at all.

1) I agree with you that to many A6M5's were upped....
2) Kermit was wrong...
3) As Kermit stated it was an ERROR and originally a TYPO not preconcieved
4) He SHOULD have corrected it
5) It's not really a big deal....

Now to me your arbitrary decision in frame two was more detrimental since its blatent freelancing. As someone else mentioned here they're was alot of "freelancing" in this FSO. I know in frame 3 we hit the cruiser fleet unapposed. One assigned squad got caught up en route (understandable) but the other apparently just decided it didnt want to.

You seem to be a pretty big hypocrite here? Kermit makes a typo and fails to correct his oversight and thats a bigger issue then you blatently disregarding orders for your squad because you just decide you have no chance to accomplish your mission:rofl

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson

Offline DmdJJ

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Operation Cartwheel Final Scores
« Reply #34 on: August 23, 2007, 07:52:51 PM »
Originally posted by humble
You seem to be a pretty big hypocrite here? Kermit makes a typo and fails to correct his oversight and thats a bigger issue then you blatently disregarding orders for your squad because you just decide you have no chance to accomplish your mission:rofl

Once again you run your mouth without any of the correct facts. I was ordered by my squad CO to drop ords and go into an offensive/defensive mode. I then returned to the CV to rearm, but hit the prop on the CV deck on takeoff. Can't fly without the fan in the front spinning.
"The Damned"
"Damned if we do, no fun if we don't"
FSO Squad 412th FNVG
Target Rebaul-----> VMF-214   Fjord Fury RAF----> 315 Squadron

Offline Kermit de frog

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Operation Cartwheel Final Scores
« Reply #35 on: August 23, 2007, 09:43:51 PM »
Let's just calm down.  No need to get angry at anyone.

I've already been clear as to my thinking and cleared up any future rumors of squads flying whatever they want, which is untrue.

As stated before, I expect a penalty.  If I were to have an agenda, it would probably be to make the final score NOT my number 1 priority.  I'd like to believe it would be to follow the rules first and make sure each squad has a great chance at success in their mission and fun, without screwing over the opposing team.

I wrote the orders with the above intentions.  If I had to recreate friday night again, I'd have had 5 less a6m5Bs only because more B5N's would have been needed.  If I had to redo last week, I'd have proof read my orders before sending them out.

Joker, I did not know you were trying to reason with me.  The post regard me having a "not good excuse" was nice.  Then your next post was insulting.  Just thought I'd let you know that.

I feel the lesson I need to learn is to make sure orders are proof read by another first.  It was already talked about and decided amoung my squadmates on friday.  Let's have some more respect around here on the FSO boards.  I feel this problem has been identified, analyzed, and solved

Let's see what the CM's say...
Time's fun when you're having flies.

Offline humble

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Operation Cartwheel Final Scores
« Reply #36 on: August 23, 2007, 10:09:04 PM »
Originally posted by DmdJJ
Once again you run your mouth without any of the correct facts. I was ordered by my squad CO to drop ords and go into an offensive/defensive mode. I then returned to the CV to rearm, but hit the prop on the CV deck on takeoff. Can't fly without the fan in the front spinning.

And your squad CO aborted the mission on what authority. In the real world if that conduct didn't get you shot it would certainly draw permanent assignment to a DLM in the Aleutian Islands.  I think the facts were posted very honestly...the CO felt that surprise was blown and he had little chance for success so he pickled his ords and went after the Kates. I also commented that in the real world its not unreasonable that the Fleet admiral might not order that...on the other hand if other planes are inbound and he takes hits then his only offensive option is your strike group. Historically strikes were pressed against tough odds and losses were historically high. While the decision wasn't illogical it was inappropriate to game play.

I'm fascinated that so much attention has been drawn to how many A6M5's were up in frame 2 or 3. To me there is little functional difference vs anything in the allied set (outside of the P-40). I do however readily acknowledge that the numbers were abused (for sure in frame 3) and that a violation clearly occured...I just question the impact. A pilot who feels that a "5" will serve him better then a "2" is already a dead man rolling.

From my perspective it was a great FSO to come back to and I'm looking forward to the next one. Plane type limitations should be adhered to and squads should fly the briefed mission profiles unless altered by the respective command authority on each side...just that simple.

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson

Offline Sled

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Operation Cartwheel Final Scores
« Reply #37 on: August 23, 2007, 11:07:17 PM »
Alright you guys settle down. I don't mind some bickering and arguing in here from time to time, but this horse has been "flogged" so you guys let it go.

Yes there is going to be a penalty, Nef. will announce our decision soon.

Kermit, if you knew this was going to happen then you should have taken steps to prevent it in the final minutes before launch. But you all ready knew that.

DmdJJ, The Allies were penalized in frame 2 for NOT attacking a target in T+60 (not at all AAMOF). "Whining" had nothing to do with it. The CM Team does NOT make decisions based on what players are complaining about. Complaints only equal investigations, not decisions.

I suggest you guys put this energy into practice for the next event. You're going to need it.

~Sled~                 Aces High Special Events
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Offline Nefarious

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« Reply #38 on: August 27, 2007, 07:44:47 PM »
I apologize for the delay.

Looking at the Axis Orders, It was seen that Raw Prawns were ordered to fly A6M5Bs but upon word from Kermit were to fly A6M2s. The fact that this was written in the orders is questionable, as enough A6M5Bs were slotted with other squads already.

The A6M5Bs went over and now we have a penalty for violating the maximum number of A6M5Bs. Upon discussion with SLED we came to the conclusion of subtracting the number of kills achieved by the Raw Prawns, and Shakenbake.

7 Kills totals for a total deduction of 50 Points

3 P-38G = 30
3 TBM-3 = 15
1 F4U-1 = 5

This brings the Final Score of Operation Cartwheel to:

ALLIED: 1755
AXIS: 1780
There must also be a flyable computer available for Nefarious to do FSO. So he doesn't keep talking about it for eight and a half hours on Friday night!

Offline Finn

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Operation Cartwheel Final Scores
« Reply #39 on: August 27, 2007, 08:26:53 PM »
Rawprawns CO infront of Military Courtmarshall after the war:
"But we were just following orders ..."

Reply from the Judges:
"Your records will be expunged, and all traces of your deeds removed from history!!"

RP's : "Nooooo ....."

Just a note that while he did 'break' the rules, and is now being held by US MP's at an undisclosed location in the Pacific,  Kermit did take the time to work out who hadn't flown the pick/better planes over Frames 1/2 and tried to give squads who had missed out a chance in frame 3.

So thank-you Kermit for being a thoughtful (but naughty) Frame Commander, an IJN Officer who really does think about his pilots well-being. (sniffle ... eyes all misting up).

Good fun and "hat's off" to fellow pilots, the various Frame CO's and the CM Team.

Raw Prawns
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Offline Verbal

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« Reply #40 on: August 28, 2007, 01:22:27 PM »
Not that my opinion matters much, seeing as i have only flown in maybe 3 missions all together, i write orders regularly. I work in an operations cell in a MP Co. And mistakes do happen. In the translation from warning orders to battle plans to fragos, things happen. I think an error was made, the man responsible stood up an made himself souley accountable. The OIC made the punishment call, and a decission was made. I like to know that this was handeled properly through the FSO chain of command, and cant wait to fly the next scenerio

allies for the fight! axis for the flight!

(man i need spell check!)