Well let me start my reply by saying and thanks to the people here that
do not stereo type people from New Orleans and South Louisiana
after the Natural Disaster that accured, because of the bad apples
and inbreds you only see in the "Media".
And yes I will probablly misspell a few words in this.
And to the idiots that do stereo type, I have one phrase for you but since it has no
place in these forums I'll leave you to your own conclusions.
I lived in Washington Parish 70 miles due North of New Orleans and have and
had relitives in the City none of which lived in section 8 or government housing,
All having and had been paying insurance premiums for 30+ years,
"Sorry but your claim is not covered it was a flood, an act of God"
When in fact it was not the act of God "the hurricane it's self" that
caused the devistation it was the neglected and improplely built
levee's that failed "Man made dissaster" look up the facts instead
of believing every thing you hear, see, and read in the "Media"
Death, Distruction, and dissaster boosts ratings and sells news papers.
And when you speak of New Orleans and south Louisiana direct your anger
and slander to the ones deserving of it, and not the the area as a whole.
1/3 of the countries natural gas supply comes from or thru there,
Agricultural goods come from the northern states down the Mississippi
River to New Orleans to be shipped out, not to mention the millions of
tons of other goods. There are honest and decent people working
in that area that lost every thing.
As for me here's my story.
Remember I was 70 miles Due North of New Orleans, and only 18 miles
due west of my house winds where recorded at 125 mph.
As a result of Katrina a year and a half later I lost my home to forclosure
had a vehicle siezed and had to close my business.
Was I working? You bet your arse I was working but if the economy
is broken you just can't make ends meet. Materials get jacked up
in price, gas prices go thru the roof and you feel you can't trust anyone,
you didn't know.
So you try your best to fix things your self with what you have.
Did I ask anyone for anything No, did I beg anyone for anything No,
Did I stay in some one elses house and spounge off them No.
I stayed in my own partially un roofed house and survived with
no running water and no electricity for a month straight with my wife.
Neighbors helped neighbors and we survived.
Did I vote for Mr. "Chocolate City" Nagen, or Mrs. "Deer in the Headlights Blanco"? NO
I have moved on and restarted my life from scratch with my wife and my son,
Did I ask you to help me do that? NO
So don't put me and Many, Many others like me in the same sentence
when you condem people from the area.